from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets import os import math import subprocess import threading from queue import PriorityQueue from . import __base__ class Video: '''Video Component Frame-Fetcher''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): mandatoryArgs = [ 'ffmpeg', # path to ffmpeg, usually core.FFMPEG_BIN 'videoPath', 'width', 'height', 'scale', # percentage scale 'frameRate', # frames per second 'chunkSize', # number of bytes in one frame 'parent', # mainwindow object 'component', # component object ] for arg in mandatoryArgs: try: exec('self.%s = kwargs[arg]' % arg) except KeyError: raise __base__.BadComponentInit(arg, self.__doc__) self.frameNo = -1 self.currentFrame = 'None' if 'loopVideo' in kwargs and kwargs['loopVideo']: self.loopValue = '-1' else: self.loopValue = '0' self.command = [ self.ffmpeg, '-thread_queue_size', '512', '-r', str(self.frameRate), '-stream_loop', self.loopValue, '-i', self.videoPath, '-f', 'image2pipe', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba', '-filter:v', 'scale=%s:%s' % scale( self.scale, self.width, self.height, str), '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-', ] self.frameBuffer = PriorityQueue() self.frameBuffer.maxsize = self.frameRate self.finishedFrames = {} self.thread = threading.Thread( target=self.fillBuffer, name=self.__doc__ ) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def frame(self, num): while True: if num in self.finishedFrames: image = self.finishedFrames.pop(num) return finalizeFrame( self.component, image, self.width, self.height) i, image = self.frameBuffer.get() self.finishedFrames[i] = image self.frameBuffer.task_done() def fillBuffer(self): pipe = subprocess.Popen( self.command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, bufsize=10**8 ) while True: if self.parent.canceled: break self.frameNo += 1 # If we run out of frames, use the last good frame and loop. try: if len(self.currentFrame) == 0: self.frameBuffer.put((self.frameNo-1, self.lastFrame)) continue except AttributeError as e: self.parent.showMessage( msg='%s couldn\'t be loaded. ' 'This is a fatal error.' % os.path.basename( self.videoPath ), detail=str(e), icon='Warning' ) self.parent.stopVideo() break self.currentFrame = if len(self.currentFrame) != 0: self.frameBuffer.put((self.frameNo, self.currentFrame)) self.lastFrame = self.currentFrame class Component(__base__.Component): '''Video''' modified = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, dict) def widget(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.settings = parent.settings page = self.loadUi('video.ui') self.videoPath = '' self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.loopVideo = False page.lineEdit_video.textChanged.connect(self.update) page.pushButton_video.clicked.connect(self.pickVideo) page.checkBox_loop.stateChanged.connect(self.update) page.checkBox_distort.stateChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_scale.valueChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_x.valueChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_y.valueChanged.connect(self.update) = page return page def update(self): self.videoPath = self.loopVideo = self.distort = self.scale = self.xPosition = self.yPosition = self.parent.drawPreview() super().update() def previewRender(self, previewWorker): self.videoFormats = previewWorker.core.videoFormats width = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputHeight')) self.updateChunksize(width, height) frame = self.getPreviewFrame(width, height) if not frame: return self.blankFrame(width, height) else: return frame def preFrameRender(self, **kwargs): super().preFrameRender(**kwargs) width = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputHeight')) self.blankFrame_ = self.blankFrame(width, height) self.updateChunksize(width, height) = Video( ffmpeg=self.parent.core.FFMPEG_BIN, videoPath=self.videoPath, width=width, height=height, chunkSize=self.chunkSize, frameRate=int(self.settings.value("outputFrameRate")), parent=self.parent, loopVideo=self.loopVideo, component=self, scale=self.scale ) if os.path.exists(self.videoPath) else None def frameRender(self, moduleNo, arrayNo, frameNo): if return else: return self.blankFrame_ def loadPreset(self, pr, presetName=None): super().loadPreset(pr, presetName)['video'])['loop'])['distort'])['scale'])['x'])['y']) def savePreset(self): return { 'preset': self.currentPreset, 'video': self.videoPath, 'loop': self.loopVideo, 'distort': self.distort, 'scale': self.scale, 'x': self.xPosition, 'y': self.yPosition, } def pickVideo(self): imgDir = self.settings.value("componentDir", os.path.expanduser("~")) filename, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(, "Choose Video", imgDir, "Video Files (%s)" % " ".join(self.videoFormats) ) if filename: self.settings.setValue("componentDir", os.path.dirname(filename)) self.update() def getPreviewFrame(self, width, height): if not self.videoPath or not os.path.exists(self.videoPath): return command = [ self.parent.core.FFMPEG_BIN, '-thread_queue_size', '512', '-i', self.videoPath, '-f', 'image2pipe', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba', '-filter:v', 'scale=%s:%s' % scale( self.scale, width, height, str), '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-', '-ss', '90', '-vframes', '1', ] pipe = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, bufsize=10**8 ) byteFrame = frame = finalizeFrame(self, byteFrame, width, height) pipe.stdout.close() pipe.kill() return frame def updateChunksize(self, width, height): if self.scale != 100 and not self.distort: width, height = scale(self.scale, width, height, int) self.chunkSize = 4*width*height def command(self, arg): if not arg.startswith('preset=') and '=' in arg: key, arg = arg.split('=', 1) if key == 'path' and os.path.exists(arg): if os.path.splitext(arg)[1] in self.core.videoFormats: return else: print("Not a supported video format") quit(1) super().command(arg) def commandHelp(self): print('Load a video:\n path=/filepath/to/video.mp4') def scale(scale, width, height, returntype=None): width = (float(width) / 100.0) * float(scale) height = (float(height) / 100.0) * float(scale) if returntype == str: return (str(math.ceil(width)), str(math.ceil(height))) elif returntype == int: return (math.ceil(width), math.ceil(height)) else: return (width, height) def finalizeFrame(self, imageData, width, height): try: if self.distort: image = Image.frombytes( 'RGBA', (width, height), imageData) else: image = Image.frombytes( 'RGBA', scale(self.scale, width, height, int), imageData) except ValueError: print( '### BAD VIDEO SELECTED ###\n' 'Video will not export with these settings' ) return self.blankFrame(width, height) if self.scale != 100 \ or self.xPosition != 0 or self.yPosition != 0: frame = self.blankFrame(width, height) frame.paste(image, box=(self.xPosition, self.yPosition)) else: frame = image return frame