from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt import core import numpy import subprocess as sp import sys class Worker(QtCore.QObject): videoCreated = pyqtSignal() progressBarUpdate = pyqtSignal(int) progressBarSetText = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.core = core.Core() self.core.settings = parent.settings self.modules = parent.modules self.stackedWidget = parent.window.stackedWidget parent.videoTask.connect(self.createVideo) @pyqtSlot(str, str, str, list) def createVideo(self, backgroundImage, inputFile, outputFile, components): # print('worker thread id: {}'.format(QtCore.QThread.currentThreadId())) def getBackgroundAtIndex(i): return self.core.drawBaseImage(backgroundFrames[i]) progressBarValue = 0 self.progressBarUpdate.emit(progressBarValue) self.progressBarSetText.emit('Loading background image…') backgroundFrames = self.core.parseBaseImage(backgroundImage) if len(backgroundFrames) < 2: # the base image is not a video so we can draw it now imBackground = getBackgroundAtIndex(0) else: # base images will be drawn while drawing the audio bars imBackground = None self.progressBarSetText.emit('Loading audio file…') completeAudioArray = self.core.readAudioFile(inputFile) # test if user has libfdk_aac encoders = sp.check_output(self.core.FFMPEG_BIN + " -encoders -hide_banner", shell=True) acodec = self.core.settings.value('outputAudioCodec') if b'libfdk_aac' in encoders and acodec == 'aac': acodec = 'libfdk_aac' ffmpegCommand = [ self.core.FFMPEG_BIN, '-y', # (optional) means overwrite the output file if it already exists. '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-s', self.core.settings.value('outputWidth')+'x'+self.core.settings.value('outputHeight'), # size of one frame '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', '-r', self.core.settings.value('outputFrameRate'), # frames per second '-i', '-', # The input comes from a pipe '-an', '-i', inputFile, '-acodec', acodec, # output audio codec '-b:a', self.core.settings.value('outputAudioBitrate'), '-vcodec', self.core.settings.value('outputVideoCodec'), '-pix_fmt', self.core.settings.value('outputVideoFormat'), '-preset', self.core.settings.value('outputPreset'), '-f', self.core.settings.value('outputFormat')] if acodec == 'aac': ffmpegCommand.append('-strict') ffmpegCommand.append('-2') ffmpegCommand.append(outputFile) out_pipe = sp.Popen(ffmpegCommand, stdin=sp.PIPE,stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stdout) # initialize components print('######################## Data') print('loaded components:', ["%s%s" % (num, str(component)) for num, component in enumerate(components)]) staticComponents = {} sampleSize = 1470 for compNo, comp in enumerate(components): properties = None properties = comp.preFrameRender(worker=self, completeAudioArray=completeAudioArray, sampleSize=sampleSize) if properties and 'static' in properties: staticComponents[compNo] = None # create video for output numpy.seterr(divide='ignore') frame = getBackgroundAtIndex(0) bgI = 0 for i in range(0, len(completeAudioArray), sampleSize): newFrame ="RGBA", (int(self.core.settings.value('outputWidth')), int(self.core.settings.value('outputHeight'))),(0,0,0,255)) if imBackground: newFrame.paste(imBackground) else: newFrame.paste(getBackgroundAtIndex(bgI)) # composite all frames returned by the components in order for compNo, comp in enumerate(components): if compNo in staticComponents and staticComponents[compNo] != None: newFrame = Image.alpha_composite(newFrame,staticComponents[compNo]) else: newFrame = Image.alpha_composite(newFrame,comp.frameRender(compNo, i)) if i == 0 and compNo in staticComponents: staticComponents[compNo] = comp.frameRender(compNo, i) if not imBackground: # increment background video frame for next iteration if bgI < len(backgroundFrames)-1: bgI += 1 # write to out_pipe try: frame ="RGB", (int(self.core.settings.value('outputWidth')), int(self.core.settings.value('outputHeight'))),(0,0,0)) frame.paste(newFrame) out_pipe.stdin.write(frame.tobytes()) finally: True # increase progress bar value if progressBarValue + 1 <= (i / len(completeAudioArray)) * 100: progressBarValue = numpy.floor((i / len(completeAudioArray)) * 100) self.progressBarUpdate.emit(progressBarValue) self.progressBarSetText.emit('%s%%' % str(int(progressBarValue))) numpy.seterr(all='print') out_pipe.stdin.close() if out_pipe.stderr is not None: print( out_pipe.stderr.close() # out_pipe.terminate() # don't terminate ffmpeg too early out_pipe.wait() print("Video file created") self.core.deleteTempDir() self.progressBarUpdate.emit(100) self.progressBarSetText.emit('100%') self.videoCreated.emit()