from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets import os import math import subprocess import threading from queue import PriorityQueue from component import Component from toolkit.frame import BlankFrame from toolkit.ffmpeg import testAudioStream from toolkit import openPipe, checkOutput class Video: '''Opens a pipe to ffmpeg and stores a buffer of raw video frames.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): mandatoryArgs = [ 'ffmpeg', # path to ffmpeg, usually self.core.FFMPEG_BIN 'videoPath', 'width', 'height', 'scale', # percentage scale 'frameRate', # frames per second 'chunkSize', # number of bytes in one frame 'parent', # mainwindow object 'component', # component object ] for arg in mandatoryArgs: setattr(self, arg, kwargs[arg]) self.frameNo = -1 self.currentFrame = 'None' if 'loopVideo' in kwargs and kwargs['loopVideo']: self.loopValue = '-1' else: self.loopValue = '0' self.command = [ self.ffmpeg, '-thread_queue_size', '512', '-r', str(self.frameRate), '-stream_loop', self.loopValue, '-i', self.videoPath, '-f', 'image2pipe', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba', '-filter_complex', '[0:v] scale=%s:%s' % scale( self.scale, self.width, self.height, str), '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-', ] self.frameBuffer = PriorityQueue() self.frameBuffer.maxsize = self.frameRate self.finishedFrames = {} self.thread = threading.Thread( target=self.fillBuffer, name=self.__doc__ ) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def frame(self, num): while True: if num in self.finishedFrames: image = self.finishedFrames.pop(num) return finalizeFrame( self.component, image, self.width, self.height) i, image = self.frameBuffer.get() self.finishedFrames[i] = image self.frameBuffer.task_done() def fillBuffer(self): pipe = openPipe( self.command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, bufsize=10**8 ) while True: if self.parent.canceled: break self.frameNo += 1 # If we run out of frames, use the last good frame and loop. try: if len(self.currentFrame) == 0: self.frameBuffer.put((self.frameNo-1, self.lastFrame)) continue except AttributeError as e: self.parent.showMessage( msg='%s couldn\'t be loaded. ' 'This is a fatal error.' % os.path.basename( self.videoPath ), detail=str(e), icon='Warning' ) self.parent.stopVideo() break self.currentFrame = if len(self.currentFrame) != 0: self.frameBuffer.put((self.frameNo, self.currentFrame)) self.lastFrame = self.currentFrame class Component(Component): name = 'Video' version = '1.0.0' def widget(self, *args): self.videoPath = '' self.badVideo = False self.badAudio = False self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.loopVideo = False super().widget(*args) self.trackWidgets( { 'videoPath':, 'loopVideo':, 'useAudio':, 'distort':, 'scale':, 'volume':, 'xPosition':, 'yPosition':, }, presetNames={ 'videoPath': 'video', 'loopVideo': 'loop', 'xPosition': 'x', 'yPosition': 'y', } ) def update(self): if else: super().update() def previewRender(self, previewWorker): width = int(self.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(self.settings.value('outputHeight')) self.updateChunksize(width, height) frame = self.getPreviewFrame(width, height) if not frame: return BlankFrame(width, height) else: return frame def properties(self): # TODO: Disallow selecting the same video you're exporting to props = [] if not self.videoPath or self.badVideo \ or not os.path.exists(self.videoPath): return ['error'] if self.useAudio: props.append('audio') self.testAudioStream() if self.badAudio: return ['error'] return props def error(self): if self.badAudio: return "Could not identify an audio stream in this video." if not self.videoPath: return "There is no video selected." if not os.path.exists(self.videoPath): return "The video selected does not exist!" if self.badVideo: return "The video selected is corrupt!" def testAudioStream(self): self.badAudio = testAudioStream(self.videoPath) def audio(self): params = {} if self.volume != 1.0: params['volume'] = '=%s:replaygain_noclip=0' % str(self.volume) return (self.videoPath, params) def preFrameRender(self, **kwargs): super().preFrameRender(**kwargs) width = int(self.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(self.settings.value('outputHeight')) self.blankFrame_ = BlankFrame(width, height) self.updateChunksize(width, height) = Video( ffmpeg=self.core.FFMPEG_BIN, videoPath=self.videoPath, width=width, height=height, chunkSize=self.chunkSize, frameRate=int(self.settings.value("outputFrameRate")), parent=self.parent, loopVideo=self.loopVideo, component=self, scale=self.scale ) if os.path.exists(self.videoPath) else None def frameRender(self, layerNo, frameNo): if return else: return self.blankFrame_ def pickVideo(self): imgDir = self.settings.value("componentDir", os.path.expanduser("~")) filename, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(, "Choose Video", imgDir, "Video Files (%s)" % " ".join(self.core.videoFormats) ) if filename: self.settings.setValue("componentDir", os.path.dirname(filename)) self.update() def getPreviewFrame(self, width, height): if not self.videoPath or not os.path.exists(self.videoPath): return command = [ self.core.FFMPEG_BIN, '-thread_queue_size', '512', '-i', self.videoPath, '-f', 'image2pipe', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba', '-filter_complex', '[0:v] scale=%s:%s' % scale( self.scale, width, height, str), '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-', '-ss', '90', '-vframes', '1', ] pipe = openPipe( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, bufsize=10**8 ) byteFrame = frame = finalizeFrame(self, byteFrame, width, height) pipe.stdout.close() pipe.kill() return frame def updateChunksize(self, width, height): if self.scale != 100 and not self.distort: width, height = scale(self.scale, width, height, int) self.chunkSize = 4*width*height def command(self, arg): if '=' in arg: key, arg = arg.split('=', 1) if key == 'path' and os.path.exists(arg): if '*%s' % os.path.splitext(arg)[1] in self.core.videoFormats: return else: print("Not a supported video format") quit(1) elif arg == 'audio': if not print("'audio' option must follow a video selection") quit(1) return super().command(arg) def commandHelp(self): print('Load a video:\n path=/filepath/to/video.mp4') print('Using audio:\n path=/filepath/to/video.mp4 audio') def scale(scale, width, height, returntype=None): width = (float(width) / 100.0) * float(scale) height = (float(height) / 100.0) * float(scale) if returntype == str: return (str(math.ceil(width)), str(math.ceil(height))) elif returntype == int: return (math.ceil(width), math.ceil(height)) else: return (width, height) def finalizeFrame(self, imageData, width, height): try: if self.distort: image = Image.frombytes( 'RGBA', (width, height), imageData) else: image = Image.frombytes( 'RGBA', scale(self.scale, width, height, int), imageData) except ValueError: print( '### BAD VIDEO SELECTED ###\n' 'Video will not export with these settings' ) self.badVideo = True return BlankFrame(width, height) if self.scale != 100 \ or self.xPosition != 0 or self.yPosition != 0: frame = BlankFrame(width, height) frame.paste(image, box=(self.xPosition, self.yPosition)) else: frame = image self.badVideo = False return frame