''' Common tools for drawing compatible frames in a Component's frameRender() ''' from PyQt5 import QtGui from PIL import Image from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt import sys import os import math import logging import core log = logging.getLogger('AVP.Toolkit.Frame') class FramePainter(QtGui.QPainter): ''' A QPainter for a blank frame, which can be converted into a Pillow image with finalize() ''' def __init__(self, width, height): image = BlankFrame(width, height) self.image = QtGui.QImage(ImageQt(image)) super().__init__(self.image) def setPen(self, penStyle): if type(penStyle) is tuple: super().setPen(PaintColor(*penStyle)) else: super().setPen(penStyle) def finalize(self): log.verbose("Finalizing FramePainter") imBytes = self.image.bits().asstring(self.image.byteCount()) frame = Image.frombytes( 'RGBA', (self.image.width(), self.image.height()), imBytes ) self.end() return frame class PaintColor(QtGui.QColor): '''Reverse the painter colour if the hardware stores RGB values backward''' def __init__(self, r, g, b, a=255): if sys.byteorder == 'big': super().__init__(r, g, b, a) else: super().__init__(b, g, r, a) def scale(scalePercent, width, height, returntype=None): width = (float(width) / 100.0) * float(scalePercent) height = (float(height) / 100.0) * float(scalePercent) if returntype == str: return (str(math.ceil(width)), str(math.ceil(height))) elif returntype == int: return (math.ceil(width), math.ceil(height)) else: return (width, height) def defaultSize(framefunc): '''Makes width/height arguments optional''' def decorator(*args): if len(args) < 2: newArgs = list(args) if len(args) == 0 or len(args) == 1: height = int(core.Core.settings.value("outputHeight")) newArgs.append(height) if len(args) == 0: width = int(core.Core.settings.value("outputWidth")) newArgs.insert(0, width) args = tuple(newArgs) return framefunc(*args) return decorator def FloodFrame(width, height, RgbaTuple): return Image.new("RGBA", (width, height), RgbaTuple) @defaultSize def BlankFrame(width, height): '''The base frame used by each component to start drawing.''' return FloodFrame(width, height, (0, 0, 0, 0)) @defaultSize def Checkerboard(width, height): ''' A checkerboard to represent transparency to the user. TODO: Would be cool to generate this image with numpy instead. ''' log.debug('Creating new %s*%s checkerboard' % (width, height)) image = FloodFrame(1920, 1080, (0, 0, 0, 0)) image.paste(Image.open( os.path.join(core.Core.wd, 'gui', "background.png")), (0, 0) ) image = image.resize((width, height)) return image