audio-visualizer-python ======================= **We need a good name that is not as generic as "audio-visualizer-python"!** This is a little GUI tool which creates an audio visualization video from an input audio file. Different components can be added and layered to change the resulting video and add images, videos, gradients, text, etc. Encoding options can be changed with a variety of different output containers. Projects can be created from the GUI and used in commandline mode for easy automation of video production. Create a template project named `template` with your typical visualizers and watermarks, and add text to the top layer from commandline: `avp template -c 99 text "title=Episode 371" -i /this/weeks/audio.ogg -o out` For more information use `avp --help` or for help with a particular component use `avp -c 0 componentName help`. The program works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. If you encounter problems running it or have other bug reports or features that you wish to see implemented, please fork the project and submit a pull request and/or file an issue on this project. Dependencies ------------ Python 3.4, FFmpeg 3.3, PyQt5, Pillow-SIMD, NumPy **Note:** Pillow may be used as a drop-in replacement for Pillow-SIMD if problems are encountered installing. However this will result in much slower video export times. For help troubleshooting installation problems, the * For any problems with installing Pillow-SIMD, see the [Pillow installation guide]( Installation ------------ ### Manual installation on Ubuntu 16.04 * Install pip: `sudo apt-get install python3-pip` * If Pillow is installed, it must be removed. Nothing should break because Pillow-SIMD is simply a drop-in replacement with better performance. * Download audio-visualizer-python from this repository and run `sudo pip3 install .` in this directory * Install `ffmpeg` from the [website]( or from a PPA (e.g. []( NOTE: `ffmpeg` in the standard repos is too old (v2.8). Old versions and `avconv` may be used but full functionality is only guaranteed with `ffmpeg` 3.3 or higher. Run the program with `avp` or `python3 -m avpython` ### Manual installation on Windows * **Warning:** [Compiling Pillow is difficult on Windows]( and required for the best experience. * Download and install Python 3.6 from []( * Add Python to your system PATH (it will ask during the installation process). * Brave treacherous valley of getting prerequisites to [compile Pillow on Windows]( This is necessary because binary builds for Pillow-SIMD are not available. * **Alternative:** install Pillow instead of Pillow-SIMD, for which binaries *are* available. However this will result in much slower video export times. * Open command prompt and run: `pip install pyqt5 numpy pillow-simd` * Download and install ffmpeg from []( You can use the static builds. * Add ffmpeg to your system PATH, too. [How to edit the PATH on Windows.]( Download audio-visualizer-python from this repository and run it from the command line with `python`. ### Manual installation on macOS **[Outdated]** * Install [Homebrew]( * Use the following commands to install the needed dependencies: ``` brew install python3 brew install ffmpeg --with-fdk-aac --with-ffplay --with-freetype --with-libass --with-libquvi --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-opus --with-x265 brew install qt brew install sip --with-python3 brew install pyqt --with-python3 pip3 install --upgrade pip pip3 install pillow pip3 install numpy ``` Download audio-visualizer-python from this repository and run it with `python3`. Example ------- You can find an example video here: [Youtube: A day in spring]( License ------- audio-visualizer-python is licensed under the MIT license.