import numpy from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor import os import time from copy import copy from component import Component from frame import BlankFrame class Component(Component): '''Classic Visualizer''' modified = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, dict) @classmethod def names(cls): return ['Original Audio Visualization'] def widget(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.settings = self.parent.core.settings self.visColor = (255, 255, 255) self.scale = 20 self.y = 0 self.canceled = False page = self.loadUi('original.ui') page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Classic") page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Split") page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Bottom") page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Top") page.comboBox_visLayout.setCurrentIndex(0) page.comboBox_visLayout.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update) page.lineEdit_visColor.setText('%s,%s,%s' % self.visColor) page.pushButton_visColor.clicked.connect(lambda: self.pickColor()) btnStyle = "QPushButton { background-color : %s; outline: none; }" \ % QColor(*self.visColor).name() page.pushButton_visColor.setStyleSheet(btnStyle) page.lineEdit_visColor.textChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_scale.valueChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_y.valueChanged.connect(self.update) = page return page def update(self): self.layout = self.visColor = self.RGBFromString( self.scale = self.y = super().update() def loadPreset(self, pr, presetName=None): super().loadPreset(pr, presetName)'%s,%s,%s' % pr['visColor']) btnStyle = "QPushButton { background-color : %s; outline: none; }" \ % QColor(*pr['visColor']).name()['layout'])['scale'])['y']) def savePreset(self): return { 'preset': self.currentPreset, 'layout': self.layout, 'visColor': self.visColor, 'scale': self.scale, 'y': self.y, } def previewRender(self, previewWorker): spectrum = numpy.fromfunction( lambda x: float(self.scale)/2500*(x-128)**2, (255,), dtype="int16") width = int(self.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(self.settings.value('outputHeight')) return self.drawBars( width, height, spectrum, self.visColor, self.layout ) def preFrameRender(self, **kwargs): super().preFrameRender(**kwargs) self.smoothConstantDown = 0.08 self.smoothConstantUp = 0.8 self.lastSpectrum = None self.spectrumArray = {} self.width = int(self.settings.value('outputWidth')) self.height = int(self.settings.value('outputHeight')) for i in range(0, len(self.completeAudioArray), self.sampleSize): if self.canceled: break self.lastSpectrum = self.transformData( i, self.completeAudioArray, self.sampleSize, self.smoothConstantDown, self.smoothConstantUp, self.lastSpectrum) self.spectrumArray[i] = copy(self.lastSpectrum) progress = int(100*(i/len(self.completeAudioArray))) if progress >= 100: progress = 100 pStr = "Analyzing audio: "+str(progress)+'%' self.progressBarSetText.emit(pStr) self.progressBarUpdate.emit(int(progress)) def frameRender(self, layerNo, frameNo): arrayNo = frameNo * self.sampleSize return self.drawBars( self.width, self.height, self.spectrumArray[arrayNo], self.visColor, self.layout) def pickColor(self): RGBstring, btnStyle = super().pickColor() if not RGBstring: return def transformData( self, i, completeAudioArray, sampleSize, smoothConstantDown, smoothConstantUp, lastSpectrum): if len(completeAudioArray) < (i + sampleSize): sampleSize = len(completeAudioArray) - i window = numpy.hanning(sampleSize) data = completeAudioArray[i:i+sampleSize][::1] * window paddedSampleSize = 2048 paddedData = numpy.pad( data, (0, paddedSampleSize - sampleSize), 'constant') spectrum = numpy.fft.fft(paddedData) sample_rate = 44100 frequencies = numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), 1./sample_rate) y = abs(spectrum[0:int(paddedSampleSize/2) - 1]) # filter the noise away # y[y<80] = 0 y = self.scale * numpy.log10(y) y[numpy.isinf(y)] = 0 if lastSpectrum is not None: lastSpectrum[y < lastSpectrum] = \ y[y < lastSpectrum] * smoothConstantDown + \ lastSpectrum[y < lastSpectrum] * (1 - smoothConstantDown) lastSpectrum[y >= lastSpectrum] = \ y[y >= lastSpectrum] * smoothConstantUp + \ lastSpectrum[y >= lastSpectrum] * (1 - smoothConstantUp) else: lastSpectrum = y x = frequencies[0:int(paddedSampleSize/2) - 1] return lastSpectrum def drawBars(self, width, height, spectrum, color, layout): vH = height-height/8 bF = width / 64 bH = bF / 2 bQ = bF / 4 imTop = BlankFrame(width, height) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imTop) r, g, b = color color2 = (r, g, b, 125) bP = height / 1200 for j in range(0, 63): draw.rectangle(( bH + j * bF, vH+bQ, bH + j * bF + bF, vH + bQ - spectrum[j * 4] * bP - bH), fill=color2) draw.rectangle(( bH + bQ + j * bF, vH, bH + bQ + j * bF + bH, vH - spectrum[j * 4] * bP), fill=color) imBottom = imTop.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) im = BlankFrame(width, height) if layout == 0: # Classic y = self.y - int(height/100*43) im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop) y = self.y + int(height/100*43) im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom) if layout == 1: # Split y = self.y + int(height/100*10) im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop) y = self.y - int(height/100*10) im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom) if layout == 2: # Bottom y = self.y + int(height/100*10) im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop) if layout == 3: # Top y = self.y - int(height/100*10) im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom) return im def command(self, arg): if not arg.startswith('preset=') and '=' in arg: key, arg = arg.split('=', 1) try: if key == 'color': return elif key == 'layout': if arg == 'classic': elif arg == 'split': elif arg == 'bottom': elif arg == 'top': return elif key == 'scale': arg = int(arg) return elif key == 'y': arg = int(arg) return except ValueError: print('You must enter a number.') quit(1) super().command(arg) def commandHelp(self): print('Give a layout name:\n layout=[classic/split/bottom/top]') print('Specify a color:\n color=255,255,255') print('Visualizer scale (20 is default):\n scale=number') print('Y position:\n y=number')