''' Base classes for components to import. ''' from PyQt5 import uic, QtCore, QtWidgets import os class Component(QtCore.QObject): ''' A class for components to inherit. Read comments for documentation on making a valid component. All subclasses must implement this signal: modified = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, bool) ''' def __init__(self, moduleIndex, compPos, core): super().__init__() self.currentPreset = None self.canceled = False self.moduleIndex = moduleIndex self.compPos = compPos self.core = core def __str__(self): return self.__doc__ def version(self): ''' Change this number to identify new versions of a component ''' return 1 def properties(self): ''' Return a list of properties to signify if your component is non-animated ('static'), returns sound ('audio'), or has encountered an error in configuration ('error'). ''' return [] def error(self): ''' Return a string containing an error message, or None for a default. ''' return def cancel(self): ''' Stop any lengthy process in response to this variable ''' self.canceled = True def reset(self): self.canceled = False def update(self): ''' Read your widget values from self.page, then call super().update() ''' self.parent.drawPreview() saveValueStore = self.savePreset() saveValueStore['preset'] = self.currentPreset self.modified.emit(self.compPos, saveValueStore) def loadPreset(self, presetDict, presetName): ''' Subclasses take (presetDict, presetName=None) as args. Must use super().loadPreset(presetDict, presetName) first, then update self.page widgets using the preset dict. ''' self.currentPreset = presetName \ if presetName is not None else presetDict['preset'] def preFrameRender(self, **kwargs): ''' Triggered only before a video is exported (video_thread.py) self.worker = the video thread worker self.completeAudioArray = a list of audio samples self.sampleSize = number of audio samples per video frame self.progressBarUpdate = signal to set progress bar number self.progressBarSetText = signal to set progress bar text Use the latter two signals to update the MainWindow if needed for a long initialization procedure (i.e., for a visualizer) ''' for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def command(self, arg): ''' Configure a component using argument from the commandline. Use super().command(arg) at the end of a subclass's method, if no arguments are found in that method first ''' if arg.startswith('preset='): _, preset = arg.split('=', 1) path = os.path.join(self.core.getPresetDir(self), preset) if not os.path.exists(path): print('Couldn\'t locate preset "%s"' % preset) quit(1) else: print('Opening "%s" preset on layer %s' % ( preset, self.compPos) ) self.core.openPreset(path, self.compPos, preset) else: print( self.__doc__, 'Usage:\n' 'Open a preset for this component:\n' ' "preset=Preset Name"') self.commandHelp() quit(0) def commandHelp(self): '''Print help text for this Component's commandline arguments''' def loadUi(self, filename): return uic.loadUi(os.path.join(self.core.componentsPath, filename)) ''' ### Reference methods for creating a new component ### (Inherit from this class and define these) def widget(self, parent): self.parent = parent page = self.loadUi('example.ui') # --- connect widget signals here --- self.page = page return page def previewRender(self, previewWorker): width = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputHeight')) from frame import BlankFrame image = BlankFrame(width, height) return image def frameRender(self, layerNo, frameNo): audioArrayIndex = frameNo * self.sampleSize width = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputHeight')) from frame import BlankFrame image = BlankFrame(width, height) return image def audio(self): \''' Return audio to mix into master as a tuple with two elements: The first element can be: - A string (path to audio file), - Or an object that returns audio data through a pipe The second element must be a dictionary of ffmpeg filters/options to apply to the input stream. See the filter docs for ideas: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html \''' @classmethod def names(cls): \''' Alternative names for renaming a component between project files. \''' return [] ''' class BadComponentInit(Exception): def __init__(self, arg, name): string = '''################################ Mandatory argument "%s" not specified in %s instance initialization ###################################''' print(string % (arg, name)) quit()