''' When using commandline mode, this module's object handles interpreting the arguments and giving them to Core, which tracks the main program state. Then it immediately exports a video. ''' from PyQt5 import QtCore import argparse import os import sys import time from core import Core class Command(QtCore.QObject): createVideo = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.core = Core() self.dataDir = self.core.dataDir self.canceled = False self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create a visualization for an audio file', epilog='EXAMPLE COMMAND: main.py myvideotemplate.avp ' '-i ~/Music/song.mp3 -o ~/video.mp4 ' '-c 0 image path=~/Pictures/thisWeeksPicture.jpg ' '-c 1 video "preset=My Logo" -c 2 vis layout=classic' ) self.parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', metavar='SOUND', help='input audio file' ) self.parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', metavar='OUTPUT', help='output video file' ) self.parser.add_argument( '-e', '--export', action='store_true', help='use input and output files from project file' ) # optional arguments self.parser.add_argument( 'projpath', metavar='path-to-project', help='open a project file (.avp)', nargs='?') self.parser.add_argument( '-c', '--comp', metavar=('LAYER', 'ARG'), help='first arg must be component NAME to insert at LAYER.' '"help" for information about possible args for a component.', nargs='*', action='append') self.args = self.parser.parse_args() self.settings = Core.settings if self.args.projpath: projPath = self.args.projpath if not os.path.dirname(projPath): projPath = os.path.join( self.settings.value("projectDir"), projPath ) if not projPath.endswith('.avp'): projPath += '.avp' success = self.core.openProject(self, projPath) if not success: quit(1) self.core.selectedComponents = list( reversed(self.core.selectedComponents)) self.core.componentListChanged() if self.args.comp: for comp in self.args.comp: pos = comp[0] name = comp[1] args = comp[2:] try: pos = int(pos) except ValueError: print(pos, 'is not a layer number.') quit(1) realName = self.parseCompName(name) if not realName: print(name, 'is not a valid component name.') quit(1) modI = self.core.moduleIndexFor(realName) i = self.core.insertComponent(pos, modI, self) for arg in args: self.core.selectedComponents[i].command(arg) if self.args.export and self.args.projpath: errcode, data = self.core.parseAvFile(projPath) for key, value in data['WindowFields']: if 'outputFile' in key: output = value if not os.path.dirname(value): output = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), output ) if 'audioFile' in key: input = value self.createAudioVisualisation(input, output) elif self.args.input and self.args.output: self.createAudioVisualisation(self.args.input, self.args.output) elif 'help' not in sys.argv: self.parser.print_help() quit(1) def createAudioVisualisation(self, input, output): self.core.selectedComponents = list( reversed(self.core.selectedComponents)) self.core.componentListChanged() self.worker = self.core.newVideoWorker( self, input, output ) self.worker.videoCreated.connect(self.videoCreated) self.lastProgressUpdate = time.time() self.worker.progressBarSetText.connect(self.progressBarSetText) self.createVideo.emit() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str) def progressBarSetText(self, value): if 'Export ' in value: # Don't duplicate completion/failure messages return if not value.startswith('Exporting') \ and time.time() - self.lastProgressUpdate >= 0.05: # Show most messages very often print(value) elif time.time() - self.lastProgressUpdate >= 2.0: # Give user time to read ffmpeg's output during the export print('##### %s' % value) else: return self.lastProgressUpdate = time.time() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def videoCreated(self): quit(0) def showMessage(self, **kwargs): print(kwargs['msg']) if 'detail' in kwargs: print(kwargs['detail']) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, str) def videoThreadError(self, msg, detail): print(msg) print(detail) quit(1) def drawPreview(self, *args): pass def parseCompName(self, name): '''Deduces a proper component name out of a commandline arg''' if name.title() in self.core.compNames: return name.title() for compName in self.core.compNames: if name.capitalize() in compName: return compName compFileNames = [ os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(mod.__file__) )[0] for mod in self.core.modules ] for i, compFileName in enumerate(compFileNames): if name.lower() in compFileName: return self.core.compNames[i] return return None