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import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from PyQt4 import uic, QtGui
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
import os, random
from . import __base__
import time
from copy import copy
class Component(__base__.Component):
'''Original Audio Visualization'''
def widget(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.visColor = (255,255,255)
page = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'original.ui'))
#visLayoutValue = int(self.settings.value('visLayout'))
page.lineEdit_visColor.setText('%s,%s,%s' % self.visColor)
page.pushButton_visColor.clicked.connect(lambda: self.pickColor())
btnStyle = "QPushButton { background-color : %s; outline: none; }" % QColor(*self.visColor).name()
page.lineEdit_visColor.textChanged.connect(self.update) = page
return page
def update(self):
self.layout =
self.visColor = self.RGBFromString(
def version(self):
return 1
def savePreset(self):
return {}
def previewRender(self, previewWorker):
spectrum = numpy.fromfunction(lambda x: 0.008*(x-128)**2, (255,), dtype="int16")
width = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputWidth'))
height = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputHeight'))
return drawBars(width, height, spectrum, self.visColor, self.layout)
def preFrameRender(self, **kwargs):
self.smoothConstantDown = 0.08
self.smoothConstantUp = 0.8
self.lastSpectrum = None
self.spectrumArray = {}
for i in range(0, len(self.completeAudioArray), self.sampleSize):
self.lastSpectrum = self.transformData(i, self.completeAudioArray, self.sampleSize,
self.smoothConstantDown, self.smoothConstantUp, self.lastSpectrum)
self.spectrumArray[i] = copy(self.lastSpectrum)
def frameRender(self, moduleNo, frameNo):
width = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputWidth'))
height = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputHeight'))
return drawBars(width, height, self.spectrumArray[frameNo], self.visColor, self.layout)
def pickColor(self):
RGBstring, btnStyle = super().pickColor()
def transformData(self, i, completeAudioArray, sampleSize, smoothConstantDown, smoothConstantUp, lastSpectrum):
if len(completeAudioArray) < (i + sampleSize):
sampleSize = len(completeAudioArray) - i
window = numpy.hanning(sampleSize)
data = completeAudioArray[i:i+sampleSize][::1] * window
paddedSampleSize = 2048
paddedData = numpy.pad(data, (0, paddedSampleSize - sampleSize), 'constant')
spectrum = numpy.fft.fft(paddedData)
sample_rate = 44100
frequencies = numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), 1./sample_rate)
y = abs(spectrum[0:int(paddedSampleSize/2) - 1])
# filter the noise away
# y[y<80] = 0
y = 20 * numpy.log10(y)
y[numpy.isinf(y)] = 0
if lastSpectrum is not None:
lastSpectrum[y < lastSpectrum] = y[y < lastSpectrum] * smoothConstantDown + lastSpectrum[y < lastSpectrum] * (1 - smoothConstantDown)
lastSpectrum[y >= lastSpectrum] = y[y >= lastSpectrum] * smoothConstantUp + lastSpectrum[y >= lastSpectrum] * (1 - smoothConstantUp)
lastSpectrum = y
x = frequencies[0:int(paddedSampleSize/2) - 1]
return lastSpectrum
def drawBars(width, height, spectrum, color, layout):
vH = height-height/8
bF = width / 64
bH = bF / 2
bQ = bF / 4
imTop ="RGBA", (width, height),(0,0,0,0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imTop)
r, g, b = color
color2 = (r, g, b, 125)
bP = height / 1200
for j in range(0, 63):
draw.rectangle((bH + j * bF, vH+bQ, bH + j * bF + bF, vH + bQ - spectrum[j * 4] * bP - bH), fill=color2)
draw.rectangle((bH + bQ + j * bF, vH , bH + bQ + j * bF + bH, vH - spectrum[j * 4] * bP), fill=color)
imBottom = imTop.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
im ="RGBA", (width, height),(0,0,0,0))
if layout == 0:
y = 0 - int(height/100*43)
im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop)
y = 0 + int(height/100*43)
im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom)
if layout == 1:
y = 0 + int(height/100*10)
im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop)
y = 0 - int(height/100*10)
im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom)
if layout == 2:
y = 0 + int(height/100*10)
im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop)
return im