use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use nix::unistd::Uid; use quinn::{SendStream, RecvStream}; use zeroize::Zeroizing; use crate::{read_msg, write_msg, ClientConfig, Message, ser::ByteSlice}; use super::Question; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct AuthRequest<'a> { #[serde(borrow)] pub nonce: ByteSlice<'a>, } impl<'a> AuthRequest<'a> { pub const NAMESPACE: &str = "QUINOA AUTHENTICATION"; pub fn new(nonce: &'a [u8]) -> AuthRequest<'a> { Self { nonce: nonce.into(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct AuthResponse<'a> { #[serde(borrow)] signature: &'a str, } #[cfg(feature = "server")] async fn server_authorize_key(user_id: Uid, public_key: &ssh_key::public::PublicKey) -> Result<()> { const PATH: &str = "/.ssh/authorized_keys"; let mut user_passwd_buf = Vec::new(); let user_passwd = crate::passwd::Passwd::from_uid(user_id, &mut user_passwd_buf)? .context("No passwd entry for user")?; let home = user_passwd.dir.to_str()?; let mut authorized_keys = String::with_capacity(home.len() + PATH.len()); authorized_keys.push_str(home); authorized_keys.push_str(PATH); match tokio::fs::read_to_string(&authorized_keys).await { Ok(authorized_keys) => { let mut authorized_keys = ssh_key::authorized_keys::AuthorizedKeys::new(&authorized_keys); while let Some(r) = { let entry = r?; if entry.public_key().key_data() == public_key.key_data() { return Ok(()); } } } Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {} Err(e) => { error!("unable to read authorized keys file at {:?}: {}", authorized_keys, e); } }; Err(anyhow!("Key provided by the client is not authorized to connect")) } #[cfg(feature = "server")] pub async fn server_authenticate(send: &mut SendStream, recv: &mut RecvStream, user_id: Uid, public_key: &str) -> Result<()> { use rand::RngCore; let public_key = ssh_key::public::PublicKey::from_openssh(public_key)?; server_authorize_key(user_id, &public_key).await?; let mut nonce = vec![0; 256]; rand::thread_rng().try_fill_bytes(&mut nonce)?; let request = AuthRequest::new(&nonce); let request = Message::from_value(&request)?; request.write_ref(send).await?; let mut buf = Vec::new(); let response = read_msg::(recv, &mut buf).await??; let sig = ssh_key::SshSig::from_pem(&response.signature)?; public_key.verify(AuthRequest::NAMESPACE, &request.0, &sig)?; Ok(()) } pub async fn client_authenticate(cfg: &ClientConfig, send: &mut SendStream, recv: &mut RecvStream, username: &str) -> Result<()> { let private_key = Zeroizing::new(tokio::fs::read_to_string(&cfg.ssh_key_file).await?); let private_key = ssh_key::private::PrivateKey::from_openssh(private_key) .context("Loading private key")?; let public_key = private_key.public_key(); let public_key = public_key.to_openssh() .context("Encoding public key")?; info!("loaded private key: {:?}", private_key.algorithm()); write_msg(send, &super::Hello { username, auth_method: super::Method::SshKey { public_key: &public_key, }, }).await?; info!("sent hello"); let mut buf = Vec::new(); _ = read_msg::(recv, &mut buf).await??; info!("read auth request"); let private_key = if private_key.is_encrypted() { let password = Zeroizing::new(rpassword::prompt_password("Enter the key's passphrase: ")?); private_key.decrypt(&password).context("Incorrect passphrase")? } else { private_key }; let sig = private_key.sign(AuthRequest::NAMESPACE, ssh_key::HashAlg::Sha512, &buf)?; let sig = sig.to_pem(ssh_key::LineEnding::LF)?; info!("signed auth request"); write_msg(send, &AuthResponse { signature: &sig }).await?; info!("wrote auth request"); let Question::LoggedIn = read_msg(recv, &mut buf).await?? else { bail!("Received an unexpected question") }; Ok(()) }