use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; use js_sys::{Function, JsString}; use web_sys::{HtmlElement, Element, Node, Window, Text, Comment, CssStyleSheet, CssStyleRule, EventTarget}; use crate::cache::intern; #[wasm_bindgen(inline_js = " export function body() { return document.body; } export function _window() { return window; } export function ready_state() { return document.readyState; } export function current_url() { return location.href; } export function go_to_url(url) { history.pushState(null, \"\", url); } export function create_stylesheet() { // TODO use createElementNS ? var e = document.createElement(\"style\"); e.type = \"text/css\"; document.head.appendChild(e); return e.sheet; } export function make_style_rule(sheet, selector) { var rules = sheet.cssRules; var length = rules.length; sheet.insertRule(selector + \" {}\", length); return rules[length]; } export function create_element(name) { return document.createElement(name); } export function create_element_ns(namespace, name) { return document.createElementNS(namespace, name); } export function create_text_node(value) { return document.createTextNode(value); } // export function set_text(elem, value) { = value; } export function create_comment(value) { return document.createComment(value); } export function set_attribute(elem, key, value) { elem.setAttribute(key, value); } export function set_attribute_ns(elem, namespace, key, value) { elem.setAttributeNS(namespace, key, value); } export function remove_attribute(elem, key) { elem.removeAttribute(key); } export function remove_attribute_ns(elem, namespace, key) { elem.removeAttributeNS(namespace, key); } export function add_class(elem, value) { elem.classList.add(value); } export function remove_class(elem, value) { elem.classList.remove(value); } export function set_text_content(elem, value) { elem.textContent = value; } export function get_style(elem, name) { return; } export function remove_style(elem, name) { return; } export function set_style(elem, name, value, important) {, value, (important ? \"important\" : \"\")); } export function insert_child_before(parent, child, other) { parent.insertBefore(child, other); } export function replace_child(parent, child, other) { parent.replaceChild(child, other); } export function append_child(parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); } export function remove_child(parent, child) { parent.removeChild(child); } export function focus(elem) { elem.focus(); } export function blur(elem) { elem.blur(); } export function set_property(obj, name, value) { obj[name] = value; } export function add_event(elem, name, f) { elem.addEventListener(name, f, { capture: false, once: false, passive: true }); } export function add_event_once(elem, name, f) { elem.addEventListener(name, f, { capture: false, once: true, passive: true, }); } export function add_event_preventable(elem, name, f) { elem.addEventListener(name, f, { capture: false, once: false, passive: false }); } export function remove_event(elem, name, f) { elem.removeEventListener(name, f, false); } ")] extern "C" { pub(crate) fn body() -> HtmlElement; #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = _window)] pub(crate) fn window() -> Window; pub(crate) fn ready_state() -> JsString; pub(crate) fn current_url() -> JsString; pub(crate) fn go_to_url(url: &JsString); pub(crate) fn create_stylesheet() -> CssStyleSheet; pub(crate) fn make_style_rule(sheet: &CssStyleSheet, selector: &JsString) -> CssStyleRule; pub(crate) fn create_element(name: &JsString) -> Element; pub(crate) fn create_element_ns(namespace: &JsString, name: &JsString) -> Element; pub(crate) fn create_text_node(value: &JsString) -> Text; pub(crate) fn set_text(elem: &Text, value: &JsString); pub(crate) fn create_comment(value: &JsString) -> Comment; // TODO check that the attribute *actually* was changed pub(crate) fn set_attribute(elem: &Element, key: &JsString, value: &JsString); pub(crate) fn set_attribute_ns(elem: &Element, namespace: &JsString, key: &JsString, value: &JsString); pub(crate) fn remove_attribute(elem: &Element, key: &JsString); pub(crate) fn remove_attribute_ns(elem: &Element, namespace: &JsString, key: &JsString); pub(crate) fn add_class(elem: &Element, value: &JsString); pub(crate) fn remove_class(elem: &Element, value: &JsString); pub(crate) fn set_text_content(elem: &Node, value: &JsString); // TODO better type for elem pub(crate) fn get_style(elem: &JsValue, name: &JsString) -> JsString; pub(crate) fn remove_style(elem: &JsValue, name: &JsString); pub(crate) fn set_style(elem: &JsValue, name: &JsString, value: &JsString, important: bool); pub(crate) fn insert_child_before(parent: &Node, child: &Node, other: &Node); pub(crate) fn replace_child(parent: &Node, child: &Node, other: &Node); pub(crate) fn append_child(parent: &Node, child: &Node); pub(crate) fn remove_child(parent: &Node, child: &Node); pub(crate) fn focus(elem: &HtmlElement); pub(crate) fn blur(elem: &HtmlElement); // TODO maybe use Object for obj ? pub(crate) fn set_property(obj: &JsValue, name: &JsString, value: &JsValue); pub(crate) fn add_event(elem: &EventTarget, name: &JsString, f: &Function); pub(crate) fn add_event_once(elem: &EventTarget, name: &JsString, f: &Function); pub(crate) fn add_event_preventable(elem: &EventTarget, name: &JsString, f: &Function); pub(crate) fn remove_event(elem: &EventTarget, name: &JsString, f: &Function); } #[inline] pub(crate) fn remove_all_children(node: &Node) { set_text_content(node, &intern("")); }