use crate::traits::StaticEvent; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; use web_sys::{EventTarget, HtmlInputElement, HtmlTextAreaElement}; macro_rules! make_event { ($name:ident, $type:literal => $event:path) => { pub struct $name { event: $event, } impl StaticEvent for $name { const EVENT_TYPE: &'static str = $type; #[inline] fn unchecked_from_event(event: web_sys::Event) -> Self { Self { event: event.unchecked_into(), } } } impl $name { #[inline] pub fn prevent_default(&self) { self.event.prevent_default(); } #[inline] pub fn target(&self) -> Option { } #[inline] pub fn dyn_target(&self) -> Option where A: JsCast { } } }; } macro_rules! make_mouse_event { ($name:ident, $type:literal) => { make_event!($name, $type => web_sys::MouseEvent); impl $name { #[inline] pub fn x(&self) -> i32 { self.event.client_x() } #[inline] pub fn y(&self) -> i32 { self.event.client_y() } #[inline] pub fn screen_x(&self) -> i32 { self.event.screen_x() } #[inline] pub fn screen_y(&self) -> i32 { self.event.screen_y() } } }; } macro_rules! make_keyboard_event { ($name:ident, $type:literal) => { make_event!($name, $type => web_sys::KeyboardEvent); impl $name { // TODO return enum or something #[inline] pub fn key(&self) -> String { self.event.key() } } }; } macro_rules! make_focus_event { ($name:ident, $type:literal) => { make_event!($name, $type => web_sys::FocusEvent); }; } make_mouse_event!(Click, "click"); make_mouse_event!(MouseEnter, "mouseenter"); make_mouse_event!(MouseLeave, "mouseleave"); make_mouse_event!(DoubleClick, "dblclick"); make_keyboard_event!(KeyDown, "keydown"); make_keyboard_event!(KeyUp, "keyup"); make_focus_event!(Focus, "focus"); make_focus_event!(Blur, "blur"); make_event!(Input, "input" => web_sys::InputEvent); impl Input { // TODO should this work on other types as well ? pub fn value(&self) -> Option { let target =; if let Some(target) = target.dyn_ref::() { // TODO check the element's type ? Some(target.value()) } else if let Some(target) = target.dyn_ref::() { Some(target.value()) } else { None } } } make_event!(Change, "change" => web_sys::Event); // TODO add in a value method as well, the same as Input::value impl Change { // pub fn checked(&self) -> Option { let target = self.dyn_target::()?; match target.type_().as_str() { "checkbox" | "radio" => Some(target.checked()), _ => None, } } }