use std; use stdweb::{Reference, Value, ReferenceType}; use stdweb::unstable::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use stdweb::web::{IEventTarget, INode, IElement, IHtmlElement, Node}; use stdweb::web::event::ConcreteEvent; use callbacks::Callbacks; use traits::*; use dom_operations; use operations::{BoxDiscard, spawn_future}; use futures::future::Future; use discard::{Discard, DiscardOnDrop}; pub struct Dynamic(pub(crate) A); // TODO this should be in stdweb pub trait IStyle: ReferenceType { // TODO check that the style *actually* was changed // TODO handle browser prefixes #[inline] fn set_style(&self, name: &str, value: &str, important: bool) { if important { js! { @(no_return) @{self.as_ref()}.style.setProperty(@{name}, @{value}, "important"); } } else { js! { @(no_return) @{self.as_ref()}.style.setProperty(@{name}, @{value}, ""); } } } } impl IStyle for A {} // TODO this should be in stdweb #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ReferenceType)] #[reference(instance_of = "CSSStyleRule")] pub struct CssStyleRule(Reference); impl IStyle for CssStyleRule {} // pub const HTML_NAMESPACE: &str = ""; pub const SVG_NAMESPACE: &str = ""; pub struct DomHandle { parent: Node, dom: Dom, } impl Discard for DomHandle { #[inline] fn discard(self) { self.parent.remove_child(&self.dom.element).unwrap(); self.dom.callbacks.discard(); } } #[inline] pub fn append_dom(parent: &A, mut dom: Dom) -> DomHandle { parent.append_child(&dom.element); dom.callbacks.trigger_after_insert(); // This prevents it from triggering after_remove dom.callbacks.leak(); DomHandle { parent: parent.as_node().clone(), dom } } #[inline] pub fn text(value: A) -> Dom { value.into_dom() } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Dom { pub(crate) element: Node, pub(crate) callbacks: Callbacks, } impl Dom { #[inline] pub(crate) fn new(element: Node) -> Self { Self { element, callbacks: Callbacks::new(), } } #[inline] pub fn empty() -> Self { // TODO is there a better way of doing this ? Self::new(js!( return document.createComment(""); ).try_into().unwrap()) } #[inline] pub fn with_state(mut state: A, initializer: F) -> Dom where A: 'static, F: FnOnce(&mut A) -> Dom { let mut dom = initializer(&mut state); // TODO make this more efficient somehow ? what if the value is already on the heap ? dom.callbacks.after_remove(BoxDiscard::new(state)); dom } } pub struct HtmlBuilder { element: A, callbacks: Callbacks, // TODO verify this with static types instead ? has_children: bool, } impl HtmlBuilder { #[inline] pub fn future(mut self, future: F) -> Self where F: Future + 'static { self.callbacks.after_remove(DiscardOnDrop::leak(spawn_future(future))); self } } // TODO add in SVG nodes impl HtmlBuilder where >::Error: std::fmt::Debug { #[inline] pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self { Self { element: dom_operations::create_element_ns(name, HTML_NAMESPACE), callbacks: Callbacks::new(), has_children: false, } } } impl + Clone + 'static> HtmlBuilder { #[inline] pub fn property(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.set_property(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name); self } } struct EventListenerHandle { event: &'static str, element: Reference, listener: Value, } impl Discard for EventListenerHandle { #[inline] fn discard(self) { js! { @(no_return) var listener = @{&self.listener}; @{&self.element}.removeEventListener(@{self.event}, listener); listener.drop(); } } } impl HtmlBuilder { // TODO maybe inline this ? // TODO replace with element.add_event_listener fn _event(&mut self, listener: F) where T: ConcreteEvent, F: FnMut(T) + 'static { let element = self.element.as_ref().clone(); let listener = js!( var listener = @{listener}; @{&element}.addEventListener(@{T::EVENT_TYPE}, listener); return listener; ); self.callbacks.after_remove(EventListenerHandle { event: T::EVENT_TYPE, element, listener, }); } #[inline] pub fn event(mut self, listener: F) -> Self where T: ConcreteEvent, F: FnMut(T) + 'static { self._event(listener); self } } impl HtmlBuilder { #[inline] pub fn children(mut self, children: B) -> Self { assert_eq!(self.has_children, false); self.has_children = true; children.insert_children(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks); self } } impl HtmlBuilder { #[inline] pub fn attribute(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.set_attribute(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name, None); self } #[inline] pub fn attribute_namespace(mut self, name: &str, value: B, namespace: &str) -> Self { value.set_attribute(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name, Some(namespace)); self } #[inline] pub fn class(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.toggle_class(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name); self } } impl HtmlBuilder { #[inline] pub fn style(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.set_style(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name, false); self } #[inline] pub fn style_important(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.set_style(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name, true); self } #[inline] pub fn focused(mut self, value: B) -> Self { value.toggle_focused(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks); self } } impl> From> for Dom { #[inline] fn from(dom: HtmlBuilder) -> Self { Self { element: dom.element.into(), callbacks: dom.callbacks, } } } // TODO better warning message for must_use #[must_use] pub struct StylesheetBuilder { element: CssStyleRule, callbacks: Callbacks, } // TODO remove the CssStyleRule when this is discarded impl StylesheetBuilder { #[inline] pub fn new(selector: &str) -> Self { lazy_static! { // TODO better static type for this static ref STYLESHEET: Reference = js!( // TODO use createElementNS ? var e = document.createElement("style"); e.type = "text/css"; document.head.appendChild(e); return e.sheet; ).try_into().unwrap(); } Self { element: js!( var stylesheet = @{&*STYLESHEET}; var length = stylesheet.cssRules.length; stylesheet.insertRule(@{selector} + "{}", length); return stylesheet.cssRules[length]; ).try_into().unwrap(), callbacks: Callbacks::new(), } } #[inline] pub fn style(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.set_style(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name, false); self } #[inline] pub fn style_important(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { value.set_style(&self.element, &mut self.callbacks, name, true); self } // TODO return a Handle #[inline] pub fn done(mut self) { self.callbacks.trigger_after_insert(); // This prevents it from triggering after_remove self.callbacks.leak(); } } // TODO better warning message for must_use #[must_use] pub struct ClassBuilder { stylesheet: StylesheetBuilder, class_name: String, } impl ClassBuilder { #[inline] pub fn new() -> Self { let class_name = { use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, Ordering}; // TODO replace this with a global counter in JavaScript ? lazy_static! { // TODO can this be made more efficient ? // TODO use AtomicU32 instead ? static ref CLASS_ID: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT; } // TODO check for overflow ? let id = CLASS_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); // TODO make this more efficient ? format!("__class_{}__", id) }; Self { // TODO make this more efficient ? stylesheet: StylesheetBuilder::new(&format!(".{}", class_name)), class_name, } } #[inline] pub fn style(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { self.stylesheet =, value); self } #[inline] pub fn style_important(mut self, name: &str, value: B) -> Self { self.stylesheet = self.stylesheet.style_important(name, value); self } // TODO return a Handle ? #[inline] pub fn done(self) -> String { self.stylesheet.done(); self.class_name } }