use self::unsync::MutableAnimation; use std::rc::{Rc, Weak}; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use futures::{Async, task}; use futures::future::Future; use futures::task::Task; use signals::signal::{Signal, State, WaitFor}; use signals::signal::unsync::MutableSignal; use signals::signal_vec::{SignalVec, VecChange}; use stdweb::Value; // TODO generalize this so it works for any target, not just JS struct Raf(Value); impl Raf { #[inline] fn new(callback: F) -> Self where F: FnMut(f64) + 'static { Raf(js!( var callback = @{callback}; function loop(time) { = requestAnimationFrame(loop); callback(time); } var value = { callback: callback, id: requestAnimationFrame(loop) }; return value; )) } } impl Drop for Raf { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { js! { @(no_return) var self = @{&self.0}; cancelAnimationFrame(; self.callback.drop(); } } } struct TimestampsGlobal { raf: Option, value: Option, // TODO make this more efficient states: Vec>, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum TimestampsEnum { First, Changed, NotChanged, } struct TimestampsState { state: Cell, task: RefCell>, global: Rc>, } // TODO make this more efficient pub struct Timestamps(Rc); impl Signal for Timestamps { type Item = Option; fn poll(&mut self) -> State { match self.0.state.get() { TimestampsEnum::Changed => { self.0.state.set(TimestampsEnum::NotChanged); // TODO make this more efficient ? State::Changed( }, TimestampsEnum::First => { self.0.state.set(TimestampsEnum::NotChanged); State::Changed(None) }, TimestampsEnum::NotChanged => { *self.0.task.borrow_mut() = Some(task::current()); State::NotChanged }, } } } thread_local! { static TIMESTAMPS: Rc> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(TimestampsGlobal { raf: None, value: None, states: vec![], })); } pub fn timestamps() -> Timestamps { TIMESTAMPS.with(|timestamps| { let state = Rc::new(TimestampsState { state: Cell::new(TimestampsEnum::First), task: RefCell::new(None), global: timestamps.clone(), }); { let mut lock = timestamps.borrow_mut(); lock.states.push(Rc::downgrade(&state)); if let None = lock.raf { let timestamps = timestamps.clone(); lock.raf = Some(Raf::new(move |time| { let mut lock = timestamps.borrow_mut(); lock.value = Some(time); lock.states.retain(|state| { if let Some(state) = state.upgrade() { state.state.set(TimestampsEnum::Changed); let mut lock = state.task.borrow_mut(); if let Some(task) = lock.take() { drop(lock); task.notify(); } true } else { false } }); if lock.states.len() == 0 { lock.raf = None; lock.states = vec![]; } })); } } Timestamps(state) }) } pub trait AnimatedSignalVec: SignalVec { type AnimatedSignal: Signal; fn animated_map(self, duration: f64, f: F) -> AnimatedMap where F: FnMut(Self::Item, Self::AnimatedSignal) -> A, Self: Sized; } impl AnimatedSignalVec for S { type AnimatedSignal = MutableSignal; #[inline] fn animated_map(self, duration: f64, f: F) -> AnimatedMap where F: FnMut(Self::Item, Self::AnimatedSignal) -> A { AnimatedMap { duration: duration, animations: vec![], signal: Some(self), callback: f, } } } struct AnimatedMapState { animation: MutableAnimation, removing: Option>>, } // TODO move this into signals crate and also generalize it to work with any future, not just animations pub struct AnimatedMap { duration: f64, animations: Vec, signal: Option, callback: B, } impl AnimatedMap where S: SignalVec, F: FnMut(S::Item, MutableSignal) -> A { fn animated_state(&self) -> AnimatedMapState { let state = AnimatedMapState { animation: MutableAnimation::new(self.duration), removing: None, }; state.animation.animate_to(Percentage::new_unchecked(1.0)); state } fn remove_index(&mut self, index: usize) -> Async>> { if index == (self.animations.len() - 1) { self.animations.pop(); Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::Pop {})) } else { self.animations.remove(index); Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::RemoveAt { index })) } } fn should_remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> bool { let state = &mut self.animations[index]; state.animation.animate_to(Percentage::new_unchecked(0.0)); let mut future = state.animation.signal().wait_for(Percentage::new_unchecked(0.0)); if future.poll().unwrap().is_ready() { true } else { state.removing = Some(future); false } } fn find_index(&self, parent_index: usize) -> Option { let mut seen = 0; // TODO is there a combinator that can simplify this ? self.animations.iter().position(|state| { if state.removing.is_none() { if seen == parent_index { true } else { seen += 1; false } } else { false } }) } #[inline] fn find_last_index(&self) -> Option { self.animations.iter().rposition(|state| state.removing.is_none()) } } impl SignalVec for AnimatedMap where S: SignalVec, F: FnMut(S::Item, MutableSignal) -> A { type Item = A; // TODO this can probably be implemented more efficiently fn poll(&mut self) -> Async>> { let mut is_done = true; // TODO is this loop correct ? while let Some(mut signal) = self.signal.take() { match signal.poll() { Async::Ready(Some(change)) => { self.signal = Some(signal); return match change { // TODO maybe it should play remove / insert animations for this ? VecChange::Replace { values } => { self.animations = Vec::with_capacity(values.len()); Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::Replace { values: values.into_iter().map(|value| { let state = AnimatedMapState { animation: MutableAnimation::new_with_initial(self.duration, Percentage::new_unchecked(1.0)), removing: None, }; let value = (self.callback)(value, state.animation.signal()); self.animations.push(state); value }).collect() })) }, VecChange::InsertAt { index, value } => { let index = self.find_index(index).unwrap_or_else(|| self.animations.len()); let state = self.animated_state(); let value = (self.callback)(value, state.animation.signal()); self.animations.insert(index, state); Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::InsertAt { index, value })) }, VecChange::Push { value } => { let state = self.animated_state(); let value = (self.callback)(value, state.animation.signal()); self.animations.push(state); Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::Push { value })) }, VecChange::UpdateAt { index, value } => { let index = self.find_index(index).expect("Could not find value"); let state = &self.animations[index]; let value = (self.callback)(value, state.animation.signal()); Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::UpdateAt { index, value })) }, VecChange::RemoveAt { index } => { let index = self.find_index(index).expect("Could not find value"); if self.should_remove(index) { self.remove_index(index) } else { continue; } }, VecChange::Pop {} => { let index = self.find_last_index().expect("Cannot pop from empty vec"); if self.should_remove(index) { self.remove_index(index) } else { continue; } }, // TODO maybe it should play remove animation for this ? VecChange::Clear {} => { self.animations = vec![]; Async::Ready(Some(VecChange::Clear {})) }, } }, Async::Ready(None) => { break; }, Async::NotReady => { self.signal = Some(signal); is_done = false; break; }, } } let mut is_removing = false; // TODO make this more efficient (e.g. using a similar strategy as FuturesUnordered) // This uses rposition so that way it will return VecChange::Pop in more situations let index = self.animations.iter_mut().rposition(|state| { if let Some(ref mut future) = state.removing { is_removing = true; future.poll().unwrap().is_ready() } else { false } }); match index { Some(index) => { self.remove_index(index) }, None => if is_done && !is_removing { Async::Ready(None) } else { Async::NotReady }, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub struct Percentage(f64); impl Percentage { #[inline] pub fn new(input: f64) -> Self { debug_assert!(input >= 0.0 && input <= 1.0); Self::new_unchecked(input) } #[inline] pub fn new_unchecked(input: f64) -> Self { Percentage(input) } #[inline] pub fn map(self, f: F) -> Self where F: FnOnce(f64) -> f64 { Self::new(f(self.0)) } #[inline] pub fn map_unchecked(self, f: F) -> Self where F: FnOnce(f64) -> f64 { Self::new_unchecked(f(self.0)) } #[inline] pub fn invert(self) -> Self { // TODO use new instead ? Self::new_unchecked(1.0 - self.0) } #[inline] pub fn range_inclusive(&self, low: f64, high: f64) -> f64 { range_inclusive(self.0, low, high) } // TODO figure out better name #[inline] pub fn into_f64(self) -> f64 { self.0 } } impl Into for Percentage { #[inline] fn into(self) -> f64 { self.0 } } #[inline] fn range_inclusive(percentage: f64, low: f64, high: f64) -> f64 { low + (percentage * (high - low)) } pub mod unsync { use super::{Percentage, range_inclusive, timestamps}; use operations::spawn_future; use std::rc::Rc; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use signals::signal::{Signal, CancelableFutureHandle}; use signals::signal::unsync::{Mutable, MutableSignal}; use discard::DiscardOnDrop; struct MutableAnimationState { playing: Cell, duration: Cell, value: Mutable, end: Cell, animating: RefCell>>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MutableAnimation(Rc); impl MutableAnimation { #[inline] pub fn new_with_initial(duration: f64, initial: Percentage) -> Self { debug_assert!(duration >= 0.0); MutableAnimation(Rc::new(MutableAnimationState { playing: Cell::new(true), duration: Cell::new(duration), value: Mutable::new(initial), end: Cell::new(initial), animating: RefCell::new(None), })) } #[inline] pub fn new(duration: f64) -> Self { Self::new_with_initial(duration, Percentage::new_unchecked(0.0)) } #[inline] fn stop_animating(&self) { *self.0.animating.borrow_mut() = None; } fn start_animating(&self) { if self.0.playing.get() { // TODO use Copy constraint to make value.get() faster ? let start: f64 = self.0.value.get().into(); let end: f64 = self.0.end.get().into(); if start != end { let duration = self.0.duration.get(); if duration > 0.0 { let duration = (end - start).abs() * duration; let state = self.clone(); let mut starting_time = None; *self.0.animating.borrow_mut() = Some(spawn_future( timestamps() .map(move |current_time| { if let Some(current_time) = current_time { let starting_time = *starting_time.get_or_insert(current_time); let diff = (current_time - starting_time) / duration; // TODO don't update if the new value is the same as the old value if diff >= 1.0 { state.stop_animating(); state.0.value.set(Percentage::new_unchecked(end)); true } else { state.0.value.set(Percentage::new_unchecked(range_inclusive(diff, start, end))); false } } else { false } }) .wait_for(true) )); } else { self.stop_animating(); self.0.value.set(Percentage::new_unchecked(end)); } } else { // TODO is this necessary ? self.stop_animating(); } } } pub fn set_duration(&self, duration: f64) { debug_assert!(duration >= 0.0); if self.0.duration.get() != duration { self.0.duration.set(duration); self.start_animating(); } } #[inline] pub fn pause(&self) { self.0.playing.set(false); self.stop_animating(); } #[inline] pub fn play(&self) { self.0.playing.set(true); self.start_animating(); } pub fn jump_to(&self, end: Percentage) { self.stop_animating(); self.0.end.set(end); // TODO use Copy constraint to make value.get() faster ? if self.0.value.get() != end { self.0.value.set(end); } } pub fn animate_to(&self, end: Percentage) { if self.0.end.get() != end { if self.0.duration.get() <= 0.0 { self.jump_to(end); } else { self.0.end.set(end); self.start_animating(); } } } #[inline] pub fn signal(&self) -> MutableSignal { self.0.value.signal() } } } pub mod easing { use super::Percentage; // TODO should this use map rather than map_unchecked ? #[inline] pub fn powi(p: Percentage, n: i32) -> Percentage { p.map_unchecked(|p| p.powi(n)) } #[inline] pub fn cubic(p: Percentage) -> Percentage { powi(p, 3) } #[inline] pub fn out(p: Percentage, f: F) -> Percentage where F: FnOnce(Percentage) -> Percentage { f(p.invert()).invert() } pub fn in_out(p: Percentage, f: F) -> Percentage where F: FnOnce(Percentage) -> Percentage { p.map_unchecked(|p| { if p <= 0.5 { f(Percentage::new_unchecked(p * 2.0)).into_f64() / 2.0 } else { 1.0 - (f(Percentage::new_unchecked((1.0 - p) * 2.0)).into_f64() / 2.0) } }) } }