
379 lines
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2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
use std::io::Write;
use std::iter;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{env, thread};
use syn::parse::{ParseStream, Parser, Result as ParseResult};
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
2020-06-07 10:23:45 -04:00
use syn::{Fields, Ident, ItemStruct, LitBool, LitChar, LitStr, Token};
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
use crate::compiler::Compiler;
use crate::config::Config;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
use crate::error::*;
use crate::util::filetime;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
// options for `template` attributes
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
struct DeriveTemplateOptions {
found_keys: Vec<Ident>,
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
path: Option<LitStr>,
delimiter: Option<LitChar>,
escape: Option<LitBool>,
2020-06-06 18:01:15 -04:00
rm_whitespace: Option<LitBool>,
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
impl DeriveTemplateOptions {
fn parser<'s>(&'s mut self) -> impl Parser + 's {
move |s: ParseStream| -> ParseResult<()> {
while !s.is_empty() {
let key = s.parse::<Ident>()?;
// check if argument is repeated
if self.found_keys.iter().any(|e| *e == key) {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
format!("Argument `{}` was repeated.", key),
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
if key == "path" {
self.path = Some(s.parse::<LitStr>()?);
} else if key == "delimiter" {
self.delimiter = Some(s.parse::<LitChar>()?);
} else if key == "escape" {
self.escape = Some(s.parse::<LitBool>()?);
} else if key == "rm_whitespace" {
self.rm_whitespace = Some(s.parse::<LitBool>()?);
} else {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
format!("Unknown option: `{}`", key),
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
// consume comma token
if s.is_empty() {
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
} else {
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
fn merge_config_options(config: &mut Config, options: &DeriveTemplateOptions) {
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
if let Some(ref delimiter) = options.delimiter {
2020-06-05 22:58:14 -04:00
config.delimiter = delimiter.value();
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
if let Some(ref escape) = options.escape {
2020-06-05 22:58:14 -04:00
config.escape = escape.value;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2020-06-06 18:01:15 -04:00
if let Some(ref rm_whitespace) = options.rm_whitespace {
config.rm_whitespace = rm_whitespace.value;
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
fn resolve_template_file(path: &str, template_dirs: &[PathBuf]) -> Option<PathBuf> {
for template_dir in template_dirs.iter().rev() {
let p = template_dir.join(path);
if p.is_file() {
return Some(p);
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
let mut fallback = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect(
"Internal error: environmental variable `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is not set.",
if fallback.is_file() {
return Some(fallback);
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
fn filename_hash(path: &Path, config: &Config) -> String {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
config.hash(&mut hasher);
2023-10-21 17:09:00 -04:00
let config_hash = hasher.finish();
path.hash(&mut hasher);
let path_hash = hasher.finish();
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
2023-10-21 17:09:00 -04:00
format!("{:016x}-{:016x}", config_hash, path_hash)
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
fn with_compiler<T, F: FnOnce(Compiler) -> Result<T, Error>>(
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
config: Config,
apply: F,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
struct FallbackScope {}
impl FallbackScope {
fn new() -> Self {
// Any token or span constructed after `proc_macro2::fallback::force()` must
// not outlive after `unforce()` because it causes span mismatch error. In
// this case, we must ensure that `compile_file` does not return any token or
// span.
FallbackScope {}
impl Drop for FallbackScope {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let compiler = Compiler::with_config(config);
let _scope = FallbackScope::new();
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
fn derive_template_impl(tokens: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
let strct = syn::parse2::<ItemStruct>(tokens)?;
let mut all_options = DeriveTemplateOptions::default();
for attr in strct.attrs {
if attr.path().is_ident("template") {
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2020-06-14 17:44:49 -04:00
#[cfg(feature = "config")]
let mut config = {
let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect(
"Internal error: environmental variable `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is not set.",
.map_err(|e| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), e))?
2020-06-14 17:44:49 -04:00
#[cfg(not(feature = "config"))]
let mut config = Config::default();
2020-06-06 09:49:01 -04:00
if env::var("SAILFISH_INTEGRATION_TESTS").map_or(false, |s| s == "1") {
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
let template_dir = env::current_dir()
.find(|p| p.join("LICENSE").exists())
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
let input_file = {
let path = all_options.path.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), "`path` option must be specified.")
resolve_template_file(&*path.value(), &*config.template_dirs)
.and_then(|path| path.canonicalize().ok())
.ok_or_else(|| {
2020-06-14 16:36:39 -04:00
format!("Template file {:?} not found", path.value()),
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
merge_config_options(&mut config, &all_options);
// Template compilation through this proc-macro uses a caching mechanism. Output file
// names include a hash calculated from input file contents and compiler
// configuration. This way, existing files never need updating and can simply be
// re-used if they exist.
2020-12-28 15:19:12 -05:00
let mut output_file = PathBuf::from(env!("OUT_DIR"));
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
output_file.push(filename_hash(&*input_file, &config));
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
// This makes sure max 1 process creates a new file, "create_new" check+create is an
// atomic operation. Cargo sometimes runs multiple macro invocations for the same
// file in parallel, so that's important to prevent a race condition.
struct Lock<'path> {
path: &'path Path,
impl<'path> Lock<'path> {
fn new(path: &'path Path) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
.map(|_| Lock { path })
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
impl<'path> Drop for Lock<'path> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
.expect("Failed to clean up lock file {}. Delete it manually, or run `cargo clean`.");
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
let deps = with_compiler(config, |compiler| {
let dep_path = output_file.with_extension("deps");
let lock_path = output_file.with_extension("lock");
let lock = Lock::new(&lock_path);
match lock {
Ok(lock) => {
let (tsource, report) = compiler.resolve_file(&input_file)?;
let output_filetime = filetime(&output_file);
let input_filetime = iter::once(&input_file)
.map(|path| filetime(path))
.expect("Iterator contains at least `input_file`");
// Recompile template if any included templates were changed
// since the last time we compiled.
if input_filetime > output_filetime {
compiler.compile_file(&input_file, tsource, &output_file)?;
// Write access to `dep_path` is serialized by `lock`.
let mut dep_file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("Failed to open {:?}: {}", dep_path, e)
// Write out dependencies for concurrent processes to reuse.
for dep in &report.deps {
writeln!(&mut dep_file, "{}", dep.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
// Prevent output file from being tracked by Cargo. Without this hack,
// every change to a template causes two recompilations:
// 1. Change a template at timestamp t.
// 2. Cargo detects template change due to `include_bytes!` macro below.
// 3. Sailfish compiler generates an output file with a later timestamp t'.
// 4. Build finishes with timestamp t.
// 5. Next cargo build detects output file with timestamp t' > t and rebuilds.
// 6. Sailfish compiler does not regenerate output due to timestamp logic above.
// 7. Build finishes with timestamp t'.
let _ = filetime::set_file_times(
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
// Lock file exists, template is already (currently being?) compiled.
Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => {
let mut load_attempts = 0;
while lock_path.exists() {
load_attempts += 1;
if load_attempts > 100 {
panic!("Lock file {:?} is stuck. Try deleting it.", lock_path);
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
Err(e) => panic!("{:?}: {}. Maybe try `cargo clean`?", lock_path, e),
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
.map_err(|e| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), e))?;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
let input_file_string = input_file
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Non UTF-8 file name: {:?}", input_file));
let output_file_string = output_file
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Non UTF-8 file name: {:?}", output_file));
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
let mut include_bytes_seq = quote! { include_bytes!(#input_file_string); };
2023-07-28 10:28:02 -04:00
for dep in deps {
if let Some(dep_string) = dep.to_str() {
include_bytes_seq.extend(quote! { include_bytes!(#dep_string); });
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
// Generate tokens
let name = strct.ident;
let field_names: Punctuated<Ident, Token![,]> = match strct.fields {
Fields::Named(fields) => fields
.map(|f| {
"Internal error: Failed to get field name (error code: 73621)",
Fields::Unit => Punctuated::new(),
_ => {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
2024-03-11 17:33:11 -04:00
"You cannot derive `Render` or `RenderOnce` for tuple struct",
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = strct.generics.split_for_impl();
2024-03-11 17:33:11 -04:00
let inline = if cfg!(feature = "perf-inline") {
} else {
2024-03-11 17:33:11 -04:00
let tokens = quote! {
impl #impl_generics sailfish::RenderOnce for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
fn render_once(self, __sf_buf: &mut sailfish::runtime::Buffer) -> std::result::Result<(), sailfish::runtime::RenderError> {
// This line is required for cargo to track child templates
use sailfish::runtime as __sf_rt;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
let #name { #field_names } = self;
2020-06-04 16:39:33 -04:00
pub fn derive_template(tokens: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
derive_template_impl(tokens).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_compile_error())