use criterion; use markup::define; // TODO: Switch to `markup::define!` when upgrading to Rust 2018. define! { BigTable<'a>(table: &'a [Vec]) { table { @for r1 in table.iter() { tr { @for r2 in r1.iter() { td { {*r2} } } } } } } } pub fn big_table(b: &mut criterion::Bencher<'_>, size: &usize) { let mut table = Vec::with_capacity(*size); for _ in 0..*size { let mut inner = Vec::with_capacity(*size); for i in 0..*size { inner.push(i); } table.push(inner); } b.iter(|| BigTable { table: &table }.to_string()); } pub struct Team { name: String, score: u8, } define! { Teams<'a>(year: u32, teams: &'a [Team]) { html { head { title { {year} } } body { h1 { "CSL " {year} } ul { @for (index, team) in teams.iter().enumerate() { li.{if index == 0 { Some("champion") } else { None }} { b { {} } ": " {team.score} } } } } } } } pub fn teams(b: &mut criterion::Bencher<'_>, _: &usize) { let year = 2015; let teams = vec![ Team { name: "Jiangsu".into(), score: 43, }, Team { name: "Beijing".into(), score: 27, }, Team { name: "Guangzhou".into(), score: 22, }, Team { name: "Shandong".into(), score: 12, }, ]; b.iter(|| { Teams { year, teams: &teams, } .to_string() }); }