use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; use std::env; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result as ParseResult}; use syn::punctuated::Punctuated; use syn::{Fields, Ident, ItemStruct, LitBool, LitChar, LitStr, Token}; use crate::compiler::{CompilationReport, Compiler}; use crate::config::Config; use crate::error::*; // options for `template` attributes #[derive(Default)] struct DeriveTemplateOptions { path: Option, delimiter: Option, escape: Option, rm_whitespace: Option, type_: Option, } impl Parse for DeriveTemplateOptions { fn parse(outer: ParseStream) -> ParseResult { let s; syn::parenthesized!(s in outer); let mut options = Self::default(); let mut found_keys = Vec::new(); while !s.is_empty() { let key = s.parse::()?; s.parse::()?; // check if argument is repeated if found_keys.iter().any(|e| *e == key) { return Err(syn::Error::new( key.span(), format!("Argument `{}` was repeated.", key), )); } if key == "path" { options.path = Some(s.parse::()?); } else if key == "delimiter" { options.delimiter = Some(s.parse::()?); } else if key == "escape" { options.escape = Some(s.parse::()?); } else if key == "rm_whitespace" { options.rm_whitespace = Some(s.parse::()?); } else if key == "type" { options.type_ = Some(s.parse::()?); } else { return Err(syn::Error::new( key.span(), format!("Unknown option: `{}`", key), )); } found_keys.push(key); // consume comma token if s.is_empty() { break; } else { s.parse::()?; } } Ok(options) } } impl DeriveTemplateOptions { fn merge(&mut self, other: DeriveTemplateOptions) -> Result<(), syn::Error> { fn merge_single( lhs: &mut Option, rhs: Option, ) -> Result<(), syn::Error> { if lhs.is_some() { if let Some(rhs) = rhs { Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(rhs, "keyword argument repeated.")) } else { Ok(()) } } else { *lhs = rhs; Ok(()) } } merge_single(&mut self.path, other.path)?; merge_single(&mut self.delimiter, other.delimiter)?; merge_single(&mut self.escape, other.escape)?; merge_single(&mut self.rm_whitespace, other.rm_whitespace)?; merge_single(&mut self.type_, other.type_)?; Ok(()) } } fn merge_config_options(config: &mut Config, options: &DeriveTemplateOptions) { if let Some(ref delimiter) = options.delimiter { config.delimiter = delimiter.value(); } if let Some(ref escape) = options.escape { config.escape = escape.value; } if let Some(ref rm_whitespace) = options.rm_whitespace { config.rm_whitespace = rm_whitespace.value; } } fn resolve_template_file(path: &str, template_dirs: &[PathBuf]) -> Option { for template_dir in template_dirs.iter().rev() { let p = template_dir.join(path); if p.is_file() { return Some(p); } } let mut fallback = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect( "Internal error: environmental variable `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is not set.", )); fallback.push("templates"); fallback.push(path); if fallback.is_file() { return Some(fallback); } None } fn filename_hash(path: &Path) -> String { use std::fmt::Write; const FNV_PRIME: u64 = 1_099_511_628_211; const FNV_OFFSET_BASIS: u64 = 14_695_981_039_346_656_037; let mut hash = String::with_capacity(16); if let Some(n) = path.file_name() { let mut filename = &*n.to_string_lossy(); if let Some(p) = filename.find('.') { filename = &filename[..p]; } hash.push_str(filename); hash.push('-'); } // calculate 64bit hash let mut h = FNV_OFFSET_BASIS; for b in (&*path.to_string_lossy()).bytes() { h = h.wrapping_mul(FNV_PRIME); h ^= b as u64; } // convert 64bit hash into ascii let _ = write!(hash, "{:016x}", h); hash } fn compile( input_file: &Path, output_file: &Path, config: Config, ) -> Result { let compiler = Compiler::with_config(config); compiler.compile_file(input_file, &*output_file) } fn derive_template_impl(tokens: TokenStream) -> Result { let strct = syn::parse2::(tokens)?; let mut all_options = DeriveTemplateOptions::default(); for attr in strct.attrs { if attr.path.is_ident("template") { let opt = syn::parse2::(attr.tokens)?; all_options.merge(opt)?; } } let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect( "Internal error: environmental variable `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is not set.", )); #[cfg(feature = "config")] let mut config = Config::search_file_and_read(&*manifest_dir) .map_err(|e| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), e))?; #[cfg(not(feature = "config"))] let mut config = Config::default(); if env::var("SAILFISH_INTEGRATION_TESTS").map_or(false, |s| s == "1") { let template_dir = env::current_dir() .unwrap() .ancestors() .find(|p| p.join("LICENSE").exists()) .unwrap() .join("integration-tests") .join("tests") .join("fails") .join("templates"); config.template_dirs.push(template_dir); } let input_file = { let path = all_options.path.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| { syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), "`path` option must be specified.") })?; resolve_template_file(&*path.value(), &*config.template_dirs).ok_or_else( || { syn::Error::new( path.span(), format!("Template file {:?} not found", path.value()), ) }, )? }; let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env!("OUT_DIR")); let mut output_file = out_dir.clone(); output_file.push("templates"); output_file.push(filename_hash(&*input_file)); merge_config_options(&mut config, &all_options); let report = compile(&*input_file, &*output_file, config) .map_err(|e| syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), e))?; let input_file_string = input_file.to_string_lossy(); let output_file_string = output_file.to_string_lossy(); let mut include_bytes_seq = quote! { include_bytes!(#input_file_string); }; for dep in report.deps { let dep_string = dep.to_string_lossy(); include_bytes_seq.extend(quote! { include_bytes!(#dep_string); }); } // Generate tokens let name = strct.ident; let field_names: Punctuated = match strct.fields { Fields::Named(fields) => fields .named .into_iter() .map(|f| { f.ident.expect( "Internal error: Failed to get field name (error code: 73621)", ) }) .collect(), Fields::Unit => Punctuated::new(), _ => { return Err(syn::Error::new( Span::call_site(), "You cannot derive `Template` or `TemplateOnce` for tuple struct", )); } }; let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = strct.generics.split_for_impl(); let tokens = quote! { impl #impl_generics sailfish::TemplateOnce for #name #ty_generics #where_clause { fn render_once_to_string(self, buf: &mut String) -> Result<(), sailfish::runtime::RenderError> { #include_bytes_seq; use sailfish::runtime as sfrt; use sfrt::RenderInternal as _; static SIZE_HINT: sfrt::SizeHint = sfrt::SizeHint::new(); let mut _ctx = sfrt::Context { buf: sfrt::Buffer::from(std::mem::take(buf)) }; let _size_hint = SIZE_HINT.get(); _ctx.buf.reserve(_size_hint); let #name { #field_names } = self; include!(#output_file_string); SIZE_HINT.update(_ctx.buf.len()); *buf = _ctx.buf.into_string(); Ok(()) } } }; Ok(tokens) } pub fn derive_template(tokens: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { derive_template_impl(tokens).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_compile_error()) }