use quote::quote; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Arc; use syn::visit_mut::VisitMut; use syn::{Block, Expr, ExprBlock, ExprMacro, LitStr}; use crate::error::*; macro_rules! matches_or_else { ($val:expr, $p:pat, $ok:expr, $else:expr) => { match $val { $p => $ok, _ => $else, } }; } macro_rules! return_if_some { ($val:expr) => { if $val.is_some() { return; } }; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Resolver<'h> { include_handler: Arc Result>, } impl<'h> Resolver<'h> { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { include_handler: Arc::new(|_| { Err(make_error!(ErrorKind::AnalyzeError( "You cannot use `include` macro inside templates".to_owned() ))) }), } } #[inline] pub fn include_handler( mut self, new: Arc Result>, ) -> Resolver<'h> { self.include_handler = new; self } #[inline] pub fn resolve( &self, input_file: &Path, ast: &mut Block, ) -> Result { let mut child = ResolverImpl { path_stack: vec![input_file.to_owned()], deps: Vec::new(), error: None, include_handler: Arc::clone(&self.include_handler), }; child.visit_block_mut(ast); if let Some(e) = child.error { Err(e) } else { Ok(ResolveReport { deps: child.deps }) } } } pub struct ResolveReport { pub deps: Vec, } struct ResolverImpl<'h> { path_stack: Vec, deps: Vec, error: Option, include_handler: Arc Result>, } impl<'h> ResolverImpl<'h> { fn resolve_include(&mut self, i: &ExprMacro) -> Result { let arg = match syn::parse2::(i.mac.tokens.clone()) { Ok(l) => l.value(), Err(e) => { let mut e = Error::from(e); e.chains.push(ErrorKind::AnalyzeError( "invalid arguments for `include` macro".to_owned(), )); return Err(e); } }; // resolve include! for rust file if arg.ends_with(".rs") { let absolute_path = if Path::new(&*arg).is_absolute() { PathBuf::from(&arg[1..]) } else { self.path_stack.last().unwrap().parent().unwrap().join(arg) }; return if let Some(absolute_path_str) = absolute_path.to_str() { Ok(syn::parse2(quote! { include!(#absolute_path_str) }).unwrap()) } else { let msg = format!( "cannot include path with non UTF-8 character: {:?}", absolute_path ); Err(make_error!(ErrorKind::AnalyzeError(msg))) }; } // resolve the template file path // TODO: How should arguments be interpreted on Windows? let child_template_file = if Path::new(&*arg).is_absolute() { // absolute imclude PathBuf::from(&arg[1..]) } else { // relative include self.path_stack.last().unwrap().parent().unwrap().join(arg) }; // parse and translate the child template let mut blk = (*self.include_handler)(&*child_template_file).chain_err(|| { format!("Failed to include {:?}", child_template_file.clone()) })?; self.path_stack.push(child_template_file); syn::visit_mut::visit_block_mut(self, &mut blk); let child_template_file = self.path_stack.pop().unwrap(); if self.deps.iter().all(|p| p != &child_template_file) { self.deps.push(child_template_file); } Ok(Expr::Block(ExprBlock { attrs: Vec::new(), label: None, block: blk, })) } } impl<'h> VisitMut for ResolverImpl<'h> { fn visit_expr_mut(&mut self, i: &mut Expr) { return_if_some!(self.error); let em = matches_or_else!(*i, Expr::Macro(ref mut em), em, { syn::visit_mut::visit_expr_mut(self, i); return; }); // resolve `include` if em.mac.path.is_ident("include") { match self.resolve_include(em) { Ok(e) => *i = e, Err(e) => { self.error = Some(e); return; } } } } }