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2021-01-18 22:39:08 -05:00
extern crate tracing;
use nrid::Nrid;
use tide::Middleware;
2021-01-18 22:39:08 -05:00
use tide::Next;
use tide::Request;
use tracing::Instrument;
/// A traceable component of a [`Request`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, num_enum::FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ReqComp {
__Default = 0b00000000,
Method = 0b00000001,
Path = 0b00000010,
IP = 0b00000100,
Query = 0b00001000,
/// A selection of traceable components of a [`Request`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ReqComps(u8);
impl ReqComps {
pub const fn contains(self, mask: ReqComp) -> bool {
self.bitand_one(mask).0 == mask as u8
pub const fn contains_all(self, mask: Self) -> bool {
self.bitand_self(mask).0 == mask.0
const fn bitand_self(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Self((self.0 as u8) & (rhs.0 as u8))
const fn bitand_one(self, rhs: ReqComp) -> Self {
Self((self.0 as u8) & (rhs as u8))
impl Default for ReqComps {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<ReqComp> for ReqComps {
fn from(comp: ReqComp) -> Self {
Self(comp as u8)
impl core::cmp::PartialEq for ReqComps {
fn eq(&self, comp: &Self) -> bool {
self.0 == comp.0
impl core::ops::BitOr for ReqComp {
type Output = ReqComps;
fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
ReqComps((self as u8) | (rhs as u8))
impl core::ops::BitOr for ReqComps {
type Output = ReqComps;
fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
ReqComps(self.0 | rhs.0)
impl core::ops::BitOr<ReqComp> for ReqComps {
type Output = ReqComps;
fn bitor(self, rhs: ReqComp) -> Self::Output {
ReqComps((self.0 as u8) | (rhs as u8))
impl core::ops::BitOrAssign for ReqComps {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: ReqComps) {
self.0 = (self.0 as u8) | (rhs.0 as u8)
impl core::ops::BitOrAssign<ReqComp> for ReqComps {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: ReqComp) {
self.0 = (self.0 as u8) | (rhs as u8)
impl core::ops::BitAnd for ReqComp {
type Output = ReqComps;
fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
ReqComps((self as u8) & (rhs as u8))
impl core::ops::BitAnd for ReqComps {
type Output = ReqComps;
fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
impl core::ops::BitAnd<ReqComp> for ReqComps {
type Output = ReqComps;
fn bitand(self, rhs: ReqComp) -> Self::Output {
// TODO make `const` when is "stable" #57349 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57349>
impl core::ops::BitAndAssign for ReqComps {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: ReqComps) {
self.0 = (self.0 as u8) & (rhs.0 as u8)
// TODO make `const` when is "stable" #57349 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57349>
impl core::ops::BitAndAssign<ReqComp> for ReqComps {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: ReqComp) {
self.0 = (self.0 as u8) & (rhs as u8)
2021-01-18 22:39:08 -05:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LogMiddleware {
pub components: ReqComps,
impl Default for LogMiddleware {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
components: ReqComp::Method | ReqComp::Path,
impl LogMiddleware {
async fn log<'a, State: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static>(
&'a self,
req: Request<State>,
next: Next<'a, State>,
) -> tide::Result {
2021-01-18 22:39:08 -05:00
let id = Nrid::now();
use tracing::field::Empty;
let span = debug_span!("Request", id = %id, "http.method" = Empty, "http.path" = Empty, "conn.ip" = Empty, "http.query" = Empty);
let url = req.url();
if self.components.contains(ReqComp::Method) {
span.record("http.method", &tracing::field::display(req.method()));
if self.components.contains(ReqComp::Path) {
span.record("http.path", &url.path());
if self.components.contains(ReqComp::IP) {
if self.components.contains(ReqComp::Query) {
span.record("http.query", &url.query().unwrap_or(""));
async move {
let res = next.run(req).await;
let status = res.status();
2022-05-02 13:00:05 -04:00
match res.error() {
Some(e) => {
2022-05-02 13:23:04 -04:00
error!(status = %status, "Response with internal error: {e:?}");
2022-05-02 13:00:05 -04:00
None => {
debug!(status = %status, "Response");
impl<State: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static> Middleware<State> for LogMiddleware {
async fn handle(&self, req: Request<State>, next: Next<'_, State>) -> tide::Result {
self.log(req, next).await
2021-01-18 22:39:08 -05:00
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_mask() {
const FIELDS: &'static [ReqComp] = &[ReqComp::Path, ReqComp::IP];
let mut comps = ReqComps::default();
for field in FIELDS {
comps |= *field;