# Manjaro for T2 MacBooks This repository contains the build scripts for compiling isos using the mbp-manjaro-kernel. With these iso files you can run Manjaro on 2018+ Macbook models with the T2 Chip. Kernel Source: https://github.com/JPyke3/mbp-manjaro-kernel Extra Modules: https://github.com/JPyke3/extramodules-mbp-manjaro Repository: http://mbp-repo.jacobpyke.xyz/archlinux/ Roadmap: https://github.com/JPyke3/mbp-manjaro/projects/1 ## Important Notice for all users! My repository has changed due to issues with my previous content delivery network. You can replace the repository by opening a terminal and running the following command: ``` sudo sed -i 's/https:\/\/jacobpyke.xyz/http:\/\/mbp-repo.jacobpyke.xyz/' /etc/pacman.conf ``` ## Installation Proccess [See the wiki for installation procedure](https://github.com/JPyke3/mbp-manjaro/wiki/Installation) ## Distro Specific Packages: - `audio-fix-mbp` - Installs files needed for pulseaudio rules - `wifi-fix-mbp` - Usage: `systemctl start wifi-fix.service; systemctl enable wifi-fix.service` - Fixes a bug where the wifi firmware won't load on boot ## FAQ [See the wiki for a FAQ](https://github.com/JPyke3/mbp-manjaro/wiki/FAQ) ## Building for yourself [See the wiki for build instructions](https://github.com/JPyke3/mbp-manjaro/wiki/Building) ## Notable Resources * Build Manjaro ISOs with Buildiso: https://wiki.manjaro.org/Build_Manjaro_ISOs_with_buildiso * Apple BCE DKMS Git: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/apple-bce-dkms-git/ * Manjaro Core Packages: https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/core * t2linux.org Wiki: https://wiki.t2linux.org * Linux on T2 Macs (2018+) Discord Server: https://discord.gg/fgDd8Vr * Arch MBP 2018 (Out of Date): https://gist.github.com/TRPB/437f663b545d23cc8a2073253c774be3 ## Noteworthy Helpers * Aunali1 (Arch Linux MBP and DKMS Modules): https://github.com/aunali1 * MCMrARM (Original Drivers): https://github.com/MCMrARM * mikeeq (Fedora Linux MBP): https://github.com/mikeeq * TRPB (Original Arch Linux Guide): https://github.com/TRPB * marcosfad (Ubuntu MBP): https://github.com/marcosfad ## Noteworthy GitHub Repo's * Keyboard, Trackpad, Audio and Suspend: https://github.com/MCMrARM/mbp2018-bridge-drv * Arch Linux Kernel Patches: https://github.com/aunali1/linux-mbp-arch * DKMS Module for loading Patches: https://github.com/aunali1/apple-bce-arch ## Other MBP Distributions * Ubuntu: https://github.com/marcosfad/mbp-ubuntu * Fedora: https://github.com/mikeeq/mbp-fedora * Arch: https://github.com/aunali1/linux-mbp-arch # Donations *There is absolutley no obligation to donate, this software is free and will remain that way, this is just if you wanna help support my caffeine addiction ☕️* I accept donations either through Patreon (See the right hand side bar). Or via crypto (BTC and Lightning). ### On Chain My On Chain address is: `36MMVwfxRyZKA4SJyUkB8QptMvBip9jLzS` ![btc-on-chain](https://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/mbp-repo.jacobpyke.xyz/images/btc-address.png) ### Lightning [tippin.me](https://tippin.me) is currently not accepting sign ups, once they do I will create an account then I will accept tips via Lightning