iso-profiles ========================== ######* profile.conf ~~~ ########################################## ###### use this file in the profile ###### ########################################## # use multilib packages; x86_64 only # multilib="true" # use pxe # pxe_boot="true" # use core packages as defined in pkglist to use in basic profile # basic="false" # use extra packages as defined in pkglist to activate a full profile # extra="false" ################ install ################ # default displaymanager: none # supported; lightdm, sddm, gdm, lxdm, mdm # displaymanager="none" # Set to false to disable autologin in the livecd # autologin="true" # nonfree xorg drivers # nonfree_mhwd="true" # use plymouth # plymouth_boot="true" # possible values: grub;systemd-boot # efi_boot_loader="grub" # configure calamares for netinstall # netinstall="false" # the default url for the netinstall.yaml # netgroups="" # configure calamares to use chrootcfg instead of unpackfs; default: unpackfs # chrootcfg="false" # use geoip # geoip="true" # unset defaults to given values # names must match systemd service names # enable_systemd=('bluetooth' 'cronie' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep') # disable_systemd=() # unset defaults to given values, # names must match openrc service names # enable_openrc=('acpid' 'bluetooth' 'consolekit' 'cronie' 'cupsd' 'dbus' 'syslog-ng' 'NetworkManager') # disable_openrc=() # unset defaults to given values # addgroups="video,power,disk,storage,optical,network,lp,scanner,wheel" # the same workgroup name if samba is used # smb_workgroup="Manjaro" ################# live-session ################# # unset defaults to given value # hostname="manjaro" # unset defaults to given value # username="manjaro" # unset defaults to given value # password="manjaro" # the login shell # defaults to bash # login_shell=/bin/bash # unset defaults to given values # names must match systemd service names # services in enable_systemd array don't need to be listed here # enable_systemd_live=('manjaro-live' 'mhwd-live' 'pacman-init' 'mirrors-live') # unset defaults to given values, # names must match openrc service names # services in enable_openrc array don't need to be listed here # enable_openrc_live=('manjaro-live' 'mhwd-live' 'pacman-init' 'mirrors-live') ~~~ ######* New Packagelist tags ~~~ >openrc >systemd >i686 >x86_64 >multilib >nonfree_default >nonfree_i686 >nonfree_x86_64 >nonfree_multilib >manjaro >sonar >basic >extra ~~~ ######* Packages-Root * Contains root image packages * ideally no xorg ######* Packages-Desktop * Contains the desktop image packages * desktop environment packages go here ######* Packages-Mhwd * Contains the MHWD driver packages repo ######* Packages-Live * Contains packages you only want in live session but not installed on the target system with installer * default files are in shared folder and can be symlinked or defined in a real file ######* buildiso can be configured to use custom repos. * create a user-repos.conf ~~~ ${profile_dir}/user-repos.conf ~~~ Add only your repos to user-repos.conf! ######* Calamares * netgroups definitions go in [this] ( repo please