--- language: bash os: - linux services: - docker #branches: # only: # - master stages: - test - build_deploy jobs: include: - stage: test name: "YamlLint" script: | docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/repo -it alpine:latest /bin/sh -c ' cd /repo apk add --no-cache python3 pip3 install yamllint yamllint . ' - stage: test name: "ShellCheck" script: | docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/repo -it alpine:latest /bin/sh -c ' cd /repo apk add --no-cache shellcheck bash shellcheck ./*.sh shellcheck ./files/*.sh ' - stage: build_deploy name: "Build Ubuntu and Deploy to GitHub Releases" script: ./build_in_docker.sh deploy: provider: releases api_key: "$GITHUB_TOKEN" file_glob: true file: "output/*" skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true