
344 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use ecs;
use super::{
use world;
use types::Gamemode;
use collision::{Aabb, Aabb3};
use cgmath::{self, Point3};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use types::hash::FNVHash;
use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode;
pub fn add_systems(m: &mut ecs::Manager) {
// Not actually rendering related but the faster
// we can handle input the better.
let sys = MovementHandler::new(m);
pub fn create_local(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> ecs::Entity {
let entity = m.create_entity();
m.add_component_direct(entity, Position::new(0.5, 13.2, 0.5));
m.add_component_direct(entity, Rotation::new(0.0, 0.0));
m.add_component_direct(entity, Velocity::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
m.add_component_direct(entity, Gamemode::Survival);
m.add_component_direct(entity, Gravity::new());
m.add_component_direct(entity, PlayerMovement::new());
m.add_component_direct(entity, Bounds::new(Aabb3::new(
Point3::new(-0.3, 0.0, -0.3),
Point3::new(0.3, 1.8, 0.3)
pub struct PlayerMovement {
pub flying: bool,
pub did_touch_ground: bool,
pub pressed_keys: HashMap<Keycode, bool, BuildHasherDefault<FNVHash>>,
impl PlayerMovement {
pub fn new() -> PlayerMovement {
PlayerMovement {
flying: false,
did_touch_ground: false,
pressed_keys: HashMap::with_hasher(BuildHasherDefault::default()),
fn calculate_movement(&self, player_yaw: f64) -> (f64, f64) {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
let mut forward = 0.0f64;
let mut yaw = player_yaw - (PI/2.0);
if self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::W) || self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::S) {
forward = 1.0;
if self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::S) {
yaw += PI;
let mut change = 0.0;
if self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::A) {
change = (PI / 2.0) / (forward.abs() + 1.0);
if self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::D) {
change = -(PI / 2.0) / (forward.abs() + 1.0);
if self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::A) || self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::D) {
forward = 1.0;
if self.is_key_pressed(Keycode::S) {
yaw -= change;
} else {
yaw += change;
(forward, yaw)
fn is_key_pressed(&self, key: Keycode) -> bool {
self.pressed_keys.get(&key).map_or(false, |v| *v)
struct MovementHandler {
filter: ecs::Filter,
movement: ecs::Key<PlayerMovement>,
gravity: ecs::Key<Gravity>,
gamemode: ecs::Key<Gamemode>,
world: ecs::Key<Proxy<world::World>>,
position: ecs::Key<Position>,
velocity: ecs::Key<Velocity>,
game_info: ecs::Key<GameInfo>,
bounds: ecs::Key<Bounds>,
rotation: ecs::Key<Rotation>,
impl MovementHandler {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> MovementHandler {
let movement = m.get_key();
let position = m.get_key();
let velocity = m.get_key();
let bounds = m.get_key();
let rotation = m.get_key();
MovementHandler {
filter: ecs::Filter::new()
movement: movement,
gravity: m.get_key(),
gamemode: m.get_key(),
world: m.get_key(),
position: position,
velocity: velocity,
game_info: m.get_key(),
bounds: bounds,
rotation: rotation,
impl ecs::System for MovementHandler {
2016-03-27 08:27:31 -04:00
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager) {
let world_entity = m.get_world();
let world: &world::World = m.get_component(world_entity,;
let delta = m.get_component(world_entity, self.game_info).unwrap().delta;
for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
let movement = m.get_component_mut(e, self.movement).unwrap();
if movement.flying && m.get_component(e, self.gravity).is_some() {
m.remove_component(e, self.gravity);
} else if !movement.flying && m.get_component(e, self.gravity).is_none() {
m.add_component(e, self.gravity, Gravity::new());
let gamemode = m.get_component(e, self.gamemode).unwrap();
movement.flying |= gamemode.always_fly();
let position = m.get_component_mut(e, self.position).unwrap();
let rotation = m.get_component(e, self.rotation).unwrap();
let velocity = m.get_component_mut(e, self.velocity).unwrap();
let gravity = m.get_component_mut(e, self.gravity);
let player_bounds = m.get_component(e, self.bounds).unwrap().bounds;
if world.is_chunk_loaded((position.position.x as i32) >> 4, (position.position.z as i32) >> 4) {
let (forward, yaw) = movement.calculate_movement(rotation.yaw);
let mut speed = 4.317 / 60.0;
if movement.is_key_pressed(Keycode::LShift) {
speed = 5.612 / 60.0;
if movement.flying {
speed *= 2.5;
if movement.is_key_pressed(Keycode::Space) {
position.position.y += speed * delta;
if movement.is_key_pressed(Keycode::LCtrl) {
position.position.y -= speed * delta;
} else if gravity.as_ref().map_or(false, |v| v.on_ground) {
if movement.is_key_pressed(Keycode::Space) {
velocity.velocity.y = 0.15;
} else {
velocity.velocity.y = 0.0;
} else {
velocity.velocity.y -= 0.01 * delta;
if velocity.velocity.y < -0.3 {
velocity.velocity.y = -0.3;
position.position.x += forward * yaw.cos() * delta * speed;
position.position.z -= forward * yaw.sin() * delta * speed;
position.position.y += velocity.velocity.y * delta;
if !gamemode.noclip() {
let mut target = position.position;
position.position.y = position.last_position.y;
position.position.z = position.last_position.z;
// We handle each axis separately to allow for a sliding
// effect when pushing up against walls.
let (bounds, xhit) = check_collisions(world, position, player_bounds);
position.position.x = bounds.min.x + 0.3;
position.last_position.x = position.position.x;
position.position.z = target.z;
let (bounds, zhit) = check_collisions(world, position, player_bounds);
position.position.z = bounds.min.z + 0.3;
position.last_position.z = position.position.z;
// Half block jumps
// Minecraft lets you 'jump' up 0.5 blocks
// for slabs and stairs (or smaller blocks).
// Currently we implement this as a teleport to the
// top of the block if we could move there
// but this isn't smooth.
if (xhit || zhit) && gravity.as_ref().map_or(false, |v| v.on_ground) {
let mut ox = position.position.x;
let mut oz = position.position.z;
position.position.x = target.x;
position.position.z = target.z;
for offset in 1 .. 9 {
let mini = player_bounds.add_v(cgmath::Vector3::new(0.0, offset as f64 / 16.0, 0.0));
let (_, hit) = check_collisions(world, position, mini);
if !hit {
target.y += offset as f64 / 16.0;
ox = target.x;
oz = target.z;
position.position.x = ox;
position.position.z = oz;
position.position.y = target.y;
let (bounds, yhit) = check_collisions(world, position, player_bounds);
position.position.y = bounds.min.y;
position.last_position.y = position.position.y;
if yhit {
velocity.velocity.y = 0.0;
if let Some(gravity) = gravity {
let ground = Aabb3::new(
Point3::new(-0.3, -0.05, -0.3),
Point3::new(0.3, 0.0, 0.3)
let prev = gravity.on_ground;
let (_, hit) = check_collisions(world, position, ground);
gravity.on_ground = hit;
if !prev && gravity.on_ground {
movement.did_touch_ground = true;
fn check_collisions(world: &world::World, position: &mut Position, bounds: Aabb3<f64>) -> (Aabb3<f64>, bool) {
let mut bounds = bounds.add_v(position.position);
let dir = position.position - position.last_position;
let min_x = (bounds.min.x - 1.0) as i32;
let min_y = (bounds.min.y - 1.0) as i32;
let min_z = (bounds.min.z - 1.0) as i32;
let max_x = (bounds.max.x + 1.0) as i32;
let max_y = (bounds.max.y + 1.0) as i32;
let max_z = (bounds.max.z + 1.0) as i32;
let mut hit = false;
for y in min_y .. max_y {
for z in min_z .. max_z {
for x in min_x .. max_x {
let block = world.get_block(x, y, z);
for bb in block.get_collision_boxes() {
let bb = bb.add_v(cgmath::Vector3::new(x as f64, y as f64, z as f64));
if bb.collides(&bounds) {
bounds = bounds.move_out_of(bb, dir);
hit = true;
(bounds, hit)
trait Collidable<T> {
fn collides(&self, t: &T) -> bool;
fn move_out_of(self, other: Self, dir: cgmath::Vector3<f64>) -> Self;
impl Collidable<Aabb3<f64>> for Aabb3<f64> {
fn collides(&self, t: &Aabb3<f64>) -> bool {
t.min.x >= self.max.x ||
t.max.x <= self.min.x ||
t.min.y >= self.max.y ||
t.max.y <= self.min.y ||
t.min.z >= self.max.z ||
t.max.z <= self.min.z
fn move_out_of(mut self, other: Self, dir: cgmath::Vector3<f64>) -> Self {
if dir.x != 0.0 {
if dir.x > 0.0 {
let ox = self.max.x;
self.max.x = other.min.x - 0.0001;
self.min.x += self.max.x - ox;
} else {
let ox = self.min.x;
self.min.x = other.max.x + 0.0001;
self.max.x += self.min.x - ox;
if dir.y != 0.0 {
if dir.y > 0.0 {
let oy = self.max.y;
self.max.y = other.min.y - 0.0001;
self.min.y += self.max.y - oy;
} else {
let oy = self.min.y;
self.min.y = other.max.y + 0.0001;
self.max.y += self.min.y - oy;
if dir.z != 0.0 {
if dir.z > 0.0 {
let oz = self.max.z;
self.max.z = other.min.z - 0.0001;
self.min.z += self.max.z - oz;
} else {
let oz = self.min.z;
self.min.z = other.max.z + 0.0001;
self.max.z += self.min.z - oz;