
1284 lines
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2016-03-16 14:25:35 -04:00
// Copyright 2016 Matthew Collins
2015-09-17 11:21:56 -04:00
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-17 11:04:25 -04:00
use aes::Aes128;
use cfb8::Cfb8;
use cfb8::stream_cipher::{NewStreamCipher, StreamCipher};
2015-09-17 11:04:25 -04:00
use serde_json;
Add support for compiling WebAssembly wasm32-unknown-unknown target (#92) Note this only is the first step in web support, although the project compiles, it doesn't run! Merging now to avoid branch divergence, until dependencies can be updated for wasm support. * Add instructions to build for wasm32-unknown-unknown with wasm-pack in www/ * Update to rust-clipboard fork to compile with emscripten * Exclude reqwest dependency in wasm32 * Exclude compiling clipboard pasting on wasm32 * Exclude reqwest-using code from wasm32 * Install wasm target with rustup in Travis CI * Update to collision 0.19.0 Fixes wasm incompatibility in deprecated rustc-serialize crate: error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `encode` --> * Increase travis_wait time even further, try 120 minutes * Set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 in main * Remove unused unneeded bzip2 features in zip crate To fix wasm32-unknown-unknown target compile error: error[E0432]: unresolved imports `libc::c_int`, `libc::c_uint`, `libc::c_void`, `libc::c_char` --> src/ | 5 | use libc::{c_int, c_uint, c_void, c_char}; | ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ no `c_char` in the root | | | | | | | no `c_void` in the root | | no `c_uint` in the root | no `c_int` in the root * flate2 use Rust backend * Add console_error_panic_hook module for wasm backtraces * Build using wasm-pack, wasm-bindgen, run with wasm-app * Update to miniz_oxide 0.2.1, remove patch for * Update to official clipboard crate since was merged, but git revision pending release * Update to branch of glutin attempting to build for wasm * Update winit dependency of glutin to git master * Update to glutin branch with working (compiles, doesn't run) wasm_stub * Add app name in title on web page * Add wasm to Travis-CI test matrix * Update glutin to fix Windows EGL compilation on AppVeyor
2019-03-03 11:32:36 -05:00
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
Replace hyper with reqwest (#7) An old version of hyper was used before (0.8.0), in the process of updating to hyper 0.12.11, found this higher-level replacement/wrapper, reqwest 0.9.4 which is simpler to use than the latest hyper and serves the purpose of a simple HTTP client well * Begin updating to hyper 0.12.11 * Use type variables for hyper::Client * Fix setting header syntax, Content-Type: application/json, 17->13 * Parse strings into URLs with url.parse::<hyper::Uri>().unwrap() * Use hyper::Request::post() then client.request() since removed * wait() on the ResponseFuture to get the Result * try! to unwrap the Result * status() is now a method * Concatenate body chunks unwrap into bytes, then parse JSON from byte slice, instead of from_reader which didn't compile * Replace send() with wait() on ResponseFuture * Parse HeaderValue to u64 * Slices implement std::io::Read trait * Read into_bytes() instead of read_to_end() * Disable boxed logger for now to workaround 'expected function, found macro' * Remove unnecessary mutability, warnings * Hack to parse twice to avoid double move * Use hyper-rustls pure Rust implementation for TLS for HTTPS in hyper * Start converting to reqwest: add Protocol::Error and reqwest::Error conversion * Use reqwest, replacing hyper, in protocol * Convert resources to use reqwest instead of hyper * Convert skin download to reqwest, instead of hyper * Remove hyper * Revert unnecessary variable name change req/body to reduce diff * Revert unnecessary whitespace change to reduce diff, align indentation on . * Fix authenticating to server, wrong method and join URL * Update Cargo.lock
2018-10-27 20:03:34 -04:00
use reqwest;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
pub mod mojang;
pub mod forge;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
use crate::nbt;
use crate::format;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
use std::fmt;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
use std::default;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::io;
use std::io::{Write, Read};
use std::convert;
2015-09-17 11:04:25 -04:00
use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt, ReadBytesExt};
use flate2::read::{ZlibDecoder, ZlibEncoder};
use flate2::Compression;
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use crate::shared::Position;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
pub const SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS: [i32; 13] = [477, 452, 451, 404, 340, 316, 315, 210, 109, 107, 74, 47, 5];
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
// TODO: switch to using thread_local storage?, see
pub static mut NETWORK_DEBUG: bool = false;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
/// Helper macro for defining packets
macro_rules! state_packets {
($($state:ident $stateName:ident {
$($dir:ident $dirName:ident {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
packet $name:ident {
$($(#[$fattr:meta])*field $field:ident: $field_type:ty = $(when ($cond:expr))*, )+
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
})+) => {
use crate::protocol::*;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
use std::io;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub enum Packet {
pub mod $state {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub mod $dir {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
use crate::protocol::*;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
use std::io;
use crate::format;
use crate::nbt;
use crate::types;
use crate::item;
use crate::shared::Position;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub mod internal_ids {
create_ids!(i32, $($name),*);
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
$(#[$attr])* pub struct $name {
$($(#[$fattr])* pub $field: $field_type),+,
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
impl PacketType for $name {
fn packet_id(&self, version: i32) -> i32 {
packet::versions::translate_internal_packet_id_for_version(version, State::$stateName, Direction::$dirName, internal_ids::$name, false)
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
fn write<W: io::Write>(self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if true $(&& ($cond(&self)))* {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
/// Returns the packet for the given state, direction and id after parsing the fields
/// from the buffer.
pub fn packet_by_id<R: io::Read>(version: i32, state: State, dir: Direction, id: i32, mut buf: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Packet>, Error> {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
match state {
State::$stateName => {
match dir {
Direction::$dirName => {
let internal_id = packet::versions::translate_internal_packet_id_for_version(version, state, dir, id, true);
match internal_id {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
self::$state::$dir::internal_ids::$name => {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
use self::$state::$dir::$name;
let mut packet : $name = $name::default();
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if true $(&& ($cond(&packet)))* {
packet.$field = Serializable::read_from(&mut buf)?;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
_ => Result::Ok(Option::None)
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
macro_rules! protocol_packet_ids {
($($state:ident $stateName:ident {
$($dir:ident $dirName:ident {
$id:expr => $name:ident
})+) => {
use crate::protocol::*;
pub fn translate_internal_packet_id(state: State, dir: Direction, id: i32, to_internal: bool) -> i32 {
match state {
State::$stateName => {
match dir {
Direction::$dirName => {
if to_internal {
match id {
$id => crate::protocol::packet::$state::$dir::internal_ids::$name,
_ => panic!("bad packet id 0x{:x} in {:?} {:?}", id, dir, state),
} else {
match id {
crate::protocol::packet::$state::$dir::internal_ids::$name => $id,
_ => panic!("bad packet internal id 0x{:x} in {:?} {:?}", id, dir, state),
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub mod packet;
pub mod versions;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
pub trait Serializable: Sized {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error>;
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error>;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for Vec<u8> {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
let mut v = Vec::new();
buf.read_to_end(&mut v)?;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
buf.write_all(&self[..]).map_err(|v| v.into())
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for Option<nbt::NamedTag>{
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Option<nbt::NamedTag>, Error> {
let ty = buf.read_u8()?;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
if ty == 0 {
} else {
let name = nbt::read_string(buf)?;
let tag = nbt::Tag::read_from(buf)?;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
Result::Ok(Some(nbt::NamedTag(name, tag)))
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
match *self {
Some(ref val) => {
nbt::write_string(buf, &val.0)?;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
None => buf.write_u8(0)?,
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl <T> Serializable for Option<T> where T : Serializable {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Option<T>, Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if self.is_some() {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
impl Serializable for String {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<String, Error> {
2016-12-09 09:32:02 -05:00
let len = VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0;
debug_assert!(len >= 0, "Negative string length: {}", len);
debug_assert!(len <= 65536, "String length too big: {}", len);
let mut bytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
buf.take(len as u64).read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;
let ret = String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
let bytes = self.as_bytes();
VarInt(bytes.len() as i32).write_to(buf)?;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Serializable for format::Component {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let len = VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0;
let mut bytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
buf.take(len as u64).read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;
let ret = String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
let val = serde_json::to_string(&self.to_value()).unwrap();
let bytes = val.as_bytes();
VarInt(bytes.len() as i32).write_to(buf)?;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Serializable for () {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(_: &mut R) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2016-04-16 16:43:41 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, _: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Serializable for bool {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<bool, Error> {
Result::Ok(buf.read_u8()? != 0)
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
buf.write_u8(if *self {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
} else {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for i8 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<i8, Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Serializable for i16 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<i16, Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
impl Serializable for i32 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<i32, Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
impl Serializable for i64 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<i64, Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Serializable for u8 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<u8, Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
impl Serializable for u16 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<u16, Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2016-03-21 10:05:13 -04:00
impl Serializable for u64 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<u64, Error> {
2016-03-21 10:05:13 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2016-03-21 10:05:13 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for f32 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<f32, Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for f64 {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<f64, Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
2016-04-05 13:50:53 -04:00
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
pub struct UUID(u64, u64);
impl UUID {
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> UUID {
use hex;
// TODO: Panics aren't the best idea here
if s.len() != 36 {
panic!("Invalid UUID format");
let mut parts = hex::decode(&s[..8]).unwrap();
let mut high = 0u64;
let mut low = 0u64;
for i in 0 .. 8 {
high |= (parts[i] as u64) << (56 - i*8);
low |= (parts[i + 8] as u64) << (56 - i*8);
UUID(high, low)
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Default for UUID {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
fn default() -> Self {
UUID(0, 0)
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for UUID {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<UUID, Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
pub trait Lengthable : Serializable + Copy + Default {
fn into_len(self) -> usize;
fn from_len(_: usize) -> Self;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
pub struct LenPrefixed<L: Lengthable, V> {
len: L,
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
pub data: Vec<V>,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable, V: Default> LenPrefixed<L, V> {
2016-03-21 06:55:31 -04:00
pub fn new(data: Vec<V>) -> LenPrefixed<L, V> {
2015-09-29 15:09:36 -04:00
LenPrefixed {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
len: Default::default(),
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable, V: Serializable> Serializable for LenPrefixed<L, V> {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<LenPrefixed<L, V>, Error> {
let len_data: L = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let len: usize = len_data.into_len();
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
let mut data: Vec<V> = Vec::with_capacity(len);
for _ in 0..len {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
Result::Ok(LenPrefixed {
len: len_data,
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len_data: L = L::from_len(;
2015-09-29 15:09:36 -04:00
let data = &;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
for val in data {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable, V: Default> Default for LenPrefixed<L, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
LenPrefixed {
len: default::Default::default(),
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
data: default::Default::default(),
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable, V: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for LenPrefixed<L, V> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Optimization
pub struct LenPrefixedBytes<L: Lengthable> {
len: L,
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
pub data: Vec<u8>,
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable> LenPrefixedBytes<L> {
2016-03-21 06:55:31 -04:00
pub fn new(data: Vec<u8>) -> LenPrefixedBytes<L> {
2015-09-29 15:09:36 -04:00
LenPrefixedBytes {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
len: Default::default(),
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable> Serializable for LenPrefixedBytes<L> {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<LenPrefixedBytes<L>, Error> {
let len_data: L = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let len: usize = len_data.into_len();
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(len);
buf.take(len as u64).read_to_end(&mut data)?;
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
Result::Ok(LenPrefixedBytes {
len: len_data,
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len_data: L = L::from_len(;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable> Default for LenPrefixedBytes<L> {
fn default() -> Self {
LenPrefixedBytes {
len: default::Default::default(),
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
data: default::Default::default(),
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl <L: Lengthable> fmt::Debug for LenPrefixedBytes<L> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
1.13.2 (404) multiprotocol support (#67) Adds support for 1.13.2 protocol (404) Expands Enhance protocol support Metadata: * Support 1.13.2 slot data format, bool and varint item id, optional damage (moved to NBT) Packets: * Add 1.13.2 packets, and implement all the command data parsers * Send new plugin channel minecraft:brand * Add 1.13.2 metadata format, with shifted IDs * Implement particle entity metadata * Add structures for 16 new packets Blocks: The Flattening: * Assign flattened IDs in correct order using new 'offset' macro token * Assign hierarchical (pre-flattening) block IDs sequentially by counting Some data * Split VANILLA_ID_MAP into flat/hier struct, to support before and after the flattening * Extend travis build time to 20 minutes because the blocks macro takes a long time * Support both flat/hier blocks by passing protocol_version to by_vanilla_id Add block states and offsets for all blocks, replacing metadata for 1.13+: * Add stripped logs and what was Log2 to Log * Add the Wood blocks, should be called bark, previously Axis::None Log * Add leaves distance and offset * Add jungle/acacia to Leaves moved from Leaves2 * Add dispenser offsets, direction * Add note block states * Add offset None to Missing253 and Missing254, no holes in block states of 1.13.2 * Add bed colors * Add seagrass, tall seagrass, remove redundant deadgrass, and piston offset * Add torch, TNT, fire offsets, remove slabs * Add furnance offset, merges lit into a property * Add pressure plate offsets, new pressure plates, redstone ore/lit merged * Add lever offsets, new directions from ceiling/floor, rename LeverDirections * Add redstone torch offsets, new blocks since lit/unlit is now merged, and standing/wall is split * Change lever to split face/facing, rm LeverDirection, add AttachedFace * Add stone button offsets, face/facing similar to lever * Move face/facing data and variant to AttachedFace, reuse for lever/stonebutton * Add data_with_facing_and_powered() to AttachedFace, for lever/stonebutton * Add wooden button offsets each wood * Add pumpkin without a face * Add carved pumpkin, portal offsets * Add lit pumpkin (as jack-o-lantern) offsets after carved pumpkin * Add repeater offsets, merged into Repeater * Change brown mushroom block to booleans instead of MushroomVariant * Add mushroom block offsets, red/brown mushroom blocks, and a new mushroom stem block * Add command block, cobblestone walls, and flower pot offsets Empty flower pot, and potted plants including saplings. Rename variant DarkOak to DarkOakSaplings because it is a sapling, and remove the duplicate Dandelion variant which causes duplicate blocks. * Increase recursion limit in steven_blocks * Add colored banner offsets * Add wooden slab including double slab, in a different position for pre-1.13 and 1.13 * StoneSlabVariant::Wood -> StoneSlabVariant::PetrifiedWood * Add fence_gate_offset() for wooden fence gates * Add frosted ice age, offset * Add new blocks: kelp, turtle egg, coral, coral fans, sea pickle, blue ice, smooth stone * Add new blocks: conduit, void air, cave aid, bubble column, last of the 1.13 blocks
2018-12-29 00:11:42 -05:00
impl Lengthable for bool {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
1.13.2 (404) multiprotocol support (#67) Adds support for 1.13.2 protocol (404) Expands Enhance protocol support Metadata: * Support 1.13.2 slot data format, bool and varint item id, optional damage (moved to NBT) Packets: * Add 1.13.2 packets, and implement all the command data parsers * Send new plugin channel minecraft:brand * Add 1.13.2 metadata format, with shifted IDs * Implement particle entity metadata * Add structures for 16 new packets Blocks: The Flattening: * Assign flattened IDs in correct order using new 'offset' macro token * Assign hierarchical (pre-flattening) block IDs sequentially by counting Some data * Split VANILLA_ID_MAP into flat/hier struct, to support before and after the flattening * Extend travis build time to 20 minutes because the blocks macro takes a long time * Support both flat/hier blocks by passing protocol_version to by_vanilla_id Add block states and offsets for all blocks, replacing metadata for 1.13+: * Add stripped logs and what was Log2 to Log * Add the Wood blocks, should be called bark, previously Axis::None Log * Add leaves distance and offset * Add jungle/acacia to Leaves moved from Leaves2 * Add dispenser offsets, direction * Add note block states * Add offset None to Missing253 and Missing254, no holes in block states of 1.13.2 * Add bed colors * Add seagrass, tall seagrass, remove redundant deadgrass, and piston offset * Add torch, TNT, fire offsets, remove slabs * Add furnance offset, merges lit into a property * Add pressure plate offsets, new pressure plates, redstone ore/lit merged * Add lever offsets, new directions from ceiling/floor, rename LeverDirections * Add redstone torch offsets, new blocks since lit/unlit is now merged, and standing/wall is split * Change lever to split face/facing, rm LeverDirection, add AttachedFace * Add stone button offsets, face/facing similar to lever * Move face/facing data and variant to AttachedFace, reuse for lever/stonebutton * Add data_with_facing_and_powered() to AttachedFace, for lever/stonebutton * Add wooden button offsets each wood * Add pumpkin without a face * Add carved pumpkin, portal offsets * Add lit pumpkin (as jack-o-lantern) offsets after carved pumpkin * Add repeater offsets, merged into Repeater * Change brown mushroom block to booleans instead of MushroomVariant * Add mushroom block offsets, red/brown mushroom blocks, and a new mushroom stem block * Add command block, cobblestone walls, and flower pot offsets Empty flower pot, and potted plants including saplings. Rename variant DarkOak to DarkOakSaplings because it is a sapling, and remove the duplicate Dandelion variant which causes duplicate blocks. * Increase recursion limit in steven_blocks * Add colored banner offsets * Add wooden slab including double slab, in a different position for pre-1.13 and 1.13 * StoneSlabVariant::Wood -> StoneSlabVariant::PetrifiedWood * Add fence_gate_offset() for wooden fence gates * Add frosted ice age, offset * Add new blocks: kelp, turtle egg, coral, coral fans, sea pickle, blue ice, smooth stone * Add new blocks: conduit, void air, cave aid, bubble column, last of the 1.13 blocks
2018-12-29 00:11:42 -05:00
if self { 1 } else { 0 }
fn from_len(u: usize) -> bool {
1.13.2 (404) multiprotocol support (#67) Adds support for 1.13.2 protocol (404) Expands Enhance protocol support Metadata: * Support 1.13.2 slot data format, bool and varint item id, optional damage (moved to NBT) Packets: * Add 1.13.2 packets, and implement all the command data parsers * Send new plugin channel minecraft:brand * Add 1.13.2 metadata format, with shifted IDs * Implement particle entity metadata * Add structures for 16 new packets Blocks: The Flattening: * Assign flattened IDs in correct order using new 'offset' macro token * Assign hierarchical (pre-flattening) block IDs sequentially by counting Some data * Split VANILLA_ID_MAP into flat/hier struct, to support before and after the flattening * Extend travis build time to 20 minutes because the blocks macro takes a long time * Support both flat/hier blocks by passing protocol_version to by_vanilla_id Add block states and offsets for all blocks, replacing metadata for 1.13+: * Add stripped logs and what was Log2 to Log * Add the Wood blocks, should be called bark, previously Axis::None Log * Add leaves distance and offset * Add jungle/acacia to Leaves moved from Leaves2 * Add dispenser offsets, direction * Add note block states * Add offset None to Missing253 and Missing254, no holes in block states of 1.13.2 * Add bed colors * Add seagrass, tall seagrass, remove redundant deadgrass, and piston offset * Add torch, TNT, fire offsets, remove slabs * Add furnance offset, merges lit into a property * Add pressure plate offsets, new pressure plates, redstone ore/lit merged * Add lever offsets, new directions from ceiling/floor, rename LeverDirections * Add redstone torch offsets, new blocks since lit/unlit is now merged, and standing/wall is split * Change lever to split face/facing, rm LeverDirection, add AttachedFace * Add stone button offsets, face/facing similar to lever * Move face/facing data and variant to AttachedFace, reuse for lever/stonebutton * Add data_with_facing_and_powered() to AttachedFace, for lever/stonebutton * Add wooden button offsets each wood * Add pumpkin without a face * Add carved pumpkin, portal offsets * Add lit pumpkin (as jack-o-lantern) offsets after carved pumpkin * Add repeater offsets, merged into Repeater * Change brown mushroom block to booleans instead of MushroomVariant * Add mushroom block offsets, red/brown mushroom blocks, and a new mushroom stem block * Add command block, cobblestone walls, and flower pot offsets Empty flower pot, and potted plants including saplings. Rename variant DarkOak to DarkOakSaplings because it is a sapling, and remove the duplicate Dandelion variant which causes duplicate blocks. * Increase recursion limit in steven_blocks * Add colored banner offsets * Add wooden slab including double slab, in a different position for pre-1.13 and 1.13 * StoneSlabVariant::Wood -> StoneSlabVariant::PetrifiedWood * Add fence_gate_offset() for wooden fence gates * Add frosted ice age, offset * Add new blocks: kelp, turtle egg, coral, coral fans, sea pickle, blue ice, smooth stone * Add new blocks: conduit, void air, cave aid, bubble column, last of the 1.13 blocks
2018-12-29 00:11:42 -05:00
u != 0
1.7.10 (5) multiprotocol support (#64) Adds 1.7.10 protocol version 5 support, a major update with significant changes. Expands Enhance protocol support * Add v1_7_10 protocol packet structures and IDs * EncryptionRequest/Response i16 variant in login protocol * 1.7.10 slot NBT data parsing * Support both 1.7/1.8+ item::Stack in read_from, using if protocol_verson * 1.7.10 chunk format support, ChunkDataBulk_17 and ChunkData_17 * Extract dirty_chunks_by_bitmask from load_chunks17/18/19 * Implement keepalive i32 handler * Send PlayerPositionLook_HeadY * Send PlayerBlockPlacement_u8_Item_u8y * Handle JoinGame_i8_NoDebug * Handle SpawnPlayer_i32_HeldItem_String * BlockChange_u8, MultiBlockChange_i16, UpdateBlockEntity_Data, EntityMove_i8_i32_NoGround, EntityLook_i32_NoGround, EntityLookAndMove_i8_i32_NoGround * UpdateSign_u16, PlayerInfo_String, EntityDestroy_u8, EntityTeleport_i32_i32_NoGround * Send feet_y = head_y - 1.62, fixes Illegal stance > Updates the players XYZ position on the server. If HeadY - FeetY is less than 0.1 or greater than 1.65, the stance is illegal and the client will be kicked with the message “Illegal Stance”. > Absolute feet position, normally HeadY - 1.62. Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc… * Set on_ground = true in entity teleport, fixes bouncing * Implement block change, fix metadata/id packing, bounce _u8 through on_block_change * Implement on_multi_block_change_u16, used with explosions
2018-12-15 22:56:54 -05:00
impl Lengthable for u8 {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
1.7.10 (5) multiprotocol support (#64) Adds 1.7.10 protocol version 5 support, a major update with significant changes. Expands Enhance protocol support * Add v1_7_10 protocol packet structures and IDs * EncryptionRequest/Response i16 variant in login protocol * 1.7.10 slot NBT data parsing * Support both 1.7/1.8+ item::Stack in read_from, using if protocol_verson * 1.7.10 chunk format support, ChunkDataBulk_17 and ChunkData_17 * Extract dirty_chunks_by_bitmask from load_chunks17/18/19 * Implement keepalive i32 handler * Send PlayerPositionLook_HeadY * Send PlayerBlockPlacement_u8_Item_u8y * Handle JoinGame_i8_NoDebug * Handle SpawnPlayer_i32_HeldItem_String * BlockChange_u8, MultiBlockChange_i16, UpdateBlockEntity_Data, EntityMove_i8_i32_NoGround, EntityLook_i32_NoGround, EntityLookAndMove_i8_i32_NoGround * UpdateSign_u16, PlayerInfo_String, EntityDestroy_u8, EntityTeleport_i32_i32_NoGround * Send feet_y = head_y - 1.62, fixes Illegal stance > Updates the players XYZ position on the server. If HeadY - FeetY is less than 0.1 or greater than 1.65, the stance is illegal and the client will be kicked with the message “Illegal Stance”. > Absolute feet position, normally HeadY - 1.62. Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc… * Set on_ground = true in entity teleport, fixes bouncing * Implement block change, fix metadata/id packing, bounce _u8 through on_block_change * Implement on_multi_block_change_u16, used with explosions
2018-12-15 22:56:54 -05:00
self as usize
fn from_len(u: usize) -> u8 {
1.7.10 (5) multiprotocol support (#64) Adds 1.7.10 protocol version 5 support, a major update with significant changes. Expands Enhance protocol support * Add v1_7_10 protocol packet structures and IDs * EncryptionRequest/Response i16 variant in login protocol * 1.7.10 slot NBT data parsing * Support both 1.7/1.8+ item::Stack in read_from, using if protocol_verson * 1.7.10 chunk format support, ChunkDataBulk_17 and ChunkData_17 * Extract dirty_chunks_by_bitmask from load_chunks17/18/19 * Implement keepalive i32 handler * Send PlayerPositionLook_HeadY * Send PlayerBlockPlacement_u8_Item_u8y * Handle JoinGame_i8_NoDebug * Handle SpawnPlayer_i32_HeldItem_String * BlockChange_u8, MultiBlockChange_i16, UpdateBlockEntity_Data, EntityMove_i8_i32_NoGround, EntityLook_i32_NoGround, EntityLookAndMove_i8_i32_NoGround * UpdateSign_u16, PlayerInfo_String, EntityDestroy_u8, EntityTeleport_i32_i32_NoGround * Send feet_y = head_y - 1.62, fixes Illegal stance > Updates the players XYZ position on the server. If HeadY - FeetY is less than 0.1 or greater than 1.65, the stance is illegal and the client will be kicked with the message “Illegal Stance”. > Absolute feet position, normally HeadY - 1.62. Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc… * Set on_ground = true in entity teleport, fixes bouncing * Implement block change, fix metadata/id packing, bounce _u8 through on_block_change * Implement on_multi_block_change_u16, used with explosions
2018-12-15 22:56:54 -05:00
u as u8
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Lengthable for i16 {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
self as usize
fn from_len(u: usize) -> i16 {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
u as i16
impl Lengthable for i32 {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
self as usize
fn from_len(u: usize) -> i32 {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
u as i32
use num_traits::cast::{cast, NumCast};
/// `FixedPoint5` has the 5 least-significant bits for the fractional
/// part, upper for integer part:
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct FixedPoint5<T>(T);
impl<T: Serializable> Serializable for FixedPoint5<T> {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl<T: default::Default> default::Default for FixedPoint5<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T: NumCast> convert::From<f64> for FixedPoint5<T> {
fn from(x: f64) -> Self {
let n: T = cast(x * 32.0).unwrap();
impl<T: NumCast> convert::From<FixedPoint5<T>> for f64 {
fn from(x: FixedPoint5<T>) -> Self {
let f: f64 = cast(x.0).unwrap();
f / 32.0
impl<T> fmt::Debug for FixedPoint5<T> where T: fmt::Display, f64: convert::From<T>, T: NumCast + Copy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let x: f64 = (*self).into();
write!(f, "FixedPoint5(#{} = {}f)", self.0, x)
/// `FixedPoint12` is like `FixedPoint5` but the fractional part is 12-bit
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct FixedPoint12<T>(T);
impl<T: Serializable> Serializable for FixedPoint12<T> {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl<T: default::Default> default::Default for FixedPoint12<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T: NumCast> convert::From<f64> for FixedPoint12<T> {
fn from(x: f64) -> Self {
let n: T = cast(x * 32.0 * 128.0).unwrap();
impl<T: NumCast> convert::From<FixedPoint12<T>> for f64 {
fn from(x: FixedPoint12<T>) -> Self {
let f: f64 = cast(x.0).unwrap();
f / (32.0 * 128.0)
impl<T> fmt::Debug for FixedPoint12<T> where T: fmt::Display, f64: convert::From<T>, T: NumCast + Copy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let x: f64 = (*self).into();
write!(f, "FixedPoint12(#{} = {}f)", self.0, x)
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
/// `VarInt` have a variable size (between 1 and 5 bytes) when encoded based
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
/// on the size of the number
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
pub struct VarInt(pub i32);
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Lengthable for VarInt {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
self.0 as usize
fn from_len(u: usize) -> VarInt {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
VarInt(u as i32)
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
impl Serializable for VarInt {
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
/// Decodes a `VarInt` from the Reader
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<VarInt, Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
const PART : u32 = 0x7F;
let mut size = 0;
let mut val = 0u32;
loop {
let b = buf.read_u8()? as u32;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
val |= (b & PART) << (size * 7);
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
size += 1;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
if size > 5 {
return Result::Err(Error::Err("VarInt too big".to_owned()));
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
if (b & 0x80) == 0 {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
Result::Ok(VarInt(val as i32))
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
/// Encodes a `VarInt` into the Writer
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
const PART : u32 = 0x7F;
let mut val = self.0 as u32;
loop {
if (val & !PART) == 0 {
buf.write_u8(val as u8)?;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
return Result::Ok(());
buf.write_u8(((val & PART) | 0x80) as u8)?;
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
val >>= 7;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-08 07:57:24 -04:00
impl default::Default for VarInt {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
fn default() -> VarInt {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl fmt::Debug for VarInt {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
/// `VarShort` have a variable size (2 or 3 bytes) and are backwards-compatible
/// with vanilla shorts, used for Forge custom payloads
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct VarShort(pub i32);
impl Lengthable for VarShort {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
self.0 as usize
fn from_len(u: usize) -> VarShort {
VarShort(u as i32)
impl Serializable for VarShort {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<VarShort, Error> {
let low = buf.read_u16::<BigEndian>()? as u32;
let val = if (low & 0x8000) != 0 {
let high = buf.read_u8()? as u32;
(high << 15) | (low & 0x7fff)
} else {
Result::Ok(VarShort(val as i32))
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert!(self.0 >= 0 && self.0 <= 0x7fffff, "VarShort invalid value: {}", self.0);
let mut low = self.0 & 0x7fff;
let high = (self.0 & 0x7f8000) >> 15;
if high != 0 {
low |= 0x8000;
buf.write_u16::<BigEndian>(low as u16)?;
if high != 0 {
buf.write_u8(high as u8)?;
impl default::Default for VarShort {
fn default() -> VarShort {
impl fmt::Debug for VarShort {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
/// `VarLong` have a variable size (between 1 and 10 bytes) when encoded based
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
/// on the size of the number
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct VarLong(pub i64);
impl Lengthable for VarLong {
fn into_len(self) -> usize {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
self.0 as usize
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
fn from_len(u: usize) -> VarLong {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
VarLong(u as i64)
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl Serializable for VarLong {
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
/// Decodes a `VarLong` from the Reader
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<VarLong, Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
const PART : u64 = 0x7F;
let mut size = 0;
let mut val = 0u64;
loop {
let b = buf.read_u8()? as u64;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
val |= (b & PART) << (size * 7);
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
size += 1;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
if size > 10 {
return Result::Err(Error::Err("VarLong too big".to_owned()));
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
if (b & 0x80) == 0 {
Result::Ok(VarLong(val as i64))
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
/// Encodes a `VarLong` into the Writer
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
const PART : u64 = 0x7F;
let mut val = self.0 as u64;
loop {
if (val & !PART) == 0 {
buf.write_u8(val as u8)?;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
return Result::Ok(());
buf.write_u8(((val & PART) | 0x80) as u8)?;
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
val >>= 7;
impl default::Default for VarLong {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
fn default() -> VarLong {
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
impl fmt::Debug for VarLong {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Serializable for Position {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Position, Error> {
let pos = buf.read_u64::<BigEndian>()?;
((pos as i64) >> 38) as i32,
(((pos as i64) >> 26) & 0xFFF) as i32,
((pos as i64) << 38 >> 38) as i32
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pos = (((self.x as u64) & 0x3FFFFFF) << 38)
| (((self.y as u64) & 0xFFF) << 26)
| ((self.z as u64) & 0x3FFFFFF);
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
/// Direction is used to define whether packets are going to the
/// server or the client.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub enum Direction {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
/// The protocol has multiple 'sub-protocols' or states which control which
/// packet an id points to.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub enum State {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
/// Return for any protocol related error.
pub enum Error {
2016-03-20 08:04:02 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
Add support for compiling WebAssembly wasm32-unknown-unknown target (#92) Note this only is the first step in web support, although the project compiles, it doesn't run! Merging now to avoid branch divergence, until dependencies can be updated for wasm support. * Add instructions to build for wasm32-unknown-unknown with wasm-pack in www/ * Update to rust-clipboard fork to compile with emscripten * Exclude reqwest dependency in wasm32 * Exclude compiling clipboard pasting on wasm32 * Exclude reqwest-using code from wasm32 * Install wasm target with rustup in Travis CI * Update to collision 0.19.0 Fixes wasm incompatibility in deprecated rustc-serialize crate: error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `encode` --> * Increase travis_wait time even further, try 120 minutes * Set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 in main * Remove unused unneeded bzip2 features in zip crate To fix wasm32-unknown-unknown target compile error: error[E0432]: unresolved imports `libc::c_int`, `libc::c_uint`, `libc::c_void`, `libc::c_char` --> src/ | 5 | use libc::{c_int, c_uint, c_void, c_char}; | ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ no `c_char` in the root | | | | | | | no `c_void` in the root | | no `c_uint` in the root | no `c_int` in the root * flate2 use Rust backend * Add console_error_panic_hook module for wasm backtraces * Build using wasm-pack, wasm-bindgen, run with wasm-app * Update to miniz_oxide 0.2.1, remove patch for * Update to official clipboard crate since was merged, but git revision pending release * Update to branch of glutin attempting to build for wasm * Update winit dependency of glutin to git master * Update to glutin branch with working (compiles, doesn't run) wasm_stub * Add app name in title on web page * Add wasm to Travis-CI test matrix * Update glutin to fix Windows EGL compilation on AppVeyor
2019-03-03 11:32:36 -05:00
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
Replace hyper with reqwest (#7) An old version of hyper was used before (0.8.0), in the process of updating to hyper 0.12.11, found this higher-level replacement/wrapper, reqwest 0.9.4 which is simpler to use than the latest hyper and serves the purpose of a simple HTTP client well * Begin updating to hyper 0.12.11 * Use type variables for hyper::Client * Fix setting header syntax, Content-Type: application/json, 17->13 * Parse strings into URLs with url.parse::<hyper::Uri>().unwrap() * Use hyper::Request::post() then client.request() since removed * wait() on the ResponseFuture to get the Result * try! to unwrap the Result * status() is now a method * Concatenate body chunks unwrap into bytes, then parse JSON from byte slice, instead of from_reader which didn't compile * Replace send() with wait() on ResponseFuture * Parse HeaderValue to u64 * Slices implement std::io::Read trait * Read into_bytes() instead of read_to_end() * Disable boxed logger for now to workaround 'expected function, found macro' * Remove unnecessary mutability, warnings * Hack to parse twice to avoid double move * Use hyper-rustls pure Rust implementation for TLS for HTTPS in hyper * Start converting to reqwest: add Protocol::Error and reqwest::Error conversion * Use reqwest, replacing hyper, in protocol * Convert resources to use reqwest instead of hyper * Convert skin download to reqwest, instead of hyper * Remove hyper * Revert unnecessary variable name change req/body to reduce diff * Revert unnecessary whitespace change to reduce diff, align indentation on . * Fix authenticating to server, wrong method and join URL * Update Cargo.lock
2018-10-27 20:03:34 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
impl convert::From<io::Error> for Error {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
fn from(e: io::Error) -> Error {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
impl convert::From<serde_json::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: serde_json::Error) -> Error {
Add support for compiling WebAssembly wasm32-unknown-unknown target (#92) Note this only is the first step in web support, although the project compiles, it doesn't run! Merging now to avoid branch divergence, until dependencies can be updated for wasm support. * Add instructions to build for wasm32-unknown-unknown with wasm-pack in www/ * Update to rust-clipboard fork to compile with emscripten * Exclude reqwest dependency in wasm32 * Exclude compiling clipboard pasting on wasm32 * Exclude reqwest-using code from wasm32 * Install wasm target with rustup in Travis CI * Update to collision 0.19.0 Fixes wasm incompatibility in deprecated rustc-serialize crate: error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `encode` --> * Increase travis_wait time even further, try 120 minutes * Set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 in main * Remove unused unneeded bzip2 features in zip crate To fix wasm32-unknown-unknown target compile error: error[E0432]: unresolved imports `libc::c_int`, `libc::c_uint`, `libc::c_void`, `libc::c_char` --> src/ | 5 | use libc::{c_int, c_uint, c_void, c_char}; | ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ no `c_char` in the root | | | | | | | no `c_void` in the root | | no `c_uint` in the root | no `c_int` in the root * flate2 use Rust backend * Add console_error_panic_hook module for wasm backtraces * Build using wasm-pack, wasm-bindgen, run with wasm-app * Update to miniz_oxide 0.2.1, remove patch for * Update to official clipboard crate since was merged, but git revision pending release * Update to branch of glutin attempting to build for wasm * Update winit dependency of glutin to git master * Update to glutin branch with working (compiles, doesn't run) wasm_stub * Add app name in title on web page * Add wasm to Travis-CI test matrix * Update glutin to fix Windows EGL compilation on AppVeyor
2019-03-03 11:32:36 -05:00
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
Replace hyper with reqwest (#7) An old version of hyper was used before (0.8.0), in the process of updating to hyper 0.12.11, found this higher-level replacement/wrapper, reqwest 0.9.4 which is simpler to use than the latest hyper and serves the purpose of a simple HTTP client well * Begin updating to hyper 0.12.11 * Use type variables for hyper::Client * Fix setting header syntax, Content-Type: application/json, 17->13 * Parse strings into URLs with url.parse::<hyper::Uri>().unwrap() * Use hyper::Request::post() then client.request() since removed * wait() on the ResponseFuture to get the Result * try! to unwrap the Result * status() is now a method * Concatenate body chunks unwrap into bytes, then parse JSON from byte slice, instead of from_reader which didn't compile * Replace send() with wait() on ResponseFuture * Parse HeaderValue to u64 * Slices implement std::io::Read trait * Read into_bytes() instead of read_to_end() * Disable boxed logger for now to workaround 'expected function, found macro' * Remove unnecessary mutability, warnings * Hack to parse twice to avoid double move * Use hyper-rustls pure Rust implementation for TLS for HTTPS in hyper * Start converting to reqwest: add Protocol::Error and reqwest::Error conversion * Use reqwest, replacing hyper, in protocol * Convert resources to use reqwest instead of hyper * Convert skin download to reqwest, instead of hyper * Remove hyper * Revert unnecessary variable name change req/body to reduce diff * Revert unnecessary whitespace change to reduce diff, align indentation on . * Fix authenticating to server, wrong method and join URL * Update Cargo.lock
2018-10-27 20:03:34 -04:00
impl convert::From<reqwest::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: reqwest::Error) -> Error {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
impl ::std::error::Error for Error {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
2015-09-29 15:09:36 -04:00
match *self {
Error::Err(ref val) => &val[..],
2016-03-20 08:04:02 -04:00
Error::Disconnect(_) => "Disconnect",
2015-09-29 15:09:36 -04:00
Error::IOError(ref e) => e.description(),
Error::Json(ref e) => e.description(),
Add support for compiling WebAssembly wasm32-unknown-unknown target (#92) Note this only is the first step in web support, although the project compiles, it doesn't run! Merging now to avoid branch divergence, until dependencies can be updated for wasm support. * Add instructions to build for wasm32-unknown-unknown with wasm-pack in www/ * Update to rust-clipboard fork to compile with emscripten * Exclude reqwest dependency in wasm32 * Exclude compiling clipboard pasting on wasm32 * Exclude reqwest-using code from wasm32 * Install wasm target with rustup in Travis CI * Update to collision 0.19.0 Fixes wasm incompatibility in deprecated rustc-serialize crate: error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `encode` --> * Increase travis_wait time even further, try 120 minutes * Set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 in main * Remove unused unneeded bzip2 features in zip crate To fix wasm32-unknown-unknown target compile error: error[E0432]: unresolved imports `libc::c_int`, `libc::c_uint`, `libc::c_void`, `libc::c_char` --> src/ | 5 | use libc::{c_int, c_uint, c_void, c_char}; | ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ no `c_char` in the root | | | | | | | no `c_void` in the root | | no `c_uint` in the root | no `c_int` in the root * flate2 use Rust backend * Add console_error_panic_hook module for wasm backtraces * Build using wasm-pack, wasm-bindgen, run with wasm-app * Update to miniz_oxide 0.2.1, remove patch for * Update to official clipboard crate since was merged, but git revision pending release * Update to branch of glutin attempting to build for wasm * Update winit dependency of glutin to git master * Update to glutin branch with working (compiles, doesn't run) wasm_stub * Add app name in title on web page * Add wasm to Travis-CI test matrix * Update glutin to fix Windows EGL compilation on AppVeyor
2019-03-03 11:32:36 -05:00
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
Replace hyper with reqwest (#7) An old version of hyper was used before (0.8.0), in the process of updating to hyper 0.12.11, found this higher-level replacement/wrapper, reqwest 0.9.4 which is simpler to use than the latest hyper and serves the purpose of a simple HTTP client well * Begin updating to hyper 0.12.11 * Use type variables for hyper::Client * Fix setting header syntax, Content-Type: application/json, 17->13 * Parse strings into URLs with url.parse::<hyper::Uri>().unwrap() * Use hyper::Request::post() then client.request() since removed * wait() on the ResponseFuture to get the Result * try! to unwrap the Result * status() is now a method * Concatenate body chunks unwrap into bytes, then parse JSON from byte slice, instead of from_reader which didn't compile * Replace send() with wait() on ResponseFuture * Parse HeaderValue to u64 * Slices implement std::io::Read trait * Read into_bytes() instead of read_to_end() * Disable boxed logger for now to workaround 'expected function, found macro' * Remove unnecessary mutability, warnings * Hack to parse twice to avoid double move * Use hyper-rustls pure Rust implementation for TLS for HTTPS in hyper * Start converting to reqwest: add Protocol::Error and reqwest::Error conversion * Use reqwest, replacing hyper, in protocol * Convert resources to use reqwest instead of hyper * Convert skin download to reqwest, instead of hyper * Remove hyper * Revert unnecessary variable name change req/body to reduce diff * Revert unnecessary whitespace change to reduce diff, align indentation on . * Fix authenticating to server, wrong method and join URL * Update Cargo.lock
2018-10-27 20:03:34 -04:00
Error::Reqwest(ref e) => e.description(),
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
impl ::std::fmt::Display for Error {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
2015-09-29 15:09:36 -04:00
match *self {
Error::Err(ref val) => write!(f, "protocol error: {}", val),
2016-03-20 08:04:02 -04:00
Error::Disconnect(ref val) => write!(f, "{}", val),
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
Error::IOError(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
Error::Json(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
Add support for compiling WebAssembly wasm32-unknown-unknown target (#92) Note this only is the first step in web support, although the project compiles, it doesn't run! Merging now to avoid branch divergence, until dependencies can be updated for wasm support. * Add instructions to build for wasm32-unknown-unknown with wasm-pack in www/ * Update to rust-clipboard fork to compile with emscripten * Exclude reqwest dependency in wasm32 * Exclude compiling clipboard pasting on wasm32 * Exclude reqwest-using code from wasm32 * Install wasm target with rustup in Travis CI * Update to collision 0.19.0 Fixes wasm incompatibility in deprecated rustc-serialize crate: error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `encode` --> * Increase travis_wait time even further, try 120 minutes * Set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 in main * Remove unused unneeded bzip2 features in zip crate To fix wasm32-unknown-unknown target compile error: error[E0432]: unresolved imports `libc::c_int`, `libc::c_uint`, `libc::c_void`, `libc::c_char` --> src/ | 5 | use libc::{c_int, c_uint, c_void, c_char}; | ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ no `c_char` in the root | | | | | | | no `c_void` in the root | | no `c_uint` in the root | no `c_int` in the root * flate2 use Rust backend * Add console_error_panic_hook module for wasm backtraces * Build using wasm-pack, wasm-bindgen, run with wasm-app * Update to miniz_oxide 0.2.1, remove patch for * Update to official clipboard crate since was merged, but git revision pending release * Update to branch of glutin attempting to build for wasm * Update winit dependency of glutin to git master * Update to glutin branch with working (compiles, doesn't run) wasm_stub * Add app name in title on web page * Add wasm to Travis-CI test matrix * Update glutin to fix Windows EGL compilation on AppVeyor
2019-03-03 11:32:36 -05:00
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
Replace hyper with reqwest (#7) An old version of hyper was used before (0.8.0), in the process of updating to hyper 0.12.11, found this higher-level replacement/wrapper, reqwest 0.9.4 which is simpler to use than the latest hyper and serves the purpose of a simple HTTP client well * Begin updating to hyper 0.12.11 * Use type variables for hyper::Client * Fix setting header syntax, Content-Type: application/json, 17->13 * Parse strings into URLs with url.parse::<hyper::Uri>().unwrap() * Use hyper::Request::post() then client.request() since removed * wait() on the ResponseFuture to get the Result * try! to unwrap the Result * status() is now a method * Concatenate body chunks unwrap into bytes, then parse JSON from byte slice, instead of from_reader which didn't compile * Replace send() with wait() on ResponseFuture * Parse HeaderValue to u64 * Slices implement std::io::Read trait * Read into_bytes() instead of read_to_end() * Disable boxed logger for now to workaround 'expected function, found macro' * Remove unnecessary mutability, warnings * Hack to parse twice to avoid double move * Use hyper-rustls pure Rust implementation for TLS for HTTPS in hyper * Start converting to reqwest: add Protocol::Error and reqwest::Error conversion * Use reqwest, replacing hyper, in protocol * Convert resources to use reqwest instead of hyper * Convert skin download to reqwest, instead of hyper * Remove hyper * Revert unnecessary variable name change req/body to reduce diff * Revert unnecessary whitespace change to reduce diff, align indentation on . * Fix authenticating to server, wrong method and join URL * Update Cargo.lock
2018-10-27 20:03:34 -04:00
Error::Reqwest(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
type Aes128Cfb = Cfb8<Aes128>;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub struct Conn {
stream: TcpStream,
2016-03-20 08:04:02 -04:00
pub host: String,
pub port: u16,
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
direction: Direction,
pub protocol_version: i32,
2016-03-20 08:04:02 -04:00
pub state: State,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
cipher: Option<Aes128Cfb>,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
compression_threshold: i32,
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
impl Conn {
pub fn new(target: &str, protocol_version: i32) -> Result<Conn, Error> {
unsafe {
CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = protocol_version;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
// TODO SRV record support
2016-04-02 20:26:31 -04:00
let mut parts = target.split(':').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
let address = if parts.len() == 1 {
format!("{}:25565", parts[0])
} else {
format!("{}:{}", parts[0], parts[1])
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
let stream = TcpStream::connect(&*address)?;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
Result::Ok(Conn {
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
host: parts[0].to_owned(),
port: parts[1].parse().unwrap(),
direction: Direction::Serverbound,
state: State::Handshaking,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
cipher: Option::None,
compression_threshold: -1,
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub fn write_packet<T: PacketType>(&mut self, packet: T) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
VarInt(packet.packet_id(self.protocol_version)).write_to(&mut buf)?;
packet.write(&mut buf)?;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
let mut extra = if self.compression_threshold >= 0 {
} else {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if self.compression_threshold >= 0 && buf.len() as i32 > self.compression_threshold {
extra = 0;
let uncompressed_size = buf.len();
let mut new = Vec::new();
VarInt(uncompressed_size as i32).write_to(&mut new)?;
let mut write = ZlibEncoder::new(io::Cursor::new(buf), Compression::default());
write.read_to_end(&mut new)?;
let network_debug = unsafe { NETWORK_DEBUG };
if network_debug {
println!("Compressed for sending {} bytes to {} since > threshold {}, new={:?}",
uncompressed_size, new.len(), self.compression_threshold,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
buf = new;
VarInt(buf.len() as i32 + extra).write_to(self)?;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if self.compression_threshold >= 0 && extra == 1 {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub fn read_packet(&mut self) -> Result<packet::Packet, Error> {
let network_debug = unsafe { NETWORK_DEBUG };
let len = VarInt::read_from(self)?.0 as usize;
let mut ibuf = vec![0; len];
self.read_exact(&mut ibuf)?;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
let mut buf = io::Cursor::new(ibuf);
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if self.compression_threshold >= 0 {
let uncompressed_size = VarInt::read_from(&mut buf)?.0;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if uncompressed_size != 0 {
let mut new = Vec::with_capacity(uncompressed_size as usize);
let mut reader = ZlibDecoder::new(buf);
reader.read_to_end(&mut new)?;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
if network_debug {
println!("Decompressed threshold={} len={} uncompressed_size={} to {} bytes",
self.compression_threshold, len, uncompressed_size, new.len());
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
buf = io::Cursor::new(new);
let id = VarInt::read_from(&mut buf)?.0;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
let dir = match self.direction {
Direction::Clientbound => Direction::Serverbound,
Direction::Serverbound => Direction::Clientbound,
if network_debug {
println!("about to parse id={:x}, dir={:?} state={:?}", id, dir, self.state);
let packet = packet::packet_by_id(self.protocol_version, self.state, dir, id, &mut buf)?;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
if network_debug {
println!("packet = {:?}", packet);
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
match packet {
Some(val) => {
let pos = buf.position() as usize;
let ibuf = buf.into_inner();
2015-09-12 15:31:26 -04:00
if ibuf.len() != pos {
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
return Result::Err(Error::Err(format!("Failed to read all of packet 0x{:X}, \
had {} bytes left",
ibuf.len() - pos)))
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
None => Result::Err(Error::Err("missing packet".to_owned())),
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
pub fn enable_encyption(&mut self, key: &[u8], _decrypt: bool) {
let cipher = Aes128Cfb::new_var(key, key).unwrap();
self.cipher = Option::Some(cipher);
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
pub fn set_compresssion(&mut self, threshold: i32) {
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
self.compression_threshold = threshold;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
pub fn do_status(mut self) -> Result<(Status, Duration), Error> {
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
use serde_json::Value;
use self::packet::status::serverbound::*;
use self::packet::handshake::serverbound::Handshake;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
use self::packet::Packet;
let host =;
let port = self.port;
self.write_packet(Handshake {
protocol_version: VarInt(self.protocol_version),
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
next: VarInt(1),
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
self.state = State::Status;
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
self.write_packet(StatusRequest { empty: () })?;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
let status = if let Packet::StatusResponse(res) = self.read_packet()? {
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
} else {
return Err(Error::Err("Wrong packet".to_owned()));
let start = Instant::now();
self.write_packet(StatusPing { ping: 42 })?;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
if let Packet::StatusPong(_) = self.read_packet()? {
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
} else {
return Err(Error::Err("Wrong packet".to_owned()));
let ping = start.elapsed();
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
let val: Value = match serde_json::from_str(&status) {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(_) => return Err(Error::Err("Json parse error".to_owned())),
let invalid_status = || Error::Err("Invalid status".to_owned());
let version = val.get("version").ok_or(invalid_status())?;
let players = val.get("players").ok_or(invalid_status())?;
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
// For modded servers, get the list of Forge mods installed
let mut forge_mods: std::vec::Vec<crate::protocol::forge::ForgeMod> = vec![];
if let Some(modinfo) = val.get("modinfo") {
if let Some(modinfo_type) = modinfo.get("type") {
if modinfo_type == "FML" {
if let Some(modlist) = modinfo.get("modList") {
if let Value::Array(items) = modlist {
for item in items {
if let Value::Object(obj) = item {
let modid = obj.get("modid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap().to_string();
let version = obj.get("version").unwrap().as_str().unwrap().to_string();
forge_mods.push(crate::protocol::forge::ForgeMod { modid, version });
} else {
panic!("Unrecognized modinfo type in server ping response: {} in {}", modinfo_type, modinfo);
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
Ok((Status {
version: StatusVersion {
name: version.get("name").and_then(Value::as_str).ok_or(invalid_status())?
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
protocol: version.get("protocol")
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
.ok_or(invalid_status())? as i32,
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
players: StatusPlayers {
max: players.get("max")
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
.ok_or(invalid_status())? as i32,
online: players.get("online")
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
.ok_or(invalid_status())? as i32,
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
sample: Vec::new(), /* TODO */
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
description: format::Component::from_value(val.get("description")
favicon: val.get("favicon").and_then(Value::as_str).map(|v| v.to_owned()),
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
pub struct Status {
pub version: StatusVersion,
pub players: StatusPlayers,
pub description: format::Component,
pub favicon: Option<String>,
pub forge_mods: Vec<crate::protocol::forge::ForgeMod>,
2015-09-25 09:00:49 -04:00
pub struct StatusVersion {
pub name: String,
pub protocol: i32,
pub struct StatusPlayers {
pub max: i32,
pub online: i32,
pub sample: Vec<StatusPlayer>,
pub struct StatusPlayer {
name: String,
id: String,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Read for Conn {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
match self.cipher.as_mut() {
Option::None =>,
Option::Some(cipher) => {
let ret =;
cipher.decrypt(&mut buf[..ret]);
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
impl Write for Conn {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
match self.cipher.as_mut() {
Option::None =>,
Option::Some(cipher) => {
// TODO: avoid copying, but trait requires non-mutable buf
let mut data = vec![0; buf.len()];
for i in 0..buf.len() {
data[i] = buf[i];
cipher.encrypt(&mut data);;
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
2015-10-07 14:36:59 -04:00
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl Clone for Conn {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Conn {
port: self.port,
direction: self.direction,
state: self.state,
protocol_version: self.protocol_version,
2015-09-10 06:49:41 -04:00
cipher: Option::None,
compression_threshold: self.compression_threshold,
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
pub trait PacketType {
fn packet_id(&self, protocol_version: i32) -> i32;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00
fn write<W: io::Write>(self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error>;
2015-09-07 16:11:00 -04:00