1.13.2 (404) multiprotocol support (#67)

Adds support for 1.13.2 protocol (404)
Expands https://github.com/iceiix/steven/issues/18 Enhance protocol support


* Support 1.13.2 slot data format, bool and varint item id, optional damage (moved to NBT)



* Add 1.13.2 packets, and implement all the command data parsers


* Send new plugin channel minecraft:brand


* Add 1.13.2 metadata format, with shifted IDs


* Implement particle entity metadata

* Add structures for 16 new packets

Blocks: The Flattening:

* Assign flattened IDs in correct order using new 'offset' macro token

* Assign hierarchical (pre-flattening) block IDs sequentially by counting Some data

* Split VANILLA_ID_MAP into flat/hier struct, to support before and after the flattening

* Extend travis build time to 20 minutes because the blocks macro takes a long time

* Support both flat/hier blocks by passing protocol_version to by_vanilla_id

Add block states and offsets for all blocks, replacing metadata for 1.13+:

* Add stripped logs and what was Log2 to Log
* Add the Wood blocks, should be called bark, previously Axis::None Log
* Add leaves distance and offset
* Add jungle/acacia to Leaves moved from Leaves2
* Add dispenser offsets, direction
* Add note block states
* Add offset None to Missing253 and Missing254, no holes in block states of 1.13.2
* Add bed colors
* Add seagrass, tall seagrass, remove redundant deadgrass, and piston offset
* Add torch, TNT, fire offsets, remove slabs
* Add furnance offset, merges lit into a property
* Add pressure plate offsets, new pressure plates, redstone ore/lit merged
* Add lever offsets, new directions from ceiling/floor, rename LeverDirections
* Add redstone torch offsets, new blocks since lit/unlit is now merged, and standing/wall is split
* Change lever to split face/facing, rm LeverDirection, add AttachedFace
* Add stone button offsets, face/facing similar to lever
* Move face/facing data and variant to AttachedFace, reuse for lever/stonebutton
* Add data_with_facing_and_powered() to AttachedFace, for lever/stonebutton
* Add wooden button offsets each wood
* Add pumpkin without a face
* Add carved pumpkin, portal offsets
* Add lit pumpkin (as jack-o-lantern) offsets after carved pumpkin
* Add repeater offsets, merged into Repeater
* Change brown mushroom block to booleans instead of MushroomVariant
* Add mushroom block offsets, red/brown mushroom blocks, and a new mushroom stem block
* Add command block, cobblestone walls, and flower pot offsets
Empty flower pot, and potted plants including saplings. Rename
variant DarkOak to DarkOakSaplings because it is a sapling, and
remove the duplicate Dandelion variant which causes duplicate blocks.
* Increase recursion limit in steven_blocks
* Add colored banner offsets
* Add wooden slab including double slab, in a different position for pre-1.13 and 1.13
* StoneSlabVariant::Wood -> StoneSlabVariant::PetrifiedWood
* Add fence_gate_offset() for wooden fence gates
* Add frosted ice age, offset
* Add new blocks: kelp, turtle egg, coral, coral fans, sea pickle, blue ice, smooth stone
* Add new blocks: conduit, void air, cave aid, bubble column, last of the 1.13 blocks
This commit is contained in:
iceiix 2018-12-28 21:11:42 -08:00 committed by ice_iix
parent e360fbd3d4
commit 11f2d2ae13
15 changed files with 2765 additions and 315 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ before_install:
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y gcc libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev ; fi
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib" ; fi
- cargo build --verbose
- travis_wait 20 cargo build --verbose
- cargo test --verbose
- linux

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -105,6 +105,19 @@ impl Direction {
pub fn offset(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Direction::North => 0,
Direction::East => 1,
Direction::South => 2,
Direction::West => 3,
Direction::Up => 4,
Direction::Down => 5,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn horizontal_index(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Direction::North => 2,
@ -115,6 +128,16 @@ impl Direction {
pub fn horizontal_offset(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Direction::North => 0,
Direction::South => 1,
Direction::West => 2,
Direction::East => 3,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn axis(&self) -> Axis {
match *self {
Direction::Down | Direction::Up => Axis::Y,

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ impl ecs::System for SignRenderer {
let info = m.get_component_mut(e, self.sign_info).unwrap();
info.dirty = false;
match world.get_block(position) {
Block::WallSign{facing} => {
Block::WallSign{facing, ..} => {
info.offset_z = 7.5 / 16.0;
match facing {
Direction::North => {},
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ impl ecs::System for SignRenderer {
_ => unreachable!(),
Block::StandingSign{rotation} => {
Block::StandingSign{rotation, ..} => {
info.offset_y = 5.0 / 16.0;
info.has_stand = true;
info.rotation = -(rotation.data() as f64 / 16.0) * PI * 2.0 + PI;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt, ReadBytesExt};
pub struct Stack {
id: isize,
count: isize,
damage: isize,
damage: Option<isize>,
tag: Option<nbt::NamedTag>,
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ impl Default for Stack {
Stack {
id: -1,
count: 0,
damage: 0,
damage: None,
tag: None,
@ -39,14 +39,31 @@ impl Default for Stack {
impl Serializable for Option<Stack> {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Stack>, protocol::Error> {
let id = buf.read_i16::<BigEndian>()?;
let protocol_version = unsafe { protocol::CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION };
if protocol_version >= 404 {
let present = buf.read_u8()? != 0;
if !present {
return Ok(None)
let id = if protocol_version >= 404 {
protocol::VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0 as isize
} else {
buf.read_i16::<BigEndian>()? as isize
if id == -1 {
return Ok(None);
let count = buf.read_u8()? as isize;
let damage = buf.read_i16::<BigEndian>()? as isize;
let protocol_version = unsafe { protocol::CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION };
let damage = if protocol_version >= 404 {
// 1.13.2+ stores damage in the NBT
} else {
Some(buf.read_i16::<BigEndian>()? as isize)
let tag: Option<nbt::NamedTag> = if protocol_version >= 47 {
@ -74,9 +91,10 @@ impl Serializable for Option<Stack> {
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), protocol::Error> {
match *self {
Some(ref val) => {
// TODO: if protocol_version >= 404, send present and id varint, no damage, for 1.13.2
buf.write_i16::<BigEndian>(val.id as i16)?;
buf.write_u8(val.count as u8)?;
buf.write_i16::<BigEndian>(val.damage as i16)?;
buf.write_i16::<BigEndian>(val.damage.unwrap_or(0) as i16)?;
// TODO: compress zlib NBT if 1.7

View File

@ -828,14 +828,14 @@ struct BlockFace {
tint_index: i32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Model {
faces: Vec<Face>,
ambient_occlusion: bool,
weight: f64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Face {
cull_face: Direction,
facing: Direction,
@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ pub const PRECOMPUTED_VERTS: [&[BlockVertex; 4]; 6] = [
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BlockVertex {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ use flate2::Compression;
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use crate::shared::Position;
pub const SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS: [i32; 9] = [340, 316, 315, 210, 109, 107, 74, 47, 5];
pub const SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS: [i32; 10] = [404, 340, 316, 315, 210, 109, 107, 74, 47, 5];
// TODO: switch to using thread_local storage?, see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.thread_local.html
@ -553,6 +553,17 @@ impl <L: Lengthable> fmt::Debug for LenPrefixedBytes<L> {
impl Lengthable for bool {
fn into(self) -> usize {
if self { 1 } else { 0 }
fn from(u: usize) -> bool {
u != 0
impl Lengthable for u8 {
fn into(self) -> usize {
self as usize

View File

@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ state_packets!(
packet TeleportConfirm {
field teleport_id: VarInt =,
packet QueryBlockNBT {
field transaction_id: VarInt =,
field location: Position =,
/// TabComplete is sent by the client when the client presses tab in
/// the chat box.
packet TabComplete {
@ -156,6 +160,15 @@ state_packets!(
field channel: String =,
field data: LenPrefixedBytes<i16> =,
packet EditBook {
field new_book: Option<item::Stack> =,
field is_signing: bool =,
field hand: VarInt =,
packet QueryEntityNBT {
field transaction_id: VarInt =,
field entity_id: VarInt =,
/// UseEntity is sent when the user interacts (right clicks) or attacks
/// (left clicks) an entity.
packet UseEntity {
@ -240,10 +253,13 @@ state_packets!(
field yaw: f32 =,
field pitch: f32 =,
/// TODO: Document
/// SteerBoat is used to visually update the boat paddles.
packet SteerBoat {
field unknown: bool =,
field unknown2: bool =,
field left_paddle_turning: bool =,
field right_paddle_turning: bool =,
packet PickItem {
field slot_to_use: VarInt =,
/// CraftRecipeRequest is sent when player clicks a recipe in the crafting book.
packet CraftRecipeRequest {
@ -308,6 +324,9 @@ state_packets!(
field crafting_book_open: bool = when(|p: &CraftingBookData| p.action.0 == 1),
field crafting_filter: bool = when(|p: &CraftingBookData| p.action.0 == 1),
packet NameItem {
field item_name: String =,
/// ResourcePackStatus informs the server of the client's current progress
/// in activating the requested resource pack
packet ResourcePackStatus {
@ -322,17 +341,53 @@ state_packets!(
field action: VarInt =,
field tab_id: String = when(|p: &AdvancementTab| p.action.0 == 0),
packet SelectTrade {
field selected_slot: VarInt =,
packet SetBeaconEffect {
field primary_effect: VarInt =,
field secondary_effect: VarInt =,
/// HeldItemChange is sent when the player changes the currently active
/// hotbar slot.
packet HeldItemChange {
field slot: i16 =,
packet UpdateCommandBlock {
field location: Position =,
field command: String =,
field mode: VarInt =,
field flags: u8 =,
packet UpdateCommandBlockMinecart {
field entity_id: VarInt =,
field command: String =,
field track_output: bool =,
/// CreativeInventoryAction is sent when the client clicks in the creative
/// inventory. This is used to spawn items in creative.
packet CreativeInventoryAction {
field slot: i16 =,
field clicked_item: Option<item::Stack> =,
packet UpdateStructureBlock {
field location: Position =,
field action: VarInt =,
field mode: VarInt =,
field name: String =,
field offset_x: i8 =,
field offset_y: i8 =,
field offset_z: i8 =,
field size_x: i8 =,
field size_y: i8 =,
field size_z: i8 =,
field mirror: VarInt =,
field rotation: VarInt =,
field metadata: String =,
field integrity: f32 =,
field seed: VarLong =,
field flags: i8 =,
/// SetSign sets the text on a sign after placing it.
packet SetSign {
field location: Position =,
@ -704,6 +759,10 @@ state_packets!(
packet TabCompleteReply {
field matches: LenPrefixed<VarInt, String> =,
packet DeclareCommands {
field nodes: LenPrefixed<VarInt, packet::CommandNode> =,
field root_index: VarInt =,
/// ServerMessage is a message sent by the server. It could be from a player
/// or just a system message. The Type field controls the location the
/// message is displayed at and when the message is displayed.
@ -1148,6 +1207,15 @@ state_packets!(
field online: bool =,
field ping: u16 =,
packet FacePlayer {
field feet_eyes: VarInt =,
field target_x: f64 =,
field target_y: f64 =,
field target_z: f64 =,
field is_entity: bool =,
field entity_id: Option<VarInt> = when(|p: &FacePlayer| p.is_entity),
field entity_feet_eyes: Option<VarInt> = when(|p: &FacePlayer| p.is_entity),
/// TeleportPlayer is sent to change the player's position. The client is expected
/// to reply to the server with the same positions as contained in this packet
/// otherwise will reject future packets.
@ -1179,12 +1247,21 @@ state_packets!(
field y: u8 =,
field z: i32 =,
packet UnlockRecipes {
packet UnlockRecipes_NoSmelting {
field action: VarInt =,
field crafting_book_open: bool =,
field filtering_craftable: bool =,
field recipe_ids: LenPrefixed<VarInt, VarInt> =,
field recipe_ids2: LenPrefixed<VarInt, VarInt> = when(|p: &UnlockRecipes| p.action.0 == 0),
field recipe_ids2: LenPrefixed<VarInt, VarInt> = when(|p: &UnlockRecipes_NoSmelting| p.action.0 == 0),
packet UnlockRecipes_WithSmelting {
field action: VarInt =,
field crafting_book_open: bool =,
field filtering_craftable: bool =,
field smelting_book_open: bool =,
field filtering_smeltable: bool =,
field recipe_ids: LenPrefixed<VarInt, String> =,
field recipe_ids2: LenPrefixed<VarInt, String> = when(|p: &UnlockRecipes_WithSmelting| p.action.0 == 0),
/// EntityDestroy destroys the entities with the ids in the provided slice.
packet EntityDestroy {
@ -1229,6 +1306,10 @@ state_packets!(
field entity_id: i32 =,
field entity_status: i8 =,
packet NBTQueryResponse {
field transaction_id: VarInt =,
field nbt: Option<nbt::NamedTag> =,
/// SelectAdvancementTab indicates the client should switch the advancement tab.
packet SelectAdvancementTab {
field has_id: bool =,
@ -1405,6 +1486,11 @@ state_packets!(
field world_age: i64 =,
field time_of_day: i64 =,
packet StopSound {
field flags: u8 =,
field source: Option<VarInt> = when(|p: &StopSound| p.flags & 0x01 != 0),
field sound: Option<String> = when(|p: &StopSound| p.flags & 0x02 != 0),
/// Title configures an on-screen title.
packet Title {
field action: VarInt =,
@ -1544,6 +1630,14 @@ state_packets!(
field amplifier: i8 =,
field duration: i16 =,
packet DeclareRecipes {
field recipes: LenPrefixed<VarInt, packet::Recipe> =,
packet Tags {
field block_tags: LenPrefixed<VarInt, packet::Tags> =,
field item_tags: LenPrefixed<VarInt, packet::Tags> =,
field fluid_tags: LenPrefixed<VarInt, packet::Tags> =,
login Login {
@ -1569,6 +1663,11 @@ state_packets!(
field shared_secret: LenPrefixedBytes<i16> =,
field verify_token: LenPrefixedBytes<i16> =,
packet LoginPluginResponse {
field message_id: VarInt =,
field successful: bool =,
field data: Vec<u8> =,
clientbound Clientbound {
/// LoginDisconnect is sent by the server if there was any issues
@ -1609,6 +1708,11 @@ state_packets!(
/// Threshold where a packet should be sent compressed
field threshold: VarInt =,
packet LoginPluginRequest {
field message_id: VarInt =,
field channel: String =,
field data: Vec<u8> =,
status Status {
@ -2165,3 +2269,324 @@ pub struct PlayerProperty {
pub value: String,
pub signature: Option<String>,
use crate::item;
type RecipeIngredient = LenPrefixed<VarInt, Option<item::Stack>>;
pub enum RecipeData {
Shapeless {
group: String,
ingredients: LenPrefixed<VarInt, RecipeIngredient>,
result: Option<item::Stack>,
Shaped {
width: VarInt,
height: VarInt,
group: String,
ingredients: Vec<RecipeIngredient>,
result: Option<item::Stack>,
Smelting {
group: String,
ingredient: RecipeIngredient,
result: Option<item::Stack>,
experience: f32,
cooking_time: VarInt,
impl Default for RecipeData {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Recipe {
pub id: String,
pub ty: String,
pub data: RecipeData,
impl Serializable for Recipe {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let id = String::read_from(buf)?;
let ty = String::read_from(buf)?;
let data =
match ty.as_ref() {
"crafting_shapeless" => RecipeData::Shapeless {
group: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
ingredients: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
result: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
"crafting_shaped" => {
let width: VarInt = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let height: VarInt = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let group: String = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let capacity = width.0 as usize * height.0 as usize;
let mut ingredients = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
for _ in 0 .. capacity {
let result: Option<item::Stack> = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
RecipeData::Shaped { width, height, group, ingredients, result }
"crafting_special_armordye" => RecipeData::ArmorDye,
"crafting_special_bookcloning" => RecipeData::BookCloning,
"crafting_special_mapcloning" => RecipeData::MapCloning,
"crafting_special_mapextending" => RecipeData::MapExtending,
"crafting_special_firework_rocket" => RecipeData::FireworkRocket,
"crafting_special_firework_star" => RecipeData::FireworkStar,
"crafting_special_firework_star_fade" => RecipeData::FireworkStarFade,
"crafting_special_repairitem" => RecipeData::RepairItem,
"crafting_special_tippedarrow" => RecipeData::TippedArrow,
"crafting_special_bannerduplicate" => RecipeData::BannerDuplicate,
"crafting_special_banneraddpattern" => RecipeData::BannerAddPattern,
"crafting_special_shielddecoration" => RecipeData::ShieldDecoration,
"crafting_special_shulkerboxcoloring" => RecipeData::ShulkerBoxColoring,
"smelting" => RecipeData::Smelting {
group: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
ingredient: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
result: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
experience: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
cooking_time: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
_ => panic!("unrecognized recipe type: {}", ty)
Ok(Recipe { id, ty, data })
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, _: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Tags {
pub tag_name: String,
pub entries: LenPrefixed<VarInt, VarInt>,
impl Serializable for Tags {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(Tags {
tag_name: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
entries: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, _: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct CommandNode {
pub flags: u8,
pub children: LenPrefixed<VarInt, VarInt>,
pub redirect_node: Option<VarInt>,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub parser: Option<String>,
pub properties: Option<CommandProperty>,
pub suggestions_type: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum CommandNodeType {
pub enum CommandProperty {
Double {
flags: u8,
min: Option<f64>,
max: Option<f64>,
Float {
flags: u8,
min: Option<f32>,
max: Option<f32>,
Integer {
flags: u8,
min: Option<i32>,
max: Option<i32>,
String {
token_type: VarInt,
Entity {
flags: u8,
ScoreHolder {
flags: u8,
Range {
decimals: bool,
impl Serializable for CommandNode {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let flags: u8 = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let children: LenPrefixed<VarInt, VarInt> = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let node_type = match flags & 0x03 {
0 => CommandNodeType::Root,
1 => CommandNodeType::Literal,
2 => CommandNodeType::Argument,
_ => panic!("unrecognized command node type {}", flags & 0x03),
let _is_executable = flags & 0x04 != 0;
let has_redirect = flags & 0x08 != 0;
let has_suggestions_type = flags & 0x10 != 0;
let redirect_node: Option<VarInt> = if has_redirect {
} else {
let name: Option<String> = if node_type == CommandNodeType::Argument || node_type == CommandNodeType::Literal {
} else {
let parser: Option<String> = if node_type == CommandNodeType::Argument {
} else {
let properties: Option<CommandProperty> = if let Some(ref parse) = parser {
Some(match parse.as_ref() {
"brigadier:bool" => CommandProperty::Bool,
"brigadier:double" => {
let flags = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let min = if flags & 0x01 != 0 { Some(Serializable::read_from(buf)?) } else { None };
let max = if flags & 0x02 != 0 { Some(Serializable::read_from(buf)?) } else { None };
CommandProperty::Double { flags, min, max }
"brigadier:float" => {
let flags = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let min = if flags & 0x01 != 0 { Some(Serializable::read_from(buf)?) } else { None };
let max = if flags & 0x02 != 0 { Some(Serializable::read_from(buf)?) } else { None };
CommandProperty::Float { flags, min, max }
"brigadier:integer" => {
let flags = Serializable::read_from(buf)?;
let min = if flags & 0x01 != 0 { Some(Serializable::read_from(buf)?) } else { None };
let max = if flags & 0x02 != 0 { Some(Serializable::read_from(buf)?) } else { None };
CommandProperty::Integer { flags, min, max }
"brigadier:string" => {
CommandProperty::String { token_type: Serializable::read_from(buf)? }
"minecraft:entity" => {
CommandProperty::Entity { flags: Serializable::read_from(buf)? }
"minecraft:game_profile" => CommandProperty::GameProfile,
"minecraft:block_pos" => CommandProperty::BlockPos,
"minecraft:vec3" => CommandProperty::Vec3,
"minecraft:vec2" => CommandProperty::Vec2,
"minecraft:block_state" => CommandProperty::BlockState,
"minecraft:block_predicate" => CommandProperty::BlockPredicate,
"minecraft:item_stack" => CommandProperty::ItemStack,
"minecraft:item_predicate" => CommandProperty::ItemPredicate,
"minecraft:color" => CommandProperty::Color,
"minecraft:component" => CommandProperty::Component,
"minecraft:message" => CommandProperty::Message,
"minecraft:nbt" => CommandProperty::Nbt,
"minecraft:nbt_path" => CommandProperty::NbtPath,
"minecraft:objective" => CommandProperty::Objective,
"minecraft:objective_criteria" => CommandProperty::ObjectiveCriteria,
"minecraft:operation" => CommandProperty::Operation,
"minecraft:particle" => CommandProperty::Particle,
"minecraft:rotation" => CommandProperty::Rotation,
"minecraft:scoreboard_slot" => CommandProperty::ScoreboardSlot,
"minecraft:score_holder" => {
CommandProperty::ScoreHolder { flags: Serializable::read_from(buf)? }
"minecraft:swizzle" => CommandProperty::Swizzle,
"minecraft:team" => CommandProperty::Team,
"minecraft:item_slot" => CommandProperty::ItemSlot,
"minecraft:resource_location" => CommandProperty::ResourceLocation,
"minecraft:mob_effect" => CommandProperty::MobEffect,
"minecraft:function" => CommandProperty::Function,
"minecraft:entity_anchor" => CommandProperty::EntityAnchor,
"minecraft:range" => {
CommandProperty::Range { decimals: Serializable::read_from(buf)? }
"minecraft:item_enchantment" => CommandProperty::ItemEnchantment,
_ => panic!("unsupported command node parser {}", parse),
} else {
let suggestions_type: Option<String> = if has_suggestions_type {
} else {
Ok(CommandNode { flags, children, redirect_node, name, parser, properties, suggestions_type })
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, _: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use crate::protocol::*;
mod v1_13_2;
mod v1_12_2;
mod v1_11_2;
mod v1_10_2;
@ -13,6 +14,9 @@ pub fn translate_internal_packet_id_for_version(version: i32, state: State, dir:
match version {
// https://wiki.vg/Protocol_History
// https://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers#Versions_after_the_Netty_rewrite
// 1.13.2
404 => v1_13_2::translate_internal_packet_id(state, dir, id, to_internal),
// 1.12.2
340 => v1_12_2::translate_internal_packet_id(state, dir, id, to_internal),

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ protocol_packet_ids!(
0x2e => PlayerInfo
0x2f => TeleportPlayer_WithConfirm
0x30 => EntityUsedBed
0x31 => UnlockRecipes
0x31 => UnlockRecipes_NoSmelting
0x32 => EntityDestroy
0x33 => EntityRemoveEffect
0x34 => ResourcePackSend

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
handshake Handshaking {
serverbound Serverbound {
0x00 => Handshake
clientbound Clientbound {
play Play {
serverbound Serverbound {
0x00 => TeleportConfirm
0x01 => QueryBlockNBT
0x02 => ChatMessage
0x03 => ClientStatus
0x04 => ClientSettings
0x05 => TabComplete
0x06 => ConfirmTransactionServerbound
0x07 => EnchantItem
0x08 => ClickWindow
0x09 => CloseWindow
0x0a => PluginMessageServerbound
0x0b => EditBook
0x0c => QueryEntityNBT
0x0d => UseEntity
0x0e => KeepAliveServerbound_i64
0x0f => Player
0x10 => PlayerPosition
0x11 => PlayerPositionLook
0x12 => PlayerLook
0x13 => VehicleMove
0x14 => SteerBoat
0x15 => PickItem
0x16 => CraftRecipeRequest
0x17 => ClientAbilities
0x18 => PlayerDigging
0x19 => PlayerAction
0x1a => SteerVehicle
0x1b => CraftingBookData
0x1c => NameItem
0x1d => ResourcePackStatus
0x1e => AdvancementTab
0x1f => SelectTrade
0x20 => SetBeaconEffect
0x21 => HeldItemChange
0x22 => UpdateCommandBlock
0x23 => UpdateCommandBlockMinecart
0x24 => CreativeInventoryAction
0x25 => UpdateStructureBlock
0x26 => SetSign
0x27 => ArmSwing
0x28 => SpectateTeleport
0x29 => PlayerBlockPlacement_f32
0x2a => UseItem
clientbound Clientbound {
0x00 => SpawnObject
0x01 => SpawnExperienceOrb
0x02 => SpawnGlobalEntity
0x03 => SpawnMob
0x04 => SpawnPainting
0x05 => SpawnPlayer_f64
0x06 => Animation
0x07 => Statistics
0x08 => BlockBreakAnimation
0x09 => UpdateBlockEntity
0x0a => BlockAction
0x0b => BlockChange_VarInt
0x0c => BossBar
0x0d => ServerDifficulty
0x0e => ServerMessage
0x0f => MultiBlockChange_VarInt
0x10 => TabCompleteReply
0x11 => DeclareCommands
0x12 => ConfirmTransaction
0x13 => WindowClose
0x14 => WindowOpen
0x15 => WindowItems
0x16 => WindowProperty
0x17 => WindowSetSlot
0x18 => SetCooldown
0x19 => PluginMessageClientbound
0x1a => NamedSoundEffect
0x1b => Disconnect
0x1c => EntityAction
0x1d => NBTQueryResponse
0x1e => Explosion
0x1f => ChunkUnload
0x20 => ChangeGameState
0x21 => KeepAliveClientbound_i64
0x22 => ChunkData
0x23 => Effect
0x24 => Particle
0x25 => JoinGame_i32
0x26 => Maps
0x27 => Entity
0x28 => EntityMove_i16
0x29 => EntityLookAndMove_i16
0x2a => EntityLook_VarInt
0x2b => VehicleTeleport
0x2c => SignEditorOpen
0x2d => CraftRecipeResponse
0x2e => PlayerAbilities
0x2f => CombatEvent
0x30 => PlayerInfo
0x31 => FacePlayer
0x32 => TeleportPlayer_WithConfirm
0x33 => EntityUsedBed
0x34 => UnlockRecipes_WithSmelting
0x35 => EntityDestroy
0x36 => EntityRemoveEffect
0x37 => ResourcePackSend
0x38 => Respawn
0x39 => EntityHeadLook
0x3a => SelectAdvancementTab
0x3b => WorldBorder
0x3c => Camera
0x3d => SetCurrentHotbarSlot
0x3e => ScoreboardDisplay
0x3f => EntityMetadata
0x40 => EntityAttach
0x41 => EntityVelocity
0x42 => EntityEquipment
0x43 => SetExperience
0x44 => UpdateHealth
0x45 => ScoreboardObjective
0x46 => SetPassengers
0x47 => Teams
0x48 => UpdateScore
0x49 => SpawnPosition
0x4a => TimeUpdate
0x4c => StopSound
0x4d => SoundEffect
0x4e => PlayerListHeaderFooter
0x4f => CollectItem
0x50 => EntityTeleport_f64
0x51 => Advancements
0x52 => EntityProperties
0x53 => EntityEffect
0x54 => DeclareRecipes
0x55 => Tags
login Login {
serverbound Serverbound {
0x00 => LoginStart
0x01 => EncryptionResponse
0x02 => LoginPluginResponse
clientbound Clientbound {
0x00 => LoginDisconnect
0x01 => EncryptionRequest
0x02 => LoginSuccess
0x03 => SetInitialCompression
0x04 => LoginPluginRequest
status Status {
serverbound Serverbound {
0x00 => StatusRequest
0x01 => StatusPing
clientbound Clientbound {
0x00 => StatusResponse
0x01 => StatusPong

View File

@ -242,13 +242,13 @@ impl Server {
if xx == 0 && z == 0 {
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 3, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false });
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 4, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false });
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 3, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false, distance: 1 });
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 4, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false, distance: 1 });
if xx.abs() <= 1 && zz.abs() <= 1 {
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 5, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false });
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 5, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false, distance: 1 });
if xx * xx + zz * zz <= 1 {
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 6, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false });
server.world.set_block(Position::new(x + xx, h + 6, z + zz), block::Leaves{ variant: block::TreeVariant::Oak, check_decay: false, decayable: false, distance: 1 });
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ impl Server {
disconnect_reason: None,
just_disconnected: false,
world: world::World::new(),
world: world::World::new(protocol_version),
world_age: 0,
world_time: 0.0,
world_time_target: 0.0,
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ impl Server {
fn on_respawn(&mut self, respawn: packet::play::clientbound::Respawn) {
self.world = world::World::new();
self.world = world::World::new(self.protocol_version);
let gamemode = Gamemode::from_int((respawn.gamemode & 0x7) as i32);
if let Some(player) = self.player {
@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ impl Server {
fn on_block_change(&mut self, location: Position, id: i32) {
self.world.set_block(location, block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize))
self.world.set_block(location, block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize, self.protocol_version))
fn on_block_change_varint(&mut self, block_change: packet::play::clientbound::BlockChange_VarInt) {
@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ impl Server {
record.y as i32,
oz + (record.xz & 0xF) as i32
block::Block::by_vanilla_id(record.block_id.0 as usize)
block::Block::by_vanilla_id(record.block_id.0 as usize, self.protocol_version)
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ impl Server {
Position::new(x, y, z),
block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize)
block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize, self.protocol_version)

View File

@ -9,10 +9,18 @@ pub struct Brand {
impl Brand {
pub fn as_message(self) -> PluginMessageServerbound {
let protocol_version = unsafe { crate::protocol::CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION };
let channel_name = if protocol_version >= 404 {
} else {
let mut data = vec![];
Serializable::write_to(&self.brand, &mut data).unwrap();
PluginMessageServerbound {
channel: "MC|Brand".into(),
channel: channel_name.into(),

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use std::io;
use std::fmt;
use crate::protocol;
use crate::protocol::Serializable;
use crate::protocol::LenPrefixed;
use crate::format;
use crate::item;
use crate::shared::Position;
@ -271,13 +272,151 @@ impl Metadata {
u8::write_to(&0xFF, buf)?;
fn read_from113<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, protocol::Error> {
let mut m = Self::new();
loop {
let index = u8::read_from(buf)? as i32;
if index == 0xFF {
let ty = protocol::VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0;
match ty {
0 => m.put_raw(index, i8::read_from(buf)?),
1 => m.put_raw(index, protocol::VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0),
2 => m.put_raw(index, f32::read_from(buf)?),
3 => m.put_raw(index, String::read_from(buf)?),
4 => m.put_raw(index, format::Component::read_from(buf)?),
5 => m.put_raw(index, LenPrefixed::<bool, format::Component>::read_from(buf)?),
6 => m.put_raw(index, Option::<item::Stack>::read_from(buf)?),
7 => m.put_raw(index, bool::read_from(buf)?),
8 => m.put_raw(index,
9 => m.put_raw(index, Position::read_from(buf)?),
10 => {
if bool::read_from(buf)? {
m.put_raw(index, Option::<Position>::read_from(buf)?);
} else {
m.put_raw::<Option<Position>>(index, None);
11 => m.put_raw(index, protocol::VarInt::read_from(buf)?),
12 => {
if bool::read_from(buf)? {
m.put_raw(index, Option::<protocol::UUID>::read_from(buf)?);
} else {
m.put_raw::<Option<protocol::UUID>>(index, None);
13 => m.put_raw(index, protocol::VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0 as u16),
14 => {
let ty = u8::read_from(buf)?;
if ty != 0 {
let name = nbt::read_string(buf)?;
let tag = nbt::Tag::read_from(buf)?;
m.put_raw(index, nbt::NamedTag(name, tag));
15 => panic!("TODO: particle"),
_ => return Err(protocol::Error::Err("unknown metadata type".to_owned())),
fn write_to113<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), protocol::Error> {
for (k, v) in &self.map {
(*k as u8).write_to(buf)?;
match *v {
Value::Byte(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&0, buf)?;
Value::Int(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&1, buf)?;
Value::Float(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&2, buf)?;
Value::String(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&3, buf)?;
Value::FormatComponent(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&4, buf)?;
Value::OptionalFormatComponent(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&5, buf)?;
Value::OptionalItemStack(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&6, buf)?;
Value::Bool(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&7, buf)?;
Value::Vector(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&8, buf)?;
Value::Position(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&9, buf)?;
Value::OptionalPosition(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&10, buf)?;
Value::Direction(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&11, buf)?;
Value::OptionalUUID(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&12, buf)?;
Value::Block(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&13, buf)?;
protocol::VarInt(*val as i32).write_to(buf)?;
Value::NBTTag(ref _val) => {
u8::write_to(&14, buf)?;
// TODO: write NBT tags metadata
Value::Particle(ref val) => {
u8::write_to(&15, buf)?;
_ => panic!("unexpected metadata"),
u8::write_to(&0xFF, buf)?;
impl Serializable for Metadata {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, protocol::Error> {
let protocol_version = unsafe { protocol::CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION };
if protocol_version >= 74 {
if protocol_version >= 404 {
} else if protocol_version >= 74 {
} else {
@ -287,7 +426,9 @@ impl Serializable for Metadata {
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), protocol::Error> {
let protocol_version = unsafe { protocol::CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION };
if protocol_version >= 74 {
if protocol_version >= 404 {
} else if protocol_version >= 74 {
} else {
@ -319,6 +460,7 @@ pub enum Value {
OptionalFormatComponent(LenPrefixed<bool, format::Component>),
Vector([f32; 3]),
@ -329,6 +471,146 @@ pub enum Value {
Block(u16), // TODO: Proper type
pub enum ParticleData {
Block {
block_state: protocol::VarInt,
Dust {
red: f32,
green: f32,
blue: f32,
scale: f32,
FallingDust {
block_state: protocol::VarInt,
Item {
item: Option<item::Stack>,
impl Serializable for ParticleData {
fn read_from<R: io::Read>(buf: &mut R) -> Result<Self, protocol::Error> {
let id = protocol::VarInt::read_from(buf)?.0;
Ok(match id {
0 => ParticleData::AmbientEntityEffect,
1 => ParticleData::AngryVillager,
2 => ParticleData::Barrier,
3 => ParticleData::Block {
block_state: Serializable::read_from(buf)?
4 => ParticleData::Bubble,
5 => ParticleData::Cloud,
6 => ParticleData::Crit,
7 => ParticleData::DamageIndicator,
8 => ParticleData::DragonBreath,
9 => ParticleData::DrippingLava,
10 => ParticleData::DrippingWater,
11 => ParticleData::Dust {
red: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
green: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
blue: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
scale: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
12 => ParticleData::Effect,
13 => ParticleData::ElderGuardian,
14 => ParticleData::EnchantedHit,
15 => ParticleData::Enchant,
16 => ParticleData::EndRod,
17 => ParticleData::EntityEffect,
18 => ParticleData::ExplosionEmitter,
19 => ParticleData::Explosion,
20 => ParticleData::FallingDust {
block_state: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
21 => ParticleData::Firework,
22 => ParticleData::Fishing,
23 => ParticleData::Flame,
24 => ParticleData::HappyVillager,
25 => ParticleData::Heart,
26 => ParticleData::InstantEffect,
27 => ParticleData::Item {
item: Serializable::read_from(buf)?,
28 => ParticleData::ItemSlime,
29 => ParticleData::ItemSnowball,
30 => ParticleData::LargeSmoke,
31 => ParticleData::Lava,
32 => ParticleData::Mycelium,
33 => ParticleData::Note,
34 => ParticleData::Poof,
35 => ParticleData::Portal,
36 => ParticleData::Rain,
37 => ParticleData::Smoke,
38 => ParticleData::Spit,
39 => ParticleData::SquidInk,
40 => ParticleData::SweepAttack,
41 => ParticleData::TotemOfUndying,
42 => ParticleData::Underwater,
43 => ParticleData::Splash,
44 => ParticleData::Witch,
45 => ParticleData::BubblePop,
46 => ParticleData::CurrentDown,
47 => ParticleData::BubbleColumnUp,
48 => ParticleData::Nautilus,
49 => ParticleData::Dolphin,
_ => panic!("unrecognized particle data id {}", id),
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, _buf: &mut W) -> Result<(), protocol::Error> {
pub trait MetaValue {
@ -408,6 +690,19 @@ impl MetaValue for format::Component {
impl MetaValue for LenPrefixed<bool, format::Component> {
fn unwrap(value: &Value) -> &Self {
match *value {
Value::OptionalFormatComponent(ref val) => val,
_ => panic!("incorrect key"),
fn wrap(self) -> Value {
impl MetaValue for Option<item::Stack> {
fn unwrap(value: &Value) -> &Self {
match *value {

View File

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ pub struct World {
light_updates: VecDeque<LightUpdate>,
block_entity_actions: VecDeque<BlockEntityAction>,
protocol_version: i32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
@ -79,7 +81,12 @@ struct LightUpdate {
impl World {
pub fn new() -> World { Default::default() }
pub fn new(protocol_version: i32) -> World {
World {
pub fn is_chunk_loaded(&self, x: i32, z: i32) -> bool {
self.chunks.contains_key(&CPos(x, z))
@ -612,7 +619,7 @@ impl World {
for bi in 0 .. 4096 {
let id = data.read_u16::<byteorder::LittleEndian>()?;
section.blocks.set(bi, block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize));
section.blocks.set(bi, block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize, self.protocol_version));
// Spawn block entities
let b = section.blocks.get(bi);
@ -798,7 +805,7 @@ impl World {
for bi in 0 .. 4096 {
let id = ((block_add[i].get(bi) as u16) << 12) | ((block_types[i][bi] as u16) << 4) | (block_meta[i].get(bi) as u16);
section.blocks.set(bi, block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize));
section.blocks.set(bi, block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize, self.protocol_version));
// Spawn block entities
let b = section.blocks.get(bi);
@ -870,7 +877,7 @@ impl World {
let count = VarInt::read_from(&mut data)?.0;
for i in 0 .. count {
let id = VarInt::read_from(&mut data)?.0;
let bl = block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize);
let bl = block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id as usize, self.protocol_version);
mappings.insert(i as usize, bl);
@ -880,7 +887,7 @@ impl World {
for bi in 0 .. 4096 {
let id = m.get(bi);
section.blocks.set(bi, mappings.get(&id).cloned().unwrap_or(block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id)));
section.blocks.set(bi, mappings.get(&id).cloned().unwrap_or(block::Block::by_vanilla_id(id, self.protocol_version)));
// Spawn block entities
let b = section.blocks.get(bi);
if block_entity::BlockEntityType::get_block_entity(b).is_some() {