Fix redstone wire

This commit is contained in:
Thinkofname 2016-04-01 11:17:27 +01:00
parent 96d4184933
commit 34c4d5d54d
1 changed files with 28 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -1383,16 +1383,19 @@ define_blocks! {
transparent: false,
model { ("minecraft", "redstone_wire") },
tint TintType::Foliage,
update_state (world, x, y, z) => {
let (north, south, east, west) = update_redstone_wire_state(world, x, y, z);
Block::RedstoneWire {north: north, south: south, east: east, west:west, power: power}
tint TintType::Color{r: ((255.0 / 30.0) * (power as f64) + 14.0) as u8, g: 0, b: 0},
update_state (world, x, y, z) => Block::RedstoneWire {
north: can_connect_redstone(world, x, y, z, Direction::North),
south: can_connect_redstone(world, x, y, z, Direction::South),
east: can_connect_redstone(world, x, y, z, Direction::East),
west: can_connect_redstone(world, x, y, z, Direction::West),
power: power
multipart (key, val) => match key {
"north" => val == north.as_string(),
"south" => val == south.as_string(),
"east" => val == east.as_string(),
"west" => val == west.as_string(),
"north" => val.contains(north.as_string()),
"south" => val.contains(south.as_string()),
"east" => val.contains(east.as_string()),
"west" => val.contains(west.as_string()),
_ => false,
@ -5030,33 +5033,23 @@ fn update_double_plant_state(world: &super::World, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, ohalf
fn update_redstone_wire_state(world: &super::World, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32) -> (RedstoneSide, RedstoneSide, RedstoneSide, RedstoneSide){
let (nx, ny, nz) = Direction::North.get_offset();
let (sx, sy, sz) = Direction::South.get_offset();
let (ex, ey, ez) = Direction::East.get_offset();
let (wx, wy, wz) = Direction::West.get_offset();
fn can_connect_redstone(world: &super::World, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, dir: Direction) -> RedstoneSide {
let (ox, oy, oz) = dir.get_offset();
let north = match world.get_block(x + nx, y + ny, z + nz) {
RedstoneWire{..} => RedstoneSide::Side,
_ => RedstoneSide::None,
let south = match world.get_block(x + sx, y + sy, z + sz) {
RedstoneWire{..} => RedstoneSide::Side,
_ => RedstoneSide::None,
let east = match world.get_block(x + ex, y + ey, z + ez) {
RedstoneWire{..} => RedstoneSide::Side,
_ => RedstoneSide::None,
let west = match world.get_block(x + wx, y + wy, y + wz) {
RedstoneWire{..} => RedstoneSide::Side,
_ => RedstoneSide::None,
(north, south, east, west)
let block = world.get_block(x + ox, y + oy, z + oz);
if block.get_material().should_cull_against {
let side_up = world.get_block(x + ox, y + oy + 1, z + oz);
let up = world.get_block(x, y + 1, z);
if match side_up { Block::RedstoneWire{..} => true, _ => false,} && !up.get_material().should_cull_against {
return RedstoneSide::Up;
return RedstoneSide::None;
let side_down = world.get_block(x + ox, y + oy - 1, z + oz);
if match block { Block::RedstoneWire{..} => true, _ => false,} || match side_down { Block::RedstoneWire{..} => true, _ => false,} {
return RedstoneSide::Side;
return RedstoneSide::None;
fn command_block_data(conditional: bool, facing: Direction) -> Option<usize> {
@ -5627,7 +5620,7 @@ impl RedstoneSide {
pub fn as_string(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
RedstoneSide::None => "none",
RedstoneSide::Side => "side|up",
RedstoneSide::Side => "side",
RedstoneSide::Up => "up",