Update for packet ID shifts

This commit is contained in:
ice_iix 2022-08-07 13:21:56 -07:00
parent de5503fe53
commit e8ae214a2c
1 changed files with 131 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -11,129 +11,131 @@ protocol_packet_ids!(
0x00 => TeleportConfirm
0x01 => QueryBlockNBT
0x02 => SetDifficulty
0x03 => ChatMessage
0x04 => ClientStatus
0x05 => ClientSettings_Filtering
0x06 => TabComplete
0x07 => ClickWindowButton
0x08 => ClickWindow_State
0x09 => CloseWindow
0x0a => PluginMessageServerbound
0x0b => EditBook_Pages
0x0c => QueryEntityNBT
0x0d => UseEntity_Sneakflag
0x0e => GenerateStructure
0x0f => KeepAliveServerbound_i64
0x10 => LockDifficulty
0x11 => PlayerPosition
0x12 => PlayerPositionLook
0x13 => PlayerLook
0x14 => Player
0x15 => VehicleMove
0x16 => SteerBoat
0x17 => PickItem
0x18 => CraftRecipeRequest
0x19 => ClientAbilities_u8
0x1a => PlayerDigging
0x1b => PlayerAction
0x1c => SteerVehicle
0x1d => WindowPong
0x1e => SetDisplayedRecipe
0x1f => SetRecipeBookState
0x20 => NameItem
0x21 => ResourcePackStatus
0x22 => AdvancementTab
0x23 => SelectTrade
0x24 => SetBeaconEffect
0x25 => HeldItemChange
0x26 => UpdateCommandBlock
0x27 => UpdateCommandBlockMinecart
0x28 => CreativeInventoryAction
0x29 => UpdateJigsawBlock_Joint
0x2a => UpdateStructureBlock
0x2b => SetSign
0x2c => ArmSwing
0x2d => SpectateTeleport
0x2e => PlayerBlockPlacement_insideblock
0x2f => UseItem
//TODO 0x03 => ChatCommand
0x04 => ChatMessage
//TODO 0x05 => ChatPreview
//TODO 0x06 => ClientCommand
0x07 => ClientSettings_Filtering
0x08 => TabComplete
0x09 => ClickWindowButton
0x0a => ClickWindow_State
0x0b => CloseWindow
0x0c => PluginMessageServerbound
0x0d => EditBook_Pages
0x0e => QueryEntityNBT
0x0f => UseEntity_Sneakflag
0x10 => GenerateStructure
0x11 => KeepAliveServerbound_i64
0x12 => LockDifficulty
0x13 => PlayerPosition
0x14 => PlayerPositionLook
0x15 => PlayerLook
0x16 => Player
0x17 => VehicleMove
0x18 => SteerBoat
0x19 => PickItem
0x1a => CraftRecipeRequest
0x1b => ClientAbilities_u8
0x1c => PlayerDigging
0x1d => PlayerAction
0x1e => SteerVehicle
0x1f => WindowPong
0x20 => SetDisplayedRecipe
0x21 => SetRecipeBookState
0x22 => NameItem
0x23 => ResourcePackStatus
0x24 => AdvancementTab
0x25 => SelectTrade
0x26 => SetBeaconEffect
0x27 => HeldItemChange
0x28 => UpdateCommandBlock
0x29 => UpdateCommandBlockMinecart
0x2a => CreativeInventoryAction
0x2b => UpdateJigsawBlock_Joint
0x2c => UpdateStructureBlock
0x2d => SetSign
0x2e => ArmSwing
0x2f => SpectateTeleport
0x30 => PlayerBlockPlacement_insideblock
0x31 => UseItem
clientbound Clientbound {
0x00 => SpawnObject_VarInt
0x01 => SpawnExperienceOrb
0x02 => SpawnMob_NoMeta
0x03 => SpawnPainting_VarInt
0x04 => SpawnPlayer_f64_NoMeta
0x05 => SculkVibrationSignal
0x06 => Animation
0x07 => Statistics
0x08 => AcknowledgePlayerDigging
0x09 => BlockBreakAnimation
0x0a => UpdateBlockEntity_VarInt
0x0b => BlockAction
0x0c => BlockChange_VarInt
0x0d => BossBar
0x0e => ServerDifficulty_Locked
0x0f => ServerMessage_Sender
0x10 => ClearTitles
0x11 => TabCompleteReply
0x12 => DeclareCommands
0x13 => WindowClose
0x14 => WindowItems_StateCarry
0x15 => WindowProperty
0x16 => WindowSetSlot_State
0x17 => SetCooldown
0x18 => PluginMessageClientbound
0x19 => NamedSoundEffect
0x1a => Disconnect
0x1b => EntityAction
0x1c => Explosion_VarInt
0x1d => ChunkUnload
0x1e => ChangeGameState
0x1f => WindowOpenHorse
0x20 => WorldBorderInit
0x21 => KeepAliveClientbound_i64
0x22 => ChunkData_AndLight
0x23 => Effect
0x24 => Particle_f64
0x25 => UpdateLight_Arrays
0x26 => JoinGame_WorldNames_IsHard_SimDist
0x27 => Maps
0x28 => TradeList_WithRestock
0x29 => EntityMove_i16
0x2a => EntityLookAndMove_i16
0x2b => EntityLook_VarInt
0x2c => VehicleTeleport
0x2d => OpenBook
0x2e => WindowOpen_VarInt
0x2f => SignEditorOpen
0x30 => WindowPing
0x31 => CraftRecipeResponse
0x32 => PlayerAbilities
0x33 => CombatEventEnd
0x34 => CombatEventEnter
0x35 => CombatEventDeath
0x36 => PlayerInfo
0x37 => FacePlayer
0x38 => TeleportPlayer_WithDismount
0x39 => UnlockRecipes_WithBlastSmoker
0x3a => EntityDestroy
0x3b => EntityRemoveEffect_VarInt
0x3c => ResourcePackSend_Prompt
0x3d => Respawn_NBT
0x3e => EntityHeadLook
0x3f => MultiBlockChange_Packed
0x40 => SelectAdvancementTab
0x41 => ActionBar
0x42 => WorldBorderCenter
0x43 => WorldBorderLerpSize
0x44 => WorldBorderSize
0x45 => WorldBorderWarningDelay
0x46 => WorldBorderWarningReach
0x47 => Camera
0x48 => SetCurrentHotbarSlot
0x49 => UpdateViewPosition
0x4a => UpdateViewDistance
0x4b => SpawnPosition_Angle
0x02 => SpawnPlayer_f64_NoMeta
0x03 => Animation
0x04 => Statistics
0x05 => AcknowledgePlayerDigging // TODO: Acknowledge Block Change
0x06 => BlockBreakAnimation
0x07 => UpdateBlockEntity_VarInt
0x08 => BlockAction
0x09 => BlockChange_VarInt
0x0a => BossBar
0x0b => ServerDifficulty_Locked
0x0c => ServerMessage_Sender // TODO: Chat Preview
0x0d => ClearTitles
0x0e => TabCompleteReply
0x0f => DeclareCommands
0x10 => WindowClose
0x11 => WindowItems_StateCarry
0x12 => WindowProperty
0x13 => WindowSetSlot_State
0x14 => SetCooldown
0x15 => PluginMessageClientbound
0x16 => NamedSoundEffect
0x17 => Disconnect
0x18 => EntityAction
0x19 => Explosion_VarInt
0x1a => ChunkUnload
0x1b => ChangeGameState
0x1c => WindowOpenHorse
0x1d => WorldBorderInit
0x1e => KeepAliveClientbound_i64
0x1f => ChunkData_AndLight
0x20 => Effect
0x21 => Particle_f64
0x22 => UpdateLight_Arrays
0x23 => JoinGame_WorldNames_IsHard_SimDist
0x24 => Maps
0x25 => TradeList_WithRestock
0x26 => EntityMove_i16
0x27 => EntityLookAndMove_i16
0x28 => EntityLook_VarInt
0x29 => VehicleTeleport
0x2a => OpenBook
0x2b => WindowOpen_VarInt
0x2c => SignEditorOpen
0x2d => WindowPing
0x2e => CraftRecipeResponse
0x2f => PlayerAbilities
//0x30 => PlayerChatMessage // TODO
0x31 => CombatEventEnd
0x32 => CombatEventEnter
0x33 => CombatEventDeath
0x34 => PlayerInfo
0x35 => FacePlayer
0x36 => TeleportPlayer_WithDismount
0x37 => UnlockRecipes_WithBlastSmoker
0x38 => EntityDestroy
0x39 => EntityRemoveEffect_VarInt
0x3a => ResourcePackSend_Prompt
0x3b => Respawn_NBT
0x3c => EntityHeadLook
0x3d => MultiBlockChange_Packed
0x3e => SelectAdvancementTab
//0x3f => ServerData // TODO
0x40 => ActionBar
0x41 => WorldBorderCenter
0x42 => WorldBorderLerpSize
0x43 => WorldBorderSize
0x44 => WorldBorderWarningDelay
0x45 => WorldBorderWarningReach
0x46 => Camera
0x47 => SetCurrentHotbarSlot
0x48 => UpdateViewPosition
0x49 => UpdateViewDistance
0x4a => SpawnPosition_Angle
//0x4b => SetDisplayChatPreview // TODO
0x4c => ScoreboardDisplay
0x4d => EntityMetadata
0x4e => EntityAttach
@ -153,15 +155,16 @@ protocol_packet_ids!(
0x5c => EntitySoundEffect
0x5d => SoundEffect
0x5e => StopSound
0x5f => PlayerListHeaderFooter
0x60 => NBTQueryResponse
0x61 => CollectItem
0x62 => EntityTeleport_f64
0x63 => Advancements
0x64 => EntityProperties_VarIntVarInt
0x65 => EntityEffect_VarInt
0x66 => DeclareRecipes
0x67 => Tags_Nested
//0x5f => SystemChatMessage // TODO
0x60 => PlayerListHeaderFooter
0x61 => NBTQueryResponse
0x62 => CollectItem
0x63 => EntityTeleport_f64
0x64 => Advancements
0x65 => EntityProperties_VarIntVarInt
0x66 => EntityEffect_VarInt
0x67 => DeclareRecipes
0x68 => Tags_Nested
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