Commit Graph

9 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
ice_iix a90a6af7c2 Update to Rust 2021 2021-12-24 09:32:56 -08:00
iceiix 518b6a07f8
Reformat all source with cargo fmt (#335) 2020-06-21 12:17:24 -07:00
ice_iix 3f5f02db93 Update dependencies: base64, flate2, num-traits, and more (#257)
* Closes #237 Bump base64 from 0.10.1 to 0.11.0

* Closes #241 Bump flate2 from 1.0.12 to 1.0.13

* Closes #245 Bump num-traits from 0.2.8 to 0.2.10

* Closes #248 Bump serde_json from 1.0.41 to 1.0.44

* Closes #249 Bump serde from 1.0.102 to 1.0.104

* Closes #251 Bump web-sys from 0.3.30 to 0.3.33

* Closes #254 Bump structopt from 0.3.3 to 0.3.7

* Bump cfg-if from 0.1.9 to 0.1.10

* `cargo update` all modules
2020-01-05 08:00:55 -08:00
iceiix 11f2d2ae13 1.13.2 (404) multiprotocol support (#67)
Adds support for 1.13.2 protocol (404)
Expands Enhance protocol support


* Support 1.13.2 slot data format, bool and varint item id, optional damage (moved to NBT)


* Add 1.13.2 packets, and implement all the command data parsers

* Send new plugin channel minecraft:brand

* Add 1.13.2 metadata format, with shifted IDs

* Implement particle entity metadata

* Add structures for 16 new packets

Blocks: The Flattening:

* Assign flattened IDs in correct order using new 'offset' macro token

* Assign hierarchical (pre-flattening) block IDs sequentially by counting Some data

* Split VANILLA_ID_MAP into flat/hier struct, to support before and after the flattening

* Extend travis build time to 20 minutes because the blocks macro takes a long time

* Support both flat/hier blocks by passing protocol_version to by_vanilla_id

Add block states and offsets for all blocks, replacing metadata for 1.13+:

* Add stripped logs and what was Log2 to Log
* Add the Wood blocks, should be called bark, previously Axis::None Log
* Add leaves distance and offset
* Add jungle/acacia to Leaves moved from Leaves2
* Add dispenser offsets, direction
* Add note block states
* Add offset None to Missing253 and Missing254, no holes in block states of 1.13.2
* Add bed colors
* Add seagrass, tall seagrass, remove redundant deadgrass, and piston offset
* Add torch, TNT, fire offsets, remove slabs
* Add furnance offset, merges lit into a property
* Add pressure plate offsets, new pressure plates, redstone ore/lit merged
* Add lever offsets, new directions from ceiling/floor, rename LeverDirections
* Add redstone torch offsets, new blocks since lit/unlit is now merged, and standing/wall is split
* Change lever to split face/facing, rm LeverDirection, add AttachedFace
* Add stone button offsets, face/facing similar to lever
* Move face/facing data and variant to AttachedFace, reuse for lever/stonebutton
* Add data_with_facing_and_powered() to AttachedFace, for lever/stonebutton
* Add wooden button offsets each wood
* Add pumpkin without a face
* Add carved pumpkin, portal offsets
* Add lit pumpkin (as jack-o-lantern) offsets after carved pumpkin
* Add repeater offsets, merged into Repeater
* Change brown mushroom block to booleans instead of MushroomVariant
* Add mushroom block offsets, red/brown mushroom blocks, and a new mushroom stem block
* Add command block, cobblestone walls, and flower pot offsets
Empty flower pot, and potted plants including saplings. Rename
variant DarkOak to DarkOakSaplings because it is a sapling, and
remove the duplicate Dandelion variant which causes duplicate blocks.
* Increase recursion limit in steven_blocks
* Add colored banner offsets
* Add wooden slab including double slab, in a different position for pre-1.13 and 1.13
* StoneSlabVariant::Wood -> StoneSlabVariant::PetrifiedWood
* Add fence_gate_offset() for wooden fence gates
* Add frosted ice age, offset
* Add new blocks: kelp, turtle egg, coral, coral fans, sea pickle, blue ice, smooth stone
* Add new blocks: conduit, void air, cave aid, bubble column, last of the 1.13 blocks
2018-12-28 21:22:58 -08:00
ice_iix 77cd4ecf35 Use field init shorthand, instead of x:x, just x,

find src -name '*.rs' -exec perl -pe 's/\b(\w+): \1,/$1,/g' -i {} \;
2018-11-04 13:43:30 -08:00
ice_iix 0d8696286c Update Cargo.tomls to Rust edition 2018, fix crate imports. Closes #13 2018-11-04 12:15:34 -08:00
Scetch 64ec2e4d3b Cleaning up blocks a little bit. 2016-04-08 11:30:41 -04:00
Thinkofname c117f28b2a Block entity support, implement signs 2016-04-04 22:08:24 +01:00
Thinkofname 98ecd348c6 Replace usages of x,y,z for block positions with Position 2016-04-03 20:53:40 +01:00