# Steven (Rust) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/iceiix/steven.svg?branch=updates)](https://travis-ci.org/iceiix/steven) A Minecraft client coded in Rust. Ported from [steven-go](https://github.com/Thinkofname/steven-go). Don't expect it to go anywhere, just doing this for fun. ## Images ![Steven on Hypixel](https://i.imgur.com/PM5fLuu.png) ![Steven](https://i.imgur.com/RRspOQF.png) In action: http://gfycat.com/NeedyElaborateGypsymoth ## Chat I generally am on the `irc.spi.gt` irc network in the `#think` channel. Feel free to pop in to say hi, [Webchat can be found here](https://irc.spi.gt/iris/?channels=think) ## Downloads Windows users can download pre-compiled builds from here: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/iceiix/steven (Select your platform, Click the artifacts tab and download Steven.zip) The Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable is required to run these builds. ## Building Currently requires Rust version 1.31.0-beta or newer to build. Compile and run: ```bash cargo run --release ``` Just compile: ```bash cargo build --release ``` ### Prerequisites An easy way to manage multiple Rust toolchains is [`rustup`](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustup.rs). Installation instructions for `rustup` can be found on its [website](https://www.rustup.rs/). Once you've set up `rustup`, grab Rust beta by running ```sh rustup install beta ``` Now we need to make sure that `steven` is compiled with beta. To do this without making beta the default across the entire system, run the following command in the `steven` directory: ```sh rustup override set beta ``` ## Running ### Standalone Just running steven via a double click (Windows) or `./steven` (everything else) will bring up a login screen followed by a server list which you can select a server from.