use crate::console; use std::marker::PhantomData; use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode; // Might just rename this to pub const R_MAX_FPS: console::CVar = console::CVar { ty: PhantomData, name: "r_max_fps", description: "fps_max caps the maximum FPS for the rendering engine", mutable: true, serializable: true, default: &|| 60, }; pub const R_FOV: console::CVar = console::CVar { ty: PhantomData, name: "r_fov", description: "Setting for controlling the client field of view", mutable: true, serializable: true, default: &|| 90, }; pub const R_VSYNC: console::CVar = console::CVar { ty: PhantomData, name: "r_vsync", description: "Toggle to enable/disable vsync", mutable: true, serializable: true, default: &|| false, }; pub const CL_MASTER_VOLUME: console::CVar = console::CVar { ty: PhantomData, name: "cl_master_volume", description: "Main volume control", mutable: true, serializable: true, default: &|| 100, }; macro_rules! create_keybind { ($keycode:ident, $name:expr, $description:expr) => (console::CVar { ty: PhantomData, name: $name, description: $description, mutable: true, serializable: true, default: &|| Keycode::$keycode as i64 }) } pub const CL_KEYBIND_FORWARD: console::CVar = create_keybind!(W, "cl_keybind_forward", "Keybinding for moving forward"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_BACKWARD: console::CVar = create_keybind!(S, "cl_keybind_backward", "Keybinding for moving backward"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_LEFT: console::CVar = create_keybind!(A, "cl_keybind_left", "Keybinding for moving the left"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_RIGHT: console::CVar = create_keybind!(D, "cl_keybind_right", "Keybinding for moving to the right"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_OPEN_INV: console::CVar = create_keybind!(E, "cl_keybind_open_inv", "Keybinding for opening the inventory"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_SNEAK: console::CVar = create_keybind!(LShift, "cl_keybind_sneak", "Keybinding for sneaking"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_SPRINT: console::CVar = create_keybind!(LCtrl, "cl_keybind_sprint", "Keybinding for sprinting"); pub const CL_KEYBIND_JUMP: console::CVar = create_keybind!(Space, "cl_keybind_jump", "Keybinding for jumping"); pub fn register_vars(vars: &mut console::Vars) { vars.register(R_MAX_FPS); vars.register(R_FOV); vars.register(R_VSYNC); vars.register(CL_MASTER_VOLUME); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_FORWARD); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_BACKWARD); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_LEFT); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_RIGHT); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_OPEN_INV); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_SNEAK); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_SPRINT); vars.register(CL_KEYBIND_JUMP); } #[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Stevenkey { Forward, Backward, Left, Right, OpenInv, Sneak, Sprint, Jump, } impl Stevenkey { pub fn values() -> Vec { vec!(Stevenkey::Forward, Stevenkey::Backward, Stevenkey::Left, Stevenkey::Right, Stevenkey::OpenInv, Stevenkey::Sneak, Stevenkey::Sprint, Stevenkey::Jump) } pub fn get_by_keycode(keycode: Keycode, vars: &console::Vars) -> Option { for steven_key in Stevenkey::values() { if keycode as i64 == *vars.get(steven_key.get_cvar()) { return Some(steven_key) } } None } pub fn get_cvar(&self) -> console::CVar { match *self { Stevenkey::Forward => CL_KEYBIND_FORWARD, Stevenkey::Backward => CL_KEYBIND_BACKWARD, Stevenkey::Left => CL_KEYBIND_LEFT, Stevenkey::Right => CL_KEYBIND_RIGHT, Stevenkey::OpenInv => CL_KEYBIND_OPEN_INV, Stevenkey::Sneak => CL_KEYBIND_SNEAK, Stevenkey::Sprint => CL_KEYBIND_SPRINT, Stevenkey::Jump => CL_KEYBIND_JUMP } } }