use std::collections::HashMap; use std::cell::UnsafeCell; pub trait BlockSet { fn plugin(&self) -> &'static str { "minecraft" } fn name(&self) -> &'static str; fn blocks(&'static self) -> Vec<&'static Block>; fn base(&'static self) -> &'static Block { self.blocks()[0] } } pub trait Block: Sync + ::std::fmt::Debug { fn steven_id(&'static self) -> usize; fn vanilla_id(&'static self) -> Option; fn set_steven_id(&'static self, id: usize); fn set_vanilla_id(&'static self, id: usize); fn plugin(&self) -> &'static str; fn name(&self) -> &'static str; fn equals(&'static self, other: &'static Block) -> bool { self.steven_id() == other.steven_id() } fn in_set(&'static self, set: &'static BlockSet) -> bool { // TODO: Make faster for block in set.blocks() { if self.equals(block) { return true } } false } fn renderable(&'static self) -> bool { true } fn data(&'static self) -> Option { Some(0) } } pub struct BlockManager { vanilla_id: Vec>, steven_id: Vec<&'static Block>, next_id: usize, } macro_rules! define_blocks { ( $( $internal_name:ident $ty:ty = $bl:expr; )* ) => ( lazy_static! { $( pub static ref $internal_name: $ty = $bl; )* static ref MANAGER: BlockManager = { let mut manager = BlockManager { vanilla_id: vec![None; 0xFFFF], steven_id: vec![], next_id: 0, }; $( manager.register_set(&*$internal_name); )* manager }; } ) } // TODO: Replace this with trait fields when supported by rust macro_rules! block_impl { () => ( fn steven_id(&'static self) -> usize { unsafe { *self.steven_id_storage.get() } } fn vanilla_id(&'static self) -> Option { unsafe { *self.vanilla_id_storage.get() } } fn set_steven_id(&'static self, id: usize) { unsafe { *self.steven_id_storage.get() = id; } } fn set_vanilla_id(&'static self, id: usize) { unsafe { *self.vanilla_id_storage.get() = Some(id); } } fn plugin(&self) -> &'static str { self.plugin } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { } ) } macro_rules! block_combos { ( $set:ty, params($($pname:ident : $pty:ty),*), $bty:ident { $( $fname:ident : $fval:expr, )* } ) => ( struct $bty { steven_id_storage: UnsafeCell, vanilla_id_storage: UnsafeCell>, plugin: &'static str, name: &'static str, $( $fname: $fty, )* } unsafe impl Sync for $bty {} impl ::std::fmt::Debug for $bty { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), ::std::fmt::Error> { write!(f, "{}:{}", self.plugin(), } } impl $set { fn gen_combos(&mut self, $($pname: $pty),*) { let val = $bty { steven_id_storage: UnsafeCell::new(0), vanilla_id_storage: UnsafeCell::new(None), name:, plugin: self.plugin(), $( $fname: $fval, )* }; self.sub_blocks.push(val); } } ); ( $set:ty, params($($pname:ident : $pty:ty),*), types ( $( $tname:ident : $tty:ty = [$($val:expr),+] ),+ ), $bty:ident { $( $fname:ident : $fty:ty = $fval:expr, )* } ) => ( struct $bty { steven_id_storage: UnsafeCell, vanilla_id_storage: UnsafeCell>, plugin: &'static str, name: &'static str, $( $fname: $fty, )* } unsafe impl Sync for $bty {} impl ::std::fmt::Debug for $bty { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), ::std::fmt::Error> { try!(write!(f, "{}:{}[", self.plugin(),; let mut s = String::new(); $( s.push_str(&format!("{}={},", stringify!($tname), self.$tname)); )+ s.pop(); write!(f, "{}]", s) } } impl $set { fn gen_combos(&mut self, $($pname: $pty),*) { use std::iter::Iterator; #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] struct CombinationIter<$($tname),+> { $( $tname: $tname, )+ orig: CombinationIterOrig<$($tname),+> , last: Option, done: bool, } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] struct CombinationIterOrig<$($tname),+> { $( $tname: $tname, )+ } #[derive(Clone)] struct Wrapper { $( $tname: $tty, )+ } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] impl <$($tname: Iterator + Clone),+> CombinationIter<$($tname),+> { fn new($($tname: $tname),+) -> CombinationIter<$($tname),+> { let orig = CombinationIterOrig { $( $tname: $tname ),+ }; CombinationIter { $( $tname: orig.$tname.clone(), )+ orig: orig, last: None, done: false, } } } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] impl <$($tname: Iterator + Clone),+> Iterator for CombinationIter<$($tname),+> { type Item = Wrapper; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.done { return None } if self.last.is_none() { let wrapper = Wrapper { $( $tname: self.$ // Shouldn't ever fail the first iter ),+ }; self.last = Some(wrapper.clone()); return Some(wrapper); } let mut ret = self.last.take().unwrap(); $( if let Some(val) = self.$ { ret.$tname = val; self.last = Some(ret.clone()); return Some(ret) } self.$tname = self.orig.$tname.clone(); )+ self.done = true; None } } let iter = CombinationIter::new($(vec![$($val),+].into_iter()),+); for val in iter { $( let $tname = val.$tname; )+ let val = $bty { steven_id_storage: UnsafeCell::new(0), vanilla_id_storage: UnsafeCell::new(None), name:, plugin: self.plugin(), $( $fname: $fval, )* }; self.sub_blocks.push(val); } } } ) } #[test] fn temp_test() { force_init(); println!("{:?}", STONE.blocks()); unimplemented!() } impl BlockManager { fn force_init(&self) {} fn register_set(&mut self, set: &'static BlockSet) { for block in set.blocks() { if let Some(data) = { let id = (self.next_id<<4) | (data as usize); self.vanilla_id[id] = Some(block); block.set_vanilla_id(id); } block.set_steven_id(self.steven_id.len()); self.steven_id.push(block); } self.next_id += 1; } fn get_block_by_steven_id(&self, id: usize) -> &'static Block { self.steven_id[id] } fn get_block_by_vanilla_id(&self, id: usize) -> &'static Block { self.vanilla_id.get(id).and_then(|v| *v).unwrap_or(MISSING.base()) } } pub fn force_init() { MANAGER.force_init(); } pub fn get_block_by_steven_id(id: usize) -> &'static Block { MANAGER.get_block_by_steven_id(id) } pub fn get_block_by_vanilla_id(id: usize) -> &'static Block { MANAGER.get_block_by_vanilla_id(id) } pub mod simple; pub mod stone; define_blocks! { AIR InvisibleBlockSet = InvisibleBlockSet::new("air"); STONE stone::StoneBlockSet = stone::StoneBlockSet::new("stone"); GRASS simple::SimpleBlockSet = simple::SimpleBlockSet::new("grass"); DIRT simple::SimpleBlockSet = simple::SimpleBlockSet::new("dirt"); MISSING simple::SimpleBlockSet = simple::SimpleBlockSet::new("missing"); } /// A block set that contains blocks which cannot be rendered. pub struct InvisibleBlockSet { name: &'static str, sub_blocks: Vec, } block_combos!(InvisibleBlockSet, params(), InvisibleBlock { } ); impl InvisibleBlockSet { fn new(name: &'static str) -> InvisibleBlockSet { let mut set = InvisibleBlockSet { name: name, sub_blocks: vec![], }; set.gen_combos(); set } } impl BlockSet for InvisibleBlockSet { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { } fn blocks(&'static self) -> Vec<&'static Block> { self.sub_blocks.iter().map(|v| v as &Block).collect() } } impl Block for InvisibleBlock { block_impl!(); fn renderable(&'static self) -> bool { false } }