// Copyright 2016 Matthew Collins // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::any::Any; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::fs; use std::io::{BufWriter, Write, BufRead, BufReader}; use log; use ui; use render; use format::{Component, TextComponent, Color}; const FILTERED_CRATES: &'static [&'static str] = &[ "hyper", "mime", ]; pub struct CVar { pub name: &'static str, pub ty: PhantomData, pub description: &'static str, pub mutable: bool, pub serializable: bool, pub default: &'static Fn() -> T, } impl Var for CVar { fn serialize(&self, val: &Box) -> String { format!("\"{}\"", val.downcast_ref::().unwrap()) } fn deserialize(&self, input: &str) -> Box { Box::new((&input[1..input.len() - 1]).to_owned()) } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { self.description } fn can_serialize(&self) -> bool { self.serializable } } pub trait Var { fn serialize(&self, val: &Box) -> String; fn deserialize(&self, input: &str) -> Box; fn description(&self) -> &'static str; fn can_serialize(&self) -> bool; } pub struct Console { names: HashMap, vars: HashMap<&'static str, Box>, var_values: HashMap<&'static str, Box>, history: Vec, collection: ui::Collection, active: bool, position: f64, } unsafe impl Send for Console {} impl Console { pub fn new() -> Console { Console { names: HashMap::new(), vars: HashMap::new(), var_values: HashMap::new(), history: vec![Component::Text(TextComponent::new("")); 200], collection: ui::Collection::new(), active: false, position: -220.0, } } pub fn register(&mut self, var: CVar) where CVar: Var { if self.vars.contains_key(var.name) { panic!("Key registered twice {}", var.name); } self.names.insert(var.name.to_owned(), var.name); self.var_values.insert(var.name, Box::new((var.default)())); self.vars.insert(var.name, Box::new(var)); } pub fn get(&self, var: CVar) -> &T where CVar: Var { // Should never fail self.var_values.get(var.name).unwrap().downcast_ref::().unwrap() } pub fn set(&mut self, var: CVar, val: T) where CVar: Var { self.var_values.insert(var.name, Box::new(val)); self.save_config(); } pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { self.active } pub fn toggle(&mut self) { self.active = !self.active; } pub fn tick(&mut self, ui_container: &mut ui::Container, renderer: &mut render::Renderer, delta: f64, width: f64) { // To make sure the console is always on top it constant removes and readds itself. // Its hacky but the console should never appear for normal users so its not really // a major issue. self.collection.remove_all(ui_container); if !self.active && self.position <= -220.0 { return; } if self.active { if self.position < 0.0 { self.position += delta * 4.0; } else { self.position = 0.0; } } else if self.position > -220.0 { self.position -= delta * 4.0; } else { self.position = -220.0; } let w = match ui_container.mode { ui::Mode::Scaled => width, ui::Mode::Unscaled(scale) => 854.0 / scale, }; let mut background = ui::Image::new(render::Renderer::get_texture(renderer.get_textures_ref(), "steven:solid"), 0.0, self.position, w, 220.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0); background.set_a(180); let background = self.collection.add(ui_container.add(background)); let mut lines = Vec::new(); let mut offset = 0.0; for line in self.history.iter().rev() { if offset >= 210.0 { break; } let mut fmt = ui::Formatted::with_width_limit(renderer, line.clone(), 5.0, 5.0 + offset, w - 1.0); fmt.set_parent(&background); fmt.set_v_attach(ui::VAttach::Bottom); offset += fmt.get_height(); lines.push(ui_container.add(fmt)); } for fmt in lines { self.collection.add(fmt); } } pub fn load_config(&mut self) { if let Ok(file) = fs::File::open("conf.cfg") { let reader = BufReader::new(file); for line in reader.lines() { let line = line.unwrap(); if line.starts_with('#') || line.is_empty() { continue; } let parts = line.splitn(2, ' ').map(|v| v.to_owned()).collect::>(); let (name, arg) = (&parts[0], &parts[1]); if let Some(var_name) = self.names.get(name) { let var = self.vars.get(var_name).unwrap(); let val = var.deserialize(&arg); if var.can_serialize() { self.var_values.insert(var_name, val); } } else { println!("Missing prop"); } } } } pub fn save_config(&self) { let mut file = BufWriter::new(fs::File::create("conf.cfg").unwrap()); for (name, var) in &self.vars { if !var.can_serialize() { continue; } for line in var.description().lines() { write!(file, "# {}\n", line).unwrap(); } write!(file, "{} {}\n\n", name, var.serialize(self.var_values.get(name).unwrap())) .unwrap(); } } fn log(&mut self, record: &log::LogRecord) { for filtered in FILTERED_CRATES { if record.location().module_path().starts_with(filtered) { return; } } let mut file = &record.location().file().replace("\\", "/")[..]; if let Some(pos) = file.rfind("src/") { file = &file[pos + 4..]; } println!("[{}:{}][{}] {}", file, record.location().line(), record.level(), record.args()); self.history.remove(0); let mut msg = TextComponent::new(""); msg.modifier.extra = Some(vec![ Component::Text(TextComponent::new("[")), { let mut msg = TextComponent::new(file); msg.modifier.color = Some(Color::Green); Component::Text(msg) }, Component::Text(TextComponent::new(":")), { let mut msg = TextComponent::new(&format!("{}", record.location().line())); msg.modifier.color = Some(Color::Aqua); Component::Text(msg) }, Component::Text(TextComponent::new("]")), Component::Text(TextComponent::new("[")), { let mut msg = TextComponent::new(&format!("{}", record.level())); msg.modifier.color = Some(match record.level() { log::LogLevel::Debug => Color::Green, log::LogLevel::Error => Color::Red, log::LogLevel::Warn => Color::Yellow, log::LogLevel::Info => Color::Aqua, log::LogLevel::Trace => Color::Blue, }); Component::Text(msg) }, Component::Text(TextComponent::new("] ")), Component::Text(TextComponent::new(&format!("{}", record.args()))) ]); self.history.push(Component::Text(msg)); } } pub struct ConsoleProxy { console: Arc>, } impl ConsoleProxy { pub fn new(con: Arc>) -> ConsoleProxy { ConsoleProxy { console: con } } } impl log::Log for ConsoleProxy { fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::LogMetadata) -> bool { metadata.level() <= log::LogLevel::Trace } fn log(&self, record: &log::LogRecord) { if self.enabled(record.metadata()) { self.console.lock().unwrap().log(record); } } } unsafe impl Send for ConsoleProxy {} unsafe impl Sync for ConsoleProxy {}