# Steven (Rust) A Minecraft client coded in Rust. Ported from [steven-go](https://github.com/Thinkofname/steven). Don't expect it to go anywhere, just doing this for fun. ## Images ![Steven](https://i.imgur.com/RRspOQF.png) ![Steven on Hypixel](https://i.imgur.com/YMioc6J.png) In action: http://gfycat.com/NeedyElaborateGypsymoth ## Chat I generally am on the `irc.spi.gt` irc network in the `#think` channel. Feel free to pop in to say hi, [Webchat can be found here](https://irc.spi.gt/iris/?channels=think) ## Building For more detailed info and platform specific instructions check the [wiki](https://github.com/Thinkofname/steven-rust/wiki/Compiling-and-or-running). Currently requires SDL2 and OpenSSL to build. `cargo build --release` ## Running ### Standalone Just running steven via a double click (Windows) or `./steven` (everything else) will bring up a login screen followed by a server list which you can select a server from. ### Via the Offical Minecraft launcher Currently not supported (yet)