// Copyright 2016 Matthew Collins // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. mod atlas; pub mod glsl; #[macro_use] pub mod shaders; pub mod ui; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::io::Write; use resources; use gl; use image; use image::GenericImage; use byteorder::{WriteBytesExt, NativeEndian}; use serde_json; use cgmath::{self, Vector, Point}; use world; use collision; const ATLAS_SIZE: usize = 1024; // TEMP const NUM_SAMPLES: i32 = 1; const LIGHT_LEVEL: f32 = 0.8; const SKY_OFFSET: f32 = 1.0; pub struct Camera { pub pos: cgmath::Point3, pub yaw: f64, pub pitch: f64, } pub struct Renderer { resource_version: usize, pub resources: Arc>, textures: Arc>, pub ui: ui::UIState, gl_texture: gl::Texture, texture_layers: usize, chunk_shader: ChunkShader, chunk_shader_alpha: ChunkShaderAlpha, trans_shader: TransShader, chunks: HashMap<(i32, i32, i32), ChunkBuffer>, element_buffer: gl::Buffer, element_buffer_size: usize, element_buffer_type: gl::Type, pub camera: Camera, perspective_matrix: cgmath::Matrix4, trans: Option, last_width: u32, last_height: u32, chunk_gc_timer: f64, } struct ChunkBuffer { key: Arc, position: (i32, i32, i32), solid: Option, trans: Option, } struct ChunkRenderInfo { array: gl::VertexArray, buffer: gl::Buffer, buffer_size: usize, count: usize, } init_shader! { Program ChunkShader { vert = "chunk_vertex", frag = "chunk_frag", attribute = { position => "aPosition", texture_info => "aTextureInfo", texture_offset => "aTextureOffset", color => "aColor", lighting => "aLighting", }, uniform = { perspective_matrix => "perspectiveMatrix", camera_matrix => "cameraMatrix", offset => "offset", texture => "textures", light_level => "lightLevel", sky_offset => "skyOffset", }, } } init_shader! { Program ChunkShaderAlpha { vert = "chunk_vertex", frag = "chunk_frag", #alpha attribute = { position => "aPosition", texture_info => "aTextureInfo", texture_offset => "aTextureOffset", color => "aColor", lighting => "aLighting", }, uniform = { perspective_matrix => "perspectiveMatrix", camera_matrix => "cameraMatrix", offset => "offset", texture => "textures", light_level => "lightLevel", sky_offset => "sky_offset", }, } } impl Renderer { pub fn new(res: Arc>) -> Renderer { use cgmath::Matrix; let version = { res.read().unwrap().version() }; let tex = gl::Texture::new(); tex.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY); tex.image_3d(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0, ATLAS_SIZE as u32, ATLAS_SIZE as u32, 1, gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, &[0; ATLAS_SIZE * ATLAS_SIZE * 4]); tex.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl::NEAREST); tex.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::NEAREST); tex.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); tex.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); let textures = Arc::new(RwLock::new(TextureManager::new(res.clone()))); let mut greg = glsl::Registry::new(); shaders::add_shaders(&mut greg); let ui = ui::UIState::new(&greg, textures.clone(), res.clone()); gl::enable(gl::DEPTH_TEST); gl::enable(gl::CULL_FACE_FLAG); gl::cull_face(gl::BACK); gl::front_face(gl::CLOCK_WISE); // Shaders let chunk_shader = ChunkShader::new(&greg); let chunk_shader_alpha = ChunkShaderAlpha::new(&greg); let trans_shader = TransShader::new(&greg); // UI // Line Drawer // Models // Clouds gl::blend_func(gl::SRC_ALPHA, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Renderer { resource_version: version, textures: textures, ui: ui, resources: res, gl_texture: tex, texture_layers: 1, chunk_shader: chunk_shader, chunk_shader_alpha: chunk_shader_alpha, trans_shader: trans_shader, chunks: HashMap::new(), element_buffer: gl::Buffer::new(), element_buffer_size: 0, element_buffer_type: gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, last_width: 0, last_height: 0, camera: Camera { pos: cgmath::Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), yaw: 0.0, pitch: ::std::f64::consts::PI, }, perspective_matrix: cgmath::Matrix4::zero(), trans: None, chunk_gc_timer: 120.0, } } pub fn tick(&mut self, delta: f64, width: u32, height: u32) { use std::f64::consts::PI as PI64; { let rm = self.resources.read().unwrap(); if rm.version() != self.resource_version { self.resource_version = rm.version(); println!("Updating textures to {}", self.resource_version); self.textures.write().unwrap().update_textures(self.resource_version); } } self.update_textures(delta); if self.last_height != height || self.last_width != width { self.last_width = width; self.last_height = height; gl::viewport(0, 0, width as i32, height as i32); self.perspective_matrix = cgmath::Matrix4::from( cgmath::PerspectiveFov { fovy: cgmath::Rad::from(cgmath::Deg{s: 90f32}), aspect: (width as f32 / height as f32), near: 0.1f32, far: 500.0f32, } ); self.init_trans(width, height); } self.chunk_gc_timer -= delta; if self.chunk_gc_timer <= 0.0 { self.chunk_gc_timer = 120.0; let mut unload_queue = vec![]; for (pos, info) in &self.chunks { if Arc::strong_count(&info.key) == 1 { unload_queue.push(*pos); } } for unload in unload_queue { self.chunks.remove(&unload); } } let trans = self.trans.as_mut().unwrap(); trans.main.bind(); gl::active_texture(0); self.gl_texture.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY); gl::enable(gl::MULTISAMPLE); gl::clear_color(14.0 / 255.0, 48.0 / 255.0, 92.0 / 255.0, 1.0); gl::clear(gl::ClearFlags::Color | gl::ClearFlags::Depth); // Chunk rendering self.chunk_shader.program.use_program(); let view_vector = cgmath::Vector3::new( ((self.camera.yaw - PI64/2.0).cos() * -self.camera.pitch.cos()) as f32, (-self.camera.pitch.sin()) as f32, (-(self.camera.yaw - PI64/2.0).sin() * -self.camera.pitch.cos()) as f32 ); let camera = cgmath::Point3::new(-self.camera.pos.x as f32, -self.camera.pos.y as f32, self.camera.pos.z as f32); let camera_matrix = cgmath::Matrix4::look_at( camera, camera + cgmath::Point3::new(-view_vector.x, -view_vector.y, view_vector.z).to_vec(), cgmath::Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0) ); let camera_matrix = camera_matrix * cgmath::Matrix4::from_nonuniform_scale(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // TODO Frustum self.chunk_shader.perspective_matrix.set_matrix4(&self.perspective_matrix); self.chunk_shader.camera_matrix.set_matrix4(&camera_matrix); self.chunk_shader.texture.set_int(0); self.chunk_shader.light_level.set_float(LIGHT_LEVEL); self.chunk_shader.sky_offset.set_float(SKY_OFFSET); let frustum = collision::Frustum::from_matrix4(self.perspective_matrix * camera_matrix).unwrap(); for (pos, info) in &self.chunks { if let Some(solid) = info.solid.as_ref() { let min = cgmath::Point3::new(pos.0 as f32 * 16.0, -pos.1 as f32 * 16.0, pos.2 as f32 * 16.0); let bounds = collision::Aabb3::new(min, min + cgmath::Vector3::new(16.0, -16.0, 16.0)); if frustum.contains(bounds) != collision::Relation::Out { self.chunk_shader.offset.set_int3(pos.0, pos.1 * 4096, pos.2); solid.array.bind(); gl::draw_elements(gl::TRIANGLES, solid.count, self.element_buffer_type, 0); } } } // Line rendering // Model rendering // Cloud rendering // Trans chunk rendering // TODO: trans chunk shader stuff // Copy the depth buffer trans.main.bind_read(); trans.trans.bind_draw(); gl::blit_framebuffer( 0, 0, width as i32, height as i32, 0, 0, width as i32, height as i32, gl::ClearFlags::Depth, gl::NEAREST ); trans.trans.bind(); gl::enable(gl::BLEND); gl::depth_mask(false); gl::clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl::clear(gl::ClearFlags::Color); gl::clear_buffer(gl::COLOR, 0, &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]); gl::clear_buffer(gl::COLOR, 1, &[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]); gl::blend_func_separate(gl::ONE_FACTOR, gl::ONE_FACTOR, gl::ZERO_FACTOR, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // TODO: Draw chunks gl::unbind_framebuffer(); gl::disable(gl::DEPTH_TEST); gl::clear(gl::ClearFlags::Color); gl::disable(gl::BLEND); trans.draw(&self.trans_shader); gl::enable(gl::DEPTH_TEST); gl::depth_mask(true); gl::blend_func(gl::SRC_ALPHA, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gl::disable(gl::MULTISAMPLE); self.ui.tick(width, height); } fn ensure_element_buffer(&mut self, size: usize) { if self.element_buffer_size < size { let (data, ty) = self::generate_element_buffer(size); self.element_buffer_type = ty; self.element_buffer.bind(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); self.element_buffer.set_data(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, &data, gl::DYNAMIC_DRAW); self.element_buffer_size = size; } } pub fn update_chunk_solid(&mut self, pos: (i32, i32, i32), key: Arc, data: &[u8], count: usize) { self.ensure_element_buffer(count); let buffer = self.chunks.entry(pos).or_insert_with(||ChunkBuffer { key: key.clone(), position: pos, solid: None, trans: None, }); buffer.key = key; if count == 0 { if buffer.solid.is_some() { buffer.solid = None; } return; } let new = buffer.solid.is_none(); if buffer.solid.is_none() { buffer.solid = Some(ChunkRenderInfo { array: gl::VertexArray::new(), buffer: gl::Buffer::new(), buffer_size: 0, count: 0, }); } let info = buffer.solid.as_mut().unwrap(); info.array.bind(); self.chunk_shader.position.enable(); self.chunk_shader.texture_info.enable(); self.chunk_shader.texture_offset.enable(); self.chunk_shader.color.enable(); self.chunk_shader.lighting.enable(); self.element_buffer.bind(gl::ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); info.buffer.bind(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER); if new || info.buffer_size < data.len() { info.buffer_size = data.len(); info.buffer.set_data(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, data, gl::DYNAMIC_DRAW); } else { info.buffer.re_set_data(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, data); } self.chunk_shader.position.vertex_pointer(3, gl::FLOAT, false, 40, 0); self.chunk_shader.texture_info.vertex_pointer(4, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT, false, 40, 12); self.chunk_shader.texture_offset.vertex_pointer(3, gl::SHORT, false, 40, 20); self.chunk_shader.color.vertex_pointer(3, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, true, 40, 28); self.chunk_shader.lighting.vertex_pointer(2, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT, false, 40, 32); info.count = count; } fn do_pending_textures(&mut self) { let len = { let tex = self.textures.read().unwrap(); // Rebuild the texture if it needs resizing if self.texture_layers != tex.atlases.len() { let len = ATLAS_SIZE * ATLAS_SIZE * 4 * tex.atlases.len(); let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len); unsafe { data.set_len(len); } self.gl_texture.get_pixels(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0, gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, &mut data[..]); self.gl_texture.image_3d(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0, ATLAS_SIZE as u32, ATLAS_SIZE as u32, tex.atlases.len() as u32, gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, &data[..]); self.texture_layers = tex.atlases.len(); } tex.pending_uploads.len() }; if len > 0 { // Upload pending changes let mut tex = self.textures.write().unwrap(); for upload in &tex.pending_uploads { let atlas = upload.0; let rect = upload.1; let img = &upload.2; self.gl_texture.sub_image_3d(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0, rect.x as u32, rect.y as u32, atlas as u32, rect.width as u32, rect.height as u32, 1, gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, &img[..]); } tex.pending_uploads.clear(); } } fn update_textures(&mut self, delta: f64) { self.gl_texture.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY); self.do_pending_textures(); for ani in &mut self.textures.write().unwrap().animated_textures { if ani.remaining_time <= 0.0 { ani.current_frame = (ani.current_frame + 1) % ani.frames.len(); ani.remaining_time += ani.frames[ani.current_frame].time as f64; let offset = ani.texture.width * ani.texture.width * ani.frames[ani.current_frame].index * 4; let offset2 = offset + ani.texture.width * ani.texture.width * 4; self.gl_texture.sub_image_3d(gl::TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0, ani.texture.get_x() as u32, ani.texture.get_y() as u32, ani.texture.atlas as u32, ani.texture.get_width() as u32, ani.texture.get_height() as u32, 1, gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, &ani.data[offset..offset2]); } else { ani.remaining_time -= delta / 3.0; } } } fn init_trans(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) { self.trans = None; self.trans = Some(TransInfo::new(width, height, &self.trans_shader)); } pub fn get_textures(&self) -> Arc> { self.textures.clone() } pub fn get_textures_ref(&self) -> &RwLock { &self.textures } pub fn check_texture(&self, tex: Texture) -> Texture { if tex.version == self.resource_version { tex } else { let mut new = Renderer::get_texture(&self.textures, &tex.name); new.rel_x = tex.rel_x; new.rel_y = tex.rel_y; new.rel_width = tex.rel_width; new.rel_height = tex.rel_height; new.is_rel = tex.is_rel; new } } pub fn get_texture(textures: &RwLock, name: &str) -> Texture { let tex = { textures.read().unwrap().get_texture(name) }; match tex { Some(val) => val, None => { let mut t = textures.write().unwrap(); // Make sure it hasn't already been loaded since we switched // locks. if let Some(val) = t.get_texture(name) { val } else { t.load_texture(name); t.get_texture(name).unwrap() } } } } } struct TransInfo { main: gl::Framebuffer, fb_color: gl::Texture, fb_depth: gl::Texture, trans: gl::Framebuffer, accum: gl::Texture, revealage: gl::Texture, depth: gl::Texture, array: gl::VertexArray, buffer: gl::Buffer, } init_shader! { Program TransShader { vert = "trans_vertex", frag = "trans_frag", attribute = { position => "aPosition", }, uniform = { accum => "taccum", revealage => "trevealage", color => "tcolor", samples => "samples", }, } } impl TransInfo { pub fn new(width: u32, height: u32, shader: &TransShader) -> TransInfo { let trans = gl::Framebuffer::new(); trans.bind(); let accum = gl::Texture::new(); accum.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D); accum.image_2d_ex(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, width, height, gl::RGBA16F, gl::RGBA, gl::FLOAT, None); accum.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::LINEAR); accum.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, gl::LINEAR); trans.texture_2d(gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0, gl::TEXTURE_2D, &accum, 0); let revealage = gl::Texture::new(); revealage.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D); revealage.image_2d_ex(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, width, height, gl::R16F, gl::RED, gl::FLOAT, None); revealage.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::LINEAR); revealage.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, gl::LINEAR); trans.texture_2d(gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_1, gl::TEXTURE_2D, &revealage, 0); let trans_depth = gl::Texture::new(); trans_depth.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D); trans_depth.image_2d_ex(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, width, height, gl::DEPTH_COMPONENT24, gl::DEPTH_COMPONENT, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, None); trans_depth.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::LINEAR); trans_depth.set_parameter(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, gl::LINEAR); trans.texture_2d(gl::DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl::TEXTURE_2D, &trans_depth, 0); shader.program.use_program(); gl::bind_frag_data_location(&shader.program, 0, "accum"); gl::bind_frag_data_location(&shader.program, 1, "revealage"); gl::draw_buffers(&[gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0, gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_1]); let main = gl::Framebuffer::new(); main.bind(); let fb_color = gl::Texture::new(); fb_color.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE); fb_color.image_2d_sample(gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, NUM_SAMPLES, width, height, gl::RGBA8, false); main.texture_2d(gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0, gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, &fb_color, 0); let fb_depth = gl::Texture::new(); fb_depth.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE); fb_depth.image_2d_sample(gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, NUM_SAMPLES, width, height, gl::DEPTH_COMPONENT24, false); main.texture_2d(gl::DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, &fb_depth, 0); gl::unbind_framebuffer(); let array = gl::VertexArray::new(); array.bind(); let buffer = gl::Buffer::new(); buffer.bind(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER); let mut data = vec![]; for f in [-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0].into_iter() { data.write_f32::(*f).unwrap(); } buffer.set_data(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, &data, gl::STATIC_DRAW); shader.position.enable(); shader.position.vertex_pointer(2, gl::FLOAT, false, 8, 0); TransInfo { main: main, fb_color: fb_color, fb_depth: fb_depth, trans: trans, accum: accum, revealage: revealage, depth: trans_depth, array: array, buffer: buffer, } } fn draw(&mut self, shader: &TransShader) { gl::active_texture(0); self.accum.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D); gl::active_texture(1); self.revealage.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D); gl::active_texture(2); self.fb_color.bind(gl::TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE); shader.program.use_program(); shader.accum.set_int(0); shader.revealage.set_int(1); shader.color.set_int(2); shader.samples.set_int(NUM_SAMPLES); self.array.bind(); gl::draw_arrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 6); } } pub struct TextureManager { textures: HashMap, version: usize, resources: Arc>, atlases: Vec, animated_textures: Vec, pending_uploads: Vec<(i32, atlas::Rect, Vec)>, dynamic_textures: HashMap, free_dynamics: Vec<(i32, atlas::Rect)>, } impl TextureManager { fn new(res: Arc>) -> TextureManager { let mut tm = TextureManager { textures: HashMap::new(), version: 0xFFFF, resources: res, atlases: Vec::new(), animated_textures: Vec::new(), pending_uploads: Vec::new(), dynamic_textures: HashMap::new(), free_dynamics: Vec::new(), }; tm.add_defaults(); tm } fn add_defaults(&mut self) { self.put_texture("steven", "missing_texture", 2, 2, vec![ 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255, ]); self.put_texture("steven", "solid", 1, 1, vec![ 255, 255, 255, 255, ]); } fn update_textures(&mut self, version: usize) { self.dynamic_textures.clear(); self.free_dynamics.clear(); self.pending_uploads.clear(); self.atlases.clear(); self.animated_textures.clear(); self.version = version; let map = self.textures.clone(); self.textures.clear(); self.add_defaults(); for name in map.keys() { self.load_texture(name); } } fn get_texture(&self, name: &str) -> Option { if let Some(_) = name.find(':') { self.textures.get(name).map(|v| v.clone()) } else { self.textures.get(&format!("minecraft:{}", name)).map(|v| v.clone()) } } fn load_texture(&mut self, name: &str) { let (plugin, name) = if let Some(pos) = name.find(':') { (&name[..pos], &name[pos + 1..]) } else { ("minecraft", name) }; let path = format!("textures/{}.png", name); let res = self.resources.clone(); if let Some(mut val) = res.read().unwrap().open(plugin, &path) { let mut data = Vec::new(); val.read_to_end(&mut data).unwrap(); if let Ok(img) = image::load_from_memory(&data) { let (width, height) = img.dimensions(); // Might be animated if (name.starts_with("blocks/") || name.starts_with("items/")) && width != height { let id = img.to_rgba().into_vec(); let frame = id[..(width * width * 4) as usize].to_owned(); if let Some(mut ani) = self.load_animation(plugin, name, &img, id) { ani.texture = self.put_texture(plugin, name, width, width, frame); self.animated_textures.push(ani); return; } } self.put_texture(plugin, name, width, height, img.to_rgba().into_vec()); return; } } self.insert_texture_dummy(plugin, name); } fn load_animation(&mut self, plugin: &str, name: &str, img: &image::DynamicImage, data: Vec) -> Option { let path = format!("textures/{}.png.mcmeta", name); let res = self.resources.clone(); if let Some(val) = res.read().unwrap().open(plugin, &path) { let meta: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(val).unwrap(); let animation = meta.find("animation").unwrap(); let frame_time = animation.find("frameTime").and_then(|v| v.as_i64()).unwrap_or(1); let interpolate = animation.find("interpolate") .and_then(|v| v.as_boolean()) .unwrap_or(false); let frames = if let Some(frames) = animation.find("frames") .and_then(|v| v.as_array()) { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(frames.len()); for frame in frames { if let Some(index) = frame.as_i64() { out.push(AnimationFrame { index: index as usize, time: frame_time, }) } else { out.push(AnimationFrame{ index: frame.find("index").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap() as usize, time: frame_time * frame.find("frameTime").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap(), }) } } out } else { let (width, height) = img.dimensions(); let count = height / width; let mut frames = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize); for i in 0..count { frames.push(AnimationFrame { index: i as usize, time: frame_time, }) } frames }; return Some(AnimatedTexture { frames: frames, data: data, interpolate: interpolate, current_frame: 0, remaining_time: 0.0, texture: self.get_texture("steven:missing_texture").unwrap(), }); } None } fn put_texture(&mut self, plugin: &str, name: &str, width: u32, height: u32, data: Vec) -> Texture { let (atlas, rect) = self.find_free(width as usize, height as usize); self.pending_uploads.push((atlas, rect, data)); let mut full_name = String::new(); full_name.push_str(plugin); full_name.push_str(":"); full_name.push_str(name); let tex = Texture { name: full_name.clone(), version: self.version, atlas: atlas, x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, rel_x: 0.0, rel_y: 0.0, rel_width: 1.0, rel_height: 1.0, is_rel: false, }; self.textures.insert(full_name, tex.clone()); tex } fn find_free(&mut self, width: usize, height: usize) -> (i32, atlas::Rect) { let mut index = 0; for atlas in &mut self.atlases { if let Some(rect) = atlas.add(width, height) { return (index, rect); } index += 1; } let mut atlas = atlas::Atlas::new(ATLAS_SIZE, ATLAS_SIZE); let rect = atlas.add(width, height); self.atlases.push(atlas); (index, rect.unwrap()) } fn insert_texture_dummy(&mut self, plugin: &str, name: &str) -> Texture { let missing = self.get_texture("steven:missing_texture").unwrap(); let mut full_name = String::new(); full_name.push_str(plugin); full_name.push_str(":"); full_name.push_str(name); let t = Texture { name: full_name.to_owned(), version: self.version, atlas: missing.atlas, x: missing.x, y: missing.y, width: missing.width, height: missing.height, rel_x: 0.0, rel_y: 0.0, rel_width: 1.0, rel_height: 1.0, is_rel: false, }; self.textures.insert(full_name.to_owned(), t.clone()); t } pub fn put_dynamic(&mut self, plugin: &str, name: &str, img: image::DynamicImage) -> Texture { let (width, height) = img.dimensions(); let (width, height) = (width as usize, height as usize); let mut rect = None; let mut rect_pos = 0; for (i, r) in self.free_dynamics.iter().enumerate() { let (atlas, r) = *r; if r.width == width && r.height == height { rect_pos = i; rect = Some((atlas, r)); break; } else if r.width >= width && r.height >= height { rect_pos = i; rect = Some((atlas, r)); } } let data = img.to_rgba().into_vec(); let mut new = false; let (atlas, rect) = if let Some(r) = rect { self.free_dynamics.remove(rect_pos); r } else { new = true; self.find_free(width as usize, height as usize) }; let mut full_name = String::new(); if plugin != "minecraft" { full_name.push_str(plugin); full_name.push_str(":"); } full_name.push_str(name); self.dynamic_textures.insert(full_name.clone(), (atlas, rect)); if new { self.put_texture(plugin, name, width as u32, height as u32, data) } else { let t = Texture { name: full_name.clone(), version: self.version, atlas: atlas, x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, rel_x: 0.0, rel_y: 0.0, rel_width: 1.0, rel_height: 1.0, is_rel: false, }; let rect = atlas::Rect { x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: width, height: height, }; self.pending_uploads.push((atlas, rect, data)); self.textures.insert(full_name.to_owned(), t.clone()); t } } pub fn remove_dynamic(&mut self, plugin: &str, name: &str) { let mut full_name = String::new(); if plugin != "minecraft" { full_name.push_str(plugin); full_name.push_str(":"); } full_name.push_str(name); let desc = self.dynamic_textures.remove(&full_name).unwrap(); self.free_dynamics.push(desc); } } #[allow(dead_code)] struct AnimatedTexture { frames: Vec, data: Vec, interpolate: bool, current_frame: usize, remaining_time: f64, texture: Texture, } struct AnimationFrame { index: usize, time: i64, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Texture { name: String, version: usize, pub atlas: i32, x: usize, y: usize, width: usize, height: usize, is_rel: bool, // Save some cycles for non-relative textures rel_x: f32, rel_y: f32, rel_width: f32, rel_height: f32, } impl Texture { pub fn get_x(&self) -> usize { if self.is_rel { self.x + ((self.width as f32) * self.rel_x) as usize } else { self.x } } pub fn get_y(&self) -> usize { if self.is_rel { self.y + ((self.height as f32) * self.rel_y) as usize } else { self.y } } pub fn get_width(&self) -> usize { if self.is_rel { ((self.width as f32) * self.rel_width) as usize } else { self.width } } pub fn get_height(&self) -> usize { if self.is_rel { ((self.height as f32) * self.rel_height) as usize } else { self.height } } pub fn relative(&self, x: f32, y: f32, width: f32, height: f32) -> Texture { Texture { name: self.name.clone(), version: self.version, x: self.x, y: self.y, atlas: self.atlas, width: self.width, height: self.height, is_rel: true, rel_x: self.rel_x + x * self.rel_width, rel_y: self.rel_y + y * self.rel_height, rel_width: width * self.rel_width, rel_height: height * self.rel_height, } } } #[allow(unused_must_use)] pub fn generate_element_buffer(size: usize) -> (Vec, gl::Type) { let mut ty = gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT; let mut data = if (size / 6) * 4 * 3 >= u16::max_value() as usize { ty = gl::UNSIGNED_INT; Vec::with_capacity(size * 4) } else { Vec::with_capacity(size * 2) }; for i in 0..size / 6 { for val in &[0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3] { if ty == gl::UNSIGNED_INT { data.write_u32::((i as u32) * 4 + val); } else { data.write_u16::((i as u16) * 4 + (*val as u16)); } } } (data, ty) }