// Copyright 2016 Matthew Collins // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #![recursion_limit="200"] #![feature(const_fn)] #![feature(arc_counts)] extern crate glutin; extern crate image; extern crate time; extern crate byteorder; extern crate serde_json; extern crate steven_openssl as openssl; extern crate hyper; extern crate flate2; extern crate rand; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate cgmath; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate collision; #[macro_use] pub mod macros; pub mod ecs; pub mod protocol; pub mod format; pub mod nbt; pub mod item; pub mod gl; pub mod types; pub mod resources; pub mod render; pub mod ui; pub mod screen; #[macro_use] pub mod console; pub mod server; pub mod world; pub mod chunk_builder; pub mod auth; pub mod model; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Mutex}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::thread; use std::sync::mpsc; const CL_BRAND: console::CVar = console::CVar { ty: PhantomData, name: "cl_brand", description: "cl_brand has the value of the clients current 'brand'. e.g. \"Steven\" or \ \"Vanilla\"", mutable: false, serializable: false, default: &|| "Steven".to_owned(), }; pub struct Game { renderer: render::Renderer, screen_sys: screen::ScreenSystem, resource_manager: Arc>, console: Arc>, should_close: bool, mouse_pos: (i32, i32), server: server::Server, focused: bool, chunk_builder: chunk_builder::ChunkBuilder, connect_reply: Option>>, } impl Game { pub fn connect_to(&mut self, address: &str) { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); self.connect_reply = Some(rx); let address = address.to_owned(); let resources = self.resource_manager.clone(); let console = self.console.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { tx.send(server::Server::connect(resources, console, &address)).unwrap(); }); } pub fn tick(&mut self, delta: f64) { if !self.server.is_connected() { self.server.yaw += 0.005 * delta; if self.server.yaw > ::std::f64::consts::PI * 2.0 { self.server.yaw = 0.0; } } let mut clear_reply = false; if let Some(ref recv) = self.connect_reply { if let Ok(server) = recv.try_recv() { clear_reply = true; match server { Ok(val) => { self.screen_sys.pop_screen(); self.focused = true; self.server = val; }, Err(err) => { let msg = match err { protocol::Error::Disconnect(val) => val, err => { let mut msg = format::TextComponent::new(&format!("{}", err)); msg.modifier.color = Some(format::Color::Red); format::Component::Text(msg) }, }; self.screen_sys.replace_screen(Box::new(screen::ServerList::new( Some(msg) ))); } } } } if clear_reply { self.connect_reply = None; } } } fn main() { let con = Arc::new(Mutex::new(console::Console::new())); { let mut con = con.lock().unwrap(); con.register(CL_BRAND); auth::register_vars(&mut con); con.load_config(); con.save_config(); } let proxy = console::ConsoleProxy::new(con.clone()); log::set_logger(|max_log_level| { max_log_level.set(log::LogLevelFilter::Trace); Box::new(proxy) }).unwrap(); info!("Starting steven"); let resource_manager = Arc::new(RwLock::new(resources::Manager::new())); { resource_manager.write().unwrap().tick(); } let mut window = glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("Steven".to_string()) .with_dimensions(854, 480) .with_gl(glutin::GlRequest::Specific(glutin::Api::OpenGl, (3, 2))) .with_gl_profile(glutin::GlProfile::Core) .with_depth_buffer(24) .with_stencil_buffer(0) .with_vsync() .build() .expect("Could not create Glutin window."); unsafe { window.make_current().expect("Could not set current context."); } gl::init(&mut window); let renderer = render::Renderer::new(resource_manager.clone()); let mut ui_container = ui::Container::new(); let mut last_frame = time::now(); let frame_time = (time::Duration::seconds(1).num_nanoseconds().unwrap() as f64) / 60.0; let mut screen_sys = screen::ScreenSystem::new(); screen_sys.add_screen(Box::new(screen::Login::new(con.clone()))); let textures = renderer.get_textures(); let mut game = Game { server: server::Server::dummy_server(resource_manager.clone(), con.clone()), focused: false, renderer: renderer, screen_sys: screen_sys, resource_manager: resource_manager.clone(), console: con, should_close: false, mouse_pos: (0, 0), chunk_builder: chunk_builder::ChunkBuilder::new(resource_manager, textures), connect_reply: None, }; while !game.should_close { { game.resource_manager.write().unwrap().tick(); } let now = time::now(); let diff = now - last_frame; last_frame = now; let delta = (diff.num_nanoseconds().unwrap() as f64) / frame_time; let (width, height) = window.get_inner_size_pixels().unwrap(); game.tick(delta); game.server.tick(&mut game.renderer, delta); game.chunk_builder.tick(&mut game.server.world, &mut game.renderer, delta); game.screen_sys.tick(delta, &mut game.renderer, &mut ui_container); game.console .lock() .unwrap() .tick(&mut ui_container, &mut game.renderer, delta, width as f64); ui_container.tick(&mut game.renderer, delta, width as f64, height as f64); game.renderer.tick(delta, width, height); let _ = window.swap_buffers(); for event in window.poll_events() { handle_window_event(&window, &mut game, &mut ui_container, event) } } } fn handle_window_event(window: &glutin::Window, game: &mut Game, ui_container: &mut ui::Container, event: glutin::Event) { use glutin::{Event, VirtualKeyCode}; use std::f64::consts::PI; match event { Event::Closed => game.should_close = true, Event::MouseMoved((x, y)) => { game.mouse_pos = (x, y); let (width, height) = window.get_inner_size_pixels().unwrap(); if game.focused { window.set_cursor_state(glutin::CursorState::Hide).unwrap(); window.set_cursor_position((width/2) as i32, (height/2) as i32).unwrap(); let s = 2000.0 + 0.01; let (rx, ry) = ((x-(width/2) as i32) as f64 / s, (y-(height/2) as i32) as f64 / s); game.server.yaw -= rx; game.server.pitch -= ry; if game.server.pitch < (PI/2.0) + 0.01 { game.server.pitch = (PI/2.0) + 0.01; } if game.server.pitch > (PI/2.0)*3.0 - 0.01 { game.server.pitch = (PI/2.0)*3.0 - 0.01; } } else { ui_container.hover_at(game, x as f64, y as f64, width as f64, height as f64); } } Event::MouseInput(glutin::ElementState::Released, glutin::MouseButton::Left) => { let (x, y) = game.mouse_pos; let (width, height) = window.get_inner_size_pixels().unwrap(); if game.server.is_connected() && !game.focused { game.focused = true; window.set_cursor_state(glutin::CursorState::Hide).unwrap(); window.set_cursor_position((width/2) as i32, (height/2) as i32).unwrap(); return; } if !game.focused { ui_container.click_at(game, x as f64, y as f64, width as f64, height as f64); } } Event::MouseWheel(delta, _) => { let (x, y) = match delta { glutin::MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(x, y) => (x, y), glutin::MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(x, y) => (x, y), }; game.screen_sys.on_scroll(x as f64, y as f64); } Event::KeyboardInput(glutin::ElementState::Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Escape)) => { if game.focused { window.set_cursor_state(glutin::CursorState::Normal).unwrap(); game.focused = false; } } Event::KeyboardInput(glutin::ElementState::Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Grave)) => { game.console.lock().unwrap().toggle(); } Event::KeyboardInput(state, key, virt) => { if game.focused { if let Some(virt) = virt { game.server.key_press(state == glutin::ElementState::Pressed, virt); } } else { ui_container.key_press(game, virt, key, state == glutin::ElementState::Pressed); } } Event::ReceivedCharacter(c) => { if !game.focused { ui_container.key_type(game, c); } } _ => (), } }