
79 lines
2.5 KiB

I blame Xor
Its not a bug its a feature!
Don't go to #think, tis a silly place
Tested! (In production)
Not in scala!
Its steven not phteven!
Now webscale!
<Xor> /me purrs
I bet one of cindy's cats broke it!
Commit reverted in 5..4..3...
Latest is greatest!
[This space is intentionally left blank]
ThinkBot: .... *Thinkofname damn it
Now with more bugs!
I blame Mojang
The logo is totally not ascii art rendered as textures
Look, it works on my machine.
Originally in Go!
Open Source!
Built with Rust!
try { } catch (Throwable e) { }
try!().map_err(|e| -> ! panic!()))
fn who<'even>(uses: &lifetimes) -> anyway
inline infix fun <A, B> A.exec(f: (A) -> B): B = f(this) // simple!
if(false) true else do try return throw new this.E catch { case _ => } while(true)
// Abandon hope all ye who enter here
It's like I'm racing vanilla to see who can have the most bugs!
It's like I'm racing scala to see who has the slowest compile time!
Using ascii art for the logo seemed like a bad idea at first...
... and still does.
Help! I'm trapped in the splash text!
Linux support!
Windows support!
Mac support!
Come chat on IRC!
Knowing Murphy's Law doesn't help
Minecraft Multi-processing: breaking three things at once
Silly Mortal...
Software isn't released. It's allowed to escape.
General System Error: Please sacrifice a cow and two chickens to continue
Do you wanna build a client?
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
Thinkofname.getClass().getField("sanity").set(Thinkofname, null);
Now with potatoes!
And then you cleanse them in a ball of atomic fire!
I'm a little matrix, square and stout,
this is my transpose, this is my count.
var f = function() { return f; };
:(){ :|:& };:
You must pay to view this content.
No touchy the topic
Ceci n'est pas un splash.
Xor is not actually a cat.
The MD5 of md_5 is e14cfacdd442a953343ebd8529138680
I blame Scetch for this!
Burritos are superior.
Z750 is a living taco.
sudo chmod -x `which chmod`
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: failed to allocate java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
define_blocks! { ... }
cat /dev/random > steven; git push --force
No touchy the topic
Hypixel you!
Mozzarella? Stevenarella!
Rust 2018 edition!
Who needs OpenSSL or SDL anyway?
Updated! For now...
hMod?! Bukkit?! Forge?! MCPC?! Spigot?! MCPC+?! Cauldron?! Fabric?!
74 files changed, 11060 insertions(+), 2405 deletions(-)