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ice_iix d2f256e19f Update try!() to new ? syntax for Rust 2018 edition
Not automatically updated, see https://users.rust-lang.org/t/why-does-cargo-fix-replace-try-with-r-try-instead-of/21972/3
There are other tools to replace it, btu this is what I used:
find src -name '*.rs' -exec perl -MRegexp::Common -0777 -pe'$bp=$RE{balanced}{-parens=>"()"}; s/try\!($bp)/substr($1, 1, length($1) - 2) . "?"/ges' -i {} \;
2018-11-04 11:48:51 -08:00
protocol/src/protocol Update try!() to new ? syntax for Rust 2018 edition 2018-11-04 11:48:51 -08:00