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CLASS net/minecraft/class_5455 net/minecraft/util/registry/DynamicRegistryManager
COMMENT A manager of dynamic registries. It allows users to access non-hardcoded
COMMENT registries reliably.
COMMENT <p>Each minecraft server has a dynamic registry manager for file-loaded
COMMENT registries, while each client play network handler has a dynamic registry
COMMENT manager for server-sent dynamic registries.</p>
COMMENT <p>The {@link DynamicRegistryManager.Impl}
COMMENT class serves as an immutable implementation of any particular collection
COMMENT or configuration of dynamic registries.</p>
FIELD field_25918 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger;
FIELD field_25919 INFOS Ljava/util/Map;
METHOD method_30518 getDimensionTypes ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2378;
METHOD method_30519 load (Lnet/minecraft/class_3300;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5455$class_5457;
COMMENT Loads a dynamic registry manager from the resource manager's data files.
ARG 0 resourceManager
METHOD method_30520 register (Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap$Builder;Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;Z)Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap$Builder;
ARG 0 infosBuilder
ARG 1 registryRef
ARG 2 elementCodec
ARG 3 synced
METHOD method_30524 addBuiltinEntries (Lnet/minecraft/class_5455$class_5457;Lnet/minecraft/class_2378;)V
COMMENT Add all entries of the {@code registry} to the corresponding registry
COMMENT within this manager.
ARG 0 manager
ARG 1 registry
METHOD method_30525 setupBuiltin (Lnet/minecraft/class_5455$class_5457;Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)V
COMMENT Add all entries of the registry referred by {@code registryRef} to the
COMMENT corresponding registry within this manager.
ARG 0 manager
ARG 1 registryRef
METHOD method_30526 load (Lnet/minecraft/class_5382;Lnet/minecraft/class_5455$class_5457;Lnet/minecraft/class_5455$class_5456;)V
COMMENT Loads elements from the {@code ops} into the registry specified by {@code
COMMENT info} within the {@code manager}. Note that the resource manager instance
COMMENT is kept within the {@code ops}.
ARG 0 ops
ARG 1 manager
ARG 2 info
METHOD method_30527 getOptional (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Ljava/util/Optional;
COMMENT Retrieves a registry optionally from this manager.
ARG 1 key
METHOD method_30528 create ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5455$class_5457;
COMMENT Creates a default dynamic registry manager.
METHOD method_30530 get (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2385;
COMMENT Retrieves a registry from this manager, or throws an exception when the
COMMENT registry does not exist.
COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if the registry does not exist
ARG 1 key
CLASS class_5456 Info
COMMENT Represents the serialization behavior of the registries, including the
COMMENT id of the registry, the codec for its elements, and whether the registry
COMMENT should be sent to the client.
FIELD field_25920 registry Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;
FIELD field_25921 elementCodec Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;
FIELD field_25922 synced Z
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;Z)V
ARG 1 registry
ARG 2 elementCodec
ARG 3 synced
METHOD method_30535 getRegistry ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;
METHOD method_30536 getElementCodec ()Lcom/mojang/serialization/MapCodec;
METHOD method_30537 isSynced ()Z
CLASS class_5457 Impl
COMMENT An immutable implementation of the dynamic registry manager, representing
COMMENT a specialized configuration of registries. It has a codec that allows
COMMENT conversion from and to data pack JSON or packet NBT.
FIELD field_25923 CODEC Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;
FIELD field_25924 registries Ljava/util/Map;
METHOD <init> (Ljava/util/Map;)V
ARG 1 registries
METHOD method_30538 fromRegistryCodecs (Lcom/mojang/serialization/codecs/UnboundedMapCodec;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;
METHOD method_30546 setupCodec ()Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;
METHOD method_30547 getDataResultForCodec (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/DataResult;
ARG 0 registryRef
METHOD method_30548 createRegistry (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2370;
ARG 0 registryRef