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CLASS net/minecraft/class_3302 net/minecraft/resource/ResourceReloader
COMMENT A resource reloader performs actual reloading in its {@linkplain #reload
COMMENT reload} when called by {@link SimpleResourceReload#start}.
COMMENT @see SimpleResourceReload#start
COMMENT @see SinglePreparationResourceReloader SinglePreparationResourceReloader
COMMENT (completes preparation in one method)
COMMENT @see SynchronousResourceReloader SynchronousResourceReloader
COMMENT (performs all reloading in the apply executor)
METHOD method_22322 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT Returns a user-friendly name for logging.
METHOD method_25931 reload (Lnet/minecraft/class_3302$class_4045;Lnet/minecraft/class_3300;Lnet/minecraft/class_3695;Lnet/minecraft/class_3695;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;
COMMENT Performs a reload. Returns a future that is completed when the reload
COMMENT is completed.
COMMENT <p>In a reload, there is a prepare stage and an apply stage. For the
COMMENT prepare stage, you should create completable futures with {@linkplain
COMMENT CompletableFuture#supplyAsync(Supplier, Executor)
COMMENT CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(..., prepareExecutor)}
COMMENT to ensure the prepare actions are done with the prepare executor. Then,
COMMENT you should have a completable future for all the prepared actions, and
COMMENT call {@linkplain CompletableFuture#thenCompose(Function)
COMMENT combinedPrepare.thenCompose(synchronizer::waitFor)}
COMMENT to notify the {@code synchronizer}. Finally, you should run {@linkplain
COMMENT CompletableFuture#thenAcceptAsync(Consumer, Executor)
COMMENT CompletableFuture.thenAcceptAsync(..., applyExecutor)} for apply actions.
COMMENT In the end, returns the result of {@code thenAcceptAsync}.
COMMENT @return a future for the reload
COMMENT @see ReloadableResourceManagerImpl#reload(Executor, Executor,
COMMENT CompletableFuture, List)
ARG 1 synchronizer
COMMENT the synchronizer
ARG 2 manager
COMMENT the resource manager
ARG 3 prepareProfiler
COMMENT the profiler for prepare stage
ARG 4 applyProfiler
COMMENT the profiler for apply stage
ARG 5 prepareExecutor
COMMENT the executor for prepare stage
ARG 6 applyExecutor
COMMENT the executor for apply stage
CLASS class_4045 Synchronizer
COMMENT A synchronizer to indicate completion of a reloader's prepare stage and
COMMENT to allow start of the apply stage only if all reloaders have finished
COMMENT the prepare stage.
METHOD method_18352 whenPrepared (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;
COMMENT Indicates, to the ongoing reload, that this reloader has finished its
COMMENT preparation stage with the {@code preparedObject} as its result.
COMMENT <p>Returns a completable future that the apply stage depends on. This
COMMENT returned future is completed when all the reloaders have completed their
COMMENT prepare stages in the reload.
COMMENT <p>Example:
COMMENT {@code
COMMENT CompletableFuture<SomeObject> prepareStage = ...;
COMMENT prepareStage.thenCompose(synchronizer::whenPrepared)
COMMENT .thenAcceptAsync(..., applyExecutor);
COMMENT @return a completable future as the precondition for the apply stage
ARG 1 preparedObject
COMMENT the result of the prepare stage