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CLASS net/minecraft/class_7555 net/minecraft/client/report/ChatLog
COMMENT A chat log holds received chat and game messages with sequential indices, where
COMMENT newer messages receive bigger indices. An implementation using fixed-size array
COMMENT is available at {@link ChatLogImpl}.
METHOD method_44531 getMaxIndex ()I
COMMENT {@return the maximum index currently used within the log}
COMMENT <p>This value changes every time a new message gets added. The message
COMMENT associated with this index is the newest one in the log.
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METHOD method_44532 get (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_7629;
COMMENT {@return the message with index {@code index}, or {@code null} if there is no
COMMENT such message in the log}
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_44533 getOffsetIndex (II)I
COMMENT {@return the index offset by {@code offset} if there is a message with that index, or
COMMENT {@value #MISSING_NEXT_INDEX} if there is no message with the offset index}
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 offset
METHOD method_44534 stream (ILjava/util/function/IntUnaryOperator;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the streams starting from {@code startIndex}}
COMMENT @implNote If {@code startIndex} is not in the log, this returns {@link #emptyStreams}.
ARG 1 startIndex
ARG 2 nextIndexGetter
COMMENT a function that, when given an index, returns the next index
COMMENT or {@value #MISSING_NEXT_INDEX} to indicate the end of the stream
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METHOD method_44535 add (Lnet/minecraft/class_7629;)V
COMMENT Adds {@code message} to the log.
ARG 1 message
METHOD method_44536 getMinIndex ()I
COMMENT {@return the minimum index currently used within the log}
COMMENT <p>This value can change every time a new message gets added. The message
COMMENT associated with this index is the oldest one in the log.
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METHOD method_44537 getIndexed (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7560;
COMMENT {@return the indexed message with index {@code index}, or {@code null} if there is no
COMMENT such message in the log}
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_44539 streamForward ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the streams starting from {@linkplain #getMinIndex the smallest index
COMMENT in the log} with entires ordered chronologically (in ascending order)}
METHOD method_44540 contains (I)Z
COMMENT {@return whether the log contains a message with index {@code index}}
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_44541 streamForward (II)Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the streams starting from {@code startIndex} with entires ordered
COMMENT chronologically (in ascending order) up to and including {@code endIndex}}
COMMENT @implNote If either {@code startIndex} or {@code endIndex} is not in the log,
COMMENT this returns {@link #emptyStreams}.
ARG 1 startIndex
ARG 2 endIndex
METHOD method_44542 emptyStreams ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the empty stream}
METHOD method_44543 getPreviousIndex (I)I
COMMENT {@return the index offset by {@code -1} if there is a message with that index, or
COMMENT {@value #MISSING_NEXT_INDEX} if there is no message with the offset index}
COMMENT @see #getOffsetIndex
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_44544 (II)I
ARG 2 currentIndex
METHOD method_44545 getNextIndex (I)I
COMMENT {@return the index offset by {@code 1} if there is a message with that index, or
COMMENT {@value #MISSING_NEXT_INDEX} if there is no message with the offset index}
COMMENT @see #getOffsetIndex
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_44546 streamForward (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the streams starting from {@code startIndex} with entires ordered
COMMENT chronologically (in ascending order)}
COMMENT @implNote If {@code startIndex} is not in the log, this returns {@link #emptyStreams}.
ARG 1 startIndex
METHOD method_44547 streamBackward (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the streams starting from {@code startIndex} with entires ordered
COMMENT antichronologically (in descending order)}
COMMENT @implNote If {@code startIndex} is not in the log, this returns {@link #emptyStreams}.
ARG 1 startIndex
METHOD method_44702 streamBackward ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7555$class_7556;
COMMENT {@return the streams starting from {@linkplain #getMaxIndex the biggest index
COMMENT in the log} with entires ordered antichronologically (in descending order)}
FIELD field_39633 nextIndex I
CLASS class_7556 Streams
COMMENT A set of streams of logged messages.
FIELD field_39635 log Lnet/minecraft/class_7555;
FIELD field_39636 indicesIterator Ljava/util/PrimitiveIterator$OfInt;
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_7555;Ljava/util/PrimitiveIterator$OfInt;)V
ARG 1 log
ARG 2 indicesIterator
METHOD method_44548 streamIndices ()Ljava/util/stream/IntStream;
COMMENT {@return the stream of message indices}
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METHOD method_44703 (Lnet/minecraft/class_7629;)Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;
ARG 0 message
METHOD method_44704 collectSenderProfiles ()Ljava/util/Collection;
COMMENT {@return the collection of profiles of message senders}
COMMENT <p>This ignores game messages, and the returned collection has no duplicates.
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CLASS class_7560 IndexedMessage
COMMENT A pair of the message's index and the message itself.
COMMENT @see ChatLog
FIELD comp_873 index I
METHOD comp_873 index ()I