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2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
CLASS net/minecraft/class_4076 net/minecraft/util/math/ChunkSectionPos
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
METHOD <init> (III)V
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
ARG 3 z
METHOD method_18674 getSectionX ()I
METHOD method_18675 getSectionCoord (I)I
COMMENT Converts a world coordinate to the corresponding chunk-section coordinate.
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 coord
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18676 from (III)Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;
COMMENT Creates a chunk section position from its x-, y- and z-coordinates.
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 x
ARG 1 y
ARG 2 z
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18677 from (J)Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;
COMMENT Creates a chunk section position from its packed representation.
COMMENT @see #asLong
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 packed
METHOD method_18678 offset (JIII)J
COMMENT Offsets a packed chunk section position by the given offsets.
COMMENT @see #asLong
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 packed
ARG 2 x
ARG 3 y
ARG 4 z
METHOD method_18679 offset (JLnet/minecraft/class_2350;)J
COMMENT Offsets a packed chunk section position in the given direction.
COMMENT @see #asLong
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 packed
ARG 2 direction
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18680 from (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;
ARG 0 entity
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18681 from (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;I)Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;
COMMENT Creates a chunk section position from a chunk position and the y-coordinate of the vertical section.
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 chunkPos
ARG 1 y
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18682 from (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 pos
METHOD method_18683 getSectionY ()I
METHOD method_18684 getLocalCoord (I)I
COMMENT Converts a world coordinate to the local coordinate system (0-15) of its corresponding chunk section.
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 coord
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18685 asLong (III)J
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 x
ARG 1 y
ARG 2 z
METHOD method_18686 unpackX (J)I
COMMENT Gets the chunk section x-coordinate from the given packed chunk section coordinate.
COMMENT @see #asLong
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 packed
METHOD method_18687 getSectionZ ()I
METHOD method_18688 getBlockCoord (I)I
COMMENT Converts the given chunk section coordinate to the world coordinate system.
COMMENT The returned coordinate will always be at the origin of the chunk section in world space.
ARG 0 sectionCoord
METHOD method_18689 unpackY (J)I
COMMENT Gets the chunk section y-coordinate from the given packed chunk section coordinate.
COMMENT @see #asLong
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 packed
METHOD method_18690 unpackZ (J)I
COMMENT Gets the chunk section z-coordinate from the given packed chunk section coordinate.
COMMENT @see #asLong
2019-02-27 13:09:24 -05:00
ARG 0 packed
METHOD method_18691 fromBlockPos (J)J
COMMENT Gets the packed chunk section coordinate for a given packed {@link BlockPos}.
COMMENT @see #asLong
COMMENT @see BlockPos#asLong
ARG 0 blockPos
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18692 toChunkPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;
METHOD method_18693 withZeroY (J)J
COMMENT Gets the packed chunk section coordinate at y=0 for the same chunk as
COMMENT the given packed chunk section coordinate.
COMMENT @see #asLong
ARG 0 pos
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18694 asLong ()J
METHOD method_19454 packLocal (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)S
COMMENT Returns the local position of the given block position relative to
COMMENT its respective chunk section, packed into a short.
ARG 0 pos
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_19527 getMinX ()I
METHOD method_19528 getMinY ()I
METHOD method_19529 getMinZ ()I
METHOD method_19530 getMaxX ()I
METHOD method_19531 getMaxY ()I
METHOD method_19532 getMaxZ ()I
METHOD method_19533 streamBlocks ()Ljava/util/stream/Stream;
METHOD method_19767 getMinPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
METHOD method_19768 getCenterPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
METHOD method_20438 stream (IIIIII)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;
ARG 0 minX
ARG 1 minY
ARG 2 minZ
ARG 3 maxX
ARG 4 maxY
ARG 5 maxZ
METHOD method_20439 stream (Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;I)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;
ARG 0 center
ARG 1 radius
2020-11-04 15:44:22 -05:00
METHOD method_22446 stream (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;III)Ljava/util/stream/Stream;
ARG 0 center
ARG 1 radius
METHOD method_30551 unpackLocalX (S)I
COMMENT Gets the local x-coordinate from the given packed local position.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 0 packedLocalPos
METHOD method_30552 unpackLocalY (S)I
COMMENT Gets the local y-coordinate from the given packed local position.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 0 packedLocalPos
METHOD method_30553 unpackLocalZ (S)I
COMMENT Gets the local z-coordinate from the given packed local position.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 0 packedLocalPos
METHOD method_30554 unpackBlockX (S)I
COMMENT Gets the world x-coordinate of the given local position within this chunk section.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 1 packedLocalPos
METHOD method_30555 unpackBlockY (S)I
COMMENT Gets the world y-coordinate of the given local position within this chunk section.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 1 packedLocalPos
METHOD method_30556 unpackBlockZ (S)I
COMMENT Gets the world z-coordinate of the given local position within this chunk section.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 1 packedLocalPos
METHOD method_30557 unpackBlockPos (S)Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
COMMENT Gets the world position of the given local position within this chunk section.
COMMENT @see #packLocal
ARG 1 packedLocalPos
FIELD field_19263 iterator Lnet/minecraft/class_3980;
METHOD tryAdvance (Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)Z
ARG 1 consumer