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2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
CLASS net/minecraft/class_1308 net/minecraft/entity/mob/MobEntity
FIELD field_18074 positionTarget Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
FIELD field_18075 positionTargetRange F
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_18279 holdingEntityId I
COMMENT Used by Zombies to control the chance that they spawn with the ability to pick up loot.
COMMENT @see ZombieEntity#initialize
COMMENT The base chance (before applying difficulty) that a mob's equipped armor can become enchanted.
COMMENT @see MobEntity#enchantEquipment
COMMENT The base chance (before applying difficulty) that a mob's equipped item can become enchanted.
COMMENT @see MobEntity#enchantMainHandItem
FIELD field_30086 LEASH_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The minimum additional experience a mob will drop per item of equipment they have.
COMMENT @see MobEntity#getXpToDrop
COMMENT The base chance (before applying local difficulty) that this mob will spawn with equipment.
COMMENT @see MobEntity#initEquipment
FIELD field_38386 ITEM_PICK_UP_RANGE_EXPANDER Lnet/minecraft/class_2382;
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_6184 lootTableSeed J
FIELD field_6185 targetSelector Lnet/minecraft/class_1355;
COMMENT Contains goals used to select this entity's target.
COMMENT Actions in this queue are executed first so the selected target is available
COMMENT to the rest of the AI's goals.
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_6186 armorDropChances [F
FIELD field_6187 handDropChances [F
FIELD field_6188 bodyControl Lnet/minecraft/class_1330;
FIELD field_6189 navigation Lnet/minecraft/class_1408;
FIELD field_6190 visibilityCache Lnet/minecraft/class_1413;
FIELD field_6191 ambientSoundChance I
FIELD field_6192 leashNbt Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_6193 MOB_FLAGS Lnet/minecraft/class_2940;
FIELD field_6194 experiencePoints I
FIELD field_6195 handItems Lnet/minecraft/class_2371;
FIELD field_6196 pathfindingPenalties Ljava/util/Map;
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_6198 lootTable Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;
FIELD field_6199 target Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;
FIELD field_6200 persistent Z
FIELD field_6201 goalSelector Lnet/minecraft/class_1355;
COMMENT Contains actions the entity can perform. These may consume, for example, the target
COMMENT entity as determined during the {@link MobEntity#targetSelector}'s execution.
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_6202 holdingEntity Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;
FIELD field_6203 canPickUpLoot Z
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_6204 jumpControl Lnet/minecraft/class_1334;
FIELD field_6205 armorItems Lnet/minecraft/class_2371;
FIELD field_6206 lookControl Lnet/minecraft/class_1333;
FIELD field_6207 moveControl Lnet/minecraft/class_1335;
METHOD method_17326 cannotDespawn ()Z
2020-02-14 09:54:37 -05:00
METHOD method_18249 onPlayerSpawnedChild (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1308;)V
ARG 1 player
ARG 2 child
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18407 isInWalkTargetRange (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Z
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_18408 setPositionTarget (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;I)V
ARG 1 target
ARG 2 range
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18409 sendAiDebugData ()V
METHOD method_18410 hasPositionTarget ()Z
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18411 isInWalkTargetRange ()Z
METHOD method_18412 getPositionTarget ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
METHOD method_18413 getPositionTargetRange ()F
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_18810 setHoldingEntityId (I)V
ARG 1 id
METHOD method_19540 setAttacking (Z)V
ARG 1 attacking
METHOD method_20240 getMaxLookYawChange ()I
COMMENT {@return the maximum degrees which the yaw can change when looking}
COMMENT <p>This is used by the look control.
COMMENT <p>The default return value is {@code 10}.
METHOD method_20417 updateGoalControls ()V
2022-04-06 15:01:01 -04:00
METHOD method_20636 canMobSpawn (Lnet/minecraft/class_1299;Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_3730;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;)Z
ARG 0 type
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 spawnReason
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 random
2020-02-14 09:54:37 -05:00
METHOD method_20820 canGather (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 stack
METHOD method_23734 isDisallowedInPeaceful ()Z
METHOD method_24521 disablePlayerShield (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 1 player
ARG 2 mobStack
ARG 3 playerStack
METHOD method_24522 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1308;)V
ARG 2 entity
2022-11-02 10:58:41 -04:00
METHOD method_24523 tryEquip (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
ARG 1 stack
METHOD method_24834 equipLootStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 1 slot
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_25938 canUseRangedWeapon (Lnet/minecraft/class_1811;)Z
ARG 1 weapon
METHOD method_25939 updateDropChances (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;)V
ARG 1 slot
METHOD method_26320 prefersNewDamageableItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 newStack
ARG 2 oldStack
METHOD method_26321 (Ljava/lang/String;)Z
ARG 0 key
METHOD method_26322 (Ljava/lang/String;)Z
ARG 0 key
METHOD method_26323 movesIndependently ()Z
COMMENT When true, causes this entity to take over pathfinding for its controlling passenger.
METHOD method_26828 createMobAttributes ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5132$class_5133;
METHOD method_29243 convertTo (Lnet/minecraft/class_1299;Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_1308;
COMMENT Converts this entity to the provided {@code entityType}.
COMMENT <p>The new entity will keep many of the properties set for this entity,
COMMENT including its vehicle, its name and whether it is persistent or not.
COMMENT <p>If {@code keepEquipment} is {@code true}, it will also keep its equipment.
ARG 1 entityType
COMMENT the entity type to convert to
ARG 2 keepEquipment
COMMENT whether the equipment of this entity should be kept
2021-01-03 15:53:34 -05:00
METHOD method_29506 interactWithItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1268;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1269;
ARG 1 player
ARG 2 hand
2022-04-13 12:50:51 -04:00
METHOD method_30758 enchantEquipment (Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;FLnet/minecraft/class_1304;)V
ARG 1 random
ARG 2 power
ARG 3 slot
2022-04-13 12:50:51 -04:00
METHOD method_30759 enchantMainHandItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;F)V
ARG 1 random
ARG 2 power
METHOD method_33191 squaredAttackRange (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)D
ARG 1 target
2021-11-22 11:43:57 -05:00
METHOD method_35055 clearPositionTarget ()V
METHOD method_35056 clearGoalsAndTasks ()V
METHOD method_37341 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 0 stack
METHOD method_42150 isInAttackRange (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)Z
ARG 1 entity
METHOD method_42646 getItemPickUpRangeExpander ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2382;
METHOD method_46644 getSlotToEquip (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;
ARG 1 stack
2022-11-23 07:29:21 -05:00
METHOD method_47824 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1352;)Z
ARG 0 goal
METHOD method_47825 clearGoals (Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)V
ARG 1 predicate
METHOD method_47922 getSquaredDistanceToAttackPosOf (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)D
ARG 1 target
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5929 getDropChance (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;)F
ARG 1 slot
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5930 setForwardSpeed (F)V
ARG 1 forwardSpeed
METHOD method_5931 canBeLeashedBy (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;)Z
ARG 1 player
METHOD method_5932 detachLeash (ZZ)V
ARG 1 sendPacket
ARG 2 dropItem
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5933 getHoldingEntity ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;
METHOD method_5934 isLeashed ()Z
METHOD method_5936 canPickUpLoot ()Z
METHOD method_5937 setLeftHanded (Z)V
ARG 1 leftHanded
METHOD method_5938 setSidewaysSpeed (F)V
ARG 1 sidewaysSpeed
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5939 canPickupItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 stack
METHOD method_5940 readLeashNbt ()V
METHOD method_5941 setPathfindingPenalty (Lnet/minecraft/class_7;F)V
ARG 1 nodeType
ARG 2 penalty
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5942 getNavigation ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1408;
2020-07-01 12:44:38 -04:00
METHOD method_5943 initialize (Lnet/minecraft/class_5425;Lnet/minecraft/class_1266;Lnet/minecraft/class_3730;Lnet/minecraft/class_1315;Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1315;
ARG 1 world
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
ARG 2 difficulty
ARG 3 spawnReason
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
ARG 4 entityData
ARG 5 entityNbt
METHOD method_5944 getPathfindingPenalty (Lnet/minecraft/class_7;)F
ARG 1 nodeType
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5945 getLimitPerChunk ()I
METHOD method_5946 setEquipmentDropChance (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;F)V
2018-11-04 07:22:38 -05:00
ARG 1 slot
ARG 2 chance
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5947 isPersistent ()Z
METHOD method_5948 getEquipmentForSlot (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;
ARG 0 equipmentSlot
ARG 1 equipmentLevel
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5949 loot (Lnet/minecraft/class_1542;)V
ARG 1 item
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5951 lookAtEntity (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;FF)V
ARG 1 targetEntity
ARG 2 maxYawChange
ARG 3 maxPitchChange
METHOD method_5952 setCanPickUpLoot (Z)V
ARG 1 canPickUpLoot
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5954 attachLeash (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;Z)V
ARG 1 entity
ARG 2 sendPacket
METHOD method_5955 prefersNewEquipment (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 newStack
ARG 2 oldStack
2019-08-28 13:46:02 -04:00
METHOD method_5957 canSpawn (Lnet/minecraft/class_4538;)Z
ARG 1 world
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5958 mobTick ()V
METHOD method_5959 initGoals ()V
METHOD method_5960 changeAngle (FFF)F
COMMENT Changes the angle from {@code from} to {@code to}, or by {@code max} degrees
COMMENT if {@code to} is too big a change.
COMMENT <p>This is the same as {@link LookControl#changeAngle(float, float, float)}.
ARG 1 from
ARG 2 to
ARG 3 max
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5961 isLeftHanded ()Z
METHOD method_5962 getMoveControl ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1335;
METHOD method_5963 createBodyControl ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1330;
2022-04-13 12:50:51 -04:00
METHOD method_5964 initEquipment (Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;Lnet/minecraft/class_1266;)V
ARG 1 random
ARG 2 localDifficulty
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5965 createNavigation (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1408;
ARG 1 world
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5966 playAmbientSound ()V
METHOD method_5968 getTarget ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;
METHOD method_5969 spawnsTooManyForEachTry (I)Z
ARG 1 count
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5970 getMinAmbientSoundDelay ()I
METHOD method_5971 setPersistent ()V
METHOD method_5972 isAffectedByDaylight ()Z
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5974 canImmediatelyDespawn (D)Z
ARG 1 distanceSquared
METHOD method_5975 resetSoundDelay ()V
METHOD method_5976 setUpwardSpeed (F)V
2019-04-04 16:04:27 -04:00
ARG 1 upwardSpeed
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5977 setAiDisabled (Z)V
ARG 1 aiDisabled
METHOD method_5978 getMaxLookPitchChange ()I
COMMENT {@return the maximum degrees which the pitch can change when looking}
COMMENT <p>This is used by the look control.
COMMENT <p>It can return from {@code 1} for entities that can hardly raise their head,
COMMENT like axolotls or dolphins, or {@code 180} for entities that can freely raise
COMMENT and lower their head, like guardians. The default return value is {@code 40}.
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5979 canSpawn (Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_3730;)Z
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 spawnReason
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5980 setTarget (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)V
ARG 1 target
METHOD method_5983 onEatingGrass ()V
2022-04-13 12:50:51 -04:00
METHOD method_5984 updateEnchantments (Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;Lnet/minecraft/class_1266;)V
ARG 1 random
ARG 2 localDifficulty
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5985 getVisibilityCache ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1413;
METHOD method_5986 getMaxHeadRotation ()I
COMMENT {@return the maximum degrees which the head yaw can differ from the body yaw}
COMMENT <p>This is used by the body control.
COMMENT <p>It can return from {@code 1} for entities that can hardly rotate their head,
COMMENT like axolotls or dolphins, or {@code 180} for entities that can freely rotate
COMMENT their head, like shulkers. The default return value is {@code 75}.
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_5987 isAiDisabled ()Z
METHOD method_5988 getLookControl ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1333;
METHOD method_5990 playSpawnEffects ()V
METHOD method_5991 getLootTableId ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;
2020-06-04 15:08:31 -04:00
METHOD method_5992 interactMob (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1268;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1269;
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
ARG 1 player
ARG 2 hand
METHOD method_5993 getJumpControl ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1334;
METHOD method_5994 getAmbientSound ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3414;
METHOD method_5995 updateLeash ()V
METHOD method_6510 isAttacking ()Z
2020-02-14 09:54:37 -05:00
METHOD method_7217 setBaby (Z)V
ARG 1 baby