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CLASS net/minecraft/class_6568 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/ChunkNoiseSampler
COMMENT {@code ChunkNoiseSampler} is responsible for sampling the density functions for
COMMENT the cells in each chunk, managing caches and interpolators, the {@code Blender},
COMMENT and the block state samplers.
COMMENT <p>An instance of this is created for every chunk.
FIELD field_34598 verticalCellCount I
FIELD field_34599 horizontalCellCount I
FIELD field_34600 minimumCellY I
FIELD field_34601 startCellX I
FIELD field_34602 startCellZ I
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FIELD field_34603 startBiomeX I
FIELD field_34604 startBiomeZ I
FIELD field_34605 interpolators Ljava/util/List;
FIELD field_34613 aquiferSampler Lnet/minecraft/class_6350;
FIELD field_35487 blender Lnet/minecraft/class_6748;
FIELD field_35674 generationShapeConfig Lnet/minecraft/class_5309;
FIELD field_36273 surfaceHeightEstimateCache Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2IntMap;
FIELD field_36572 startBlockY I
FIELD field_36573 startBlockZ I
FIELD field_36574 cellBlockX I
FIELD field_36575 cellBlockY I
FIELD field_36576 cellBlockZ I
FIELD field_36577 sampleUniqueIndex J
FIELD field_36578 cacheOnceUniqueIndex J
FIELD field_36579 index I
FIELD field_36580 interpolationEachApplier Lnet/minecraft/class_6910$class_6911;
COMMENT The implementation of {@code EachApplier} that is used for filling the
COMMENT interpolators' density buffers.
COMMENT <p>It runs on a vertical column of cells, with the density being sampled at the first
COMMENT block in the cell (cell-local coordinate {@code 0} for X, Y and Z).
FIELD field_36581 caches Ljava/util/List;
FIELD field_36582 actualDensityFunctionCache Ljava/util/Map;
FIELD field_36583 initialDensityWithoutJaggedness Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
FIELD field_36584 blockStateSampler Lnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_6569;
FIELD field_36585 cachedBlendAlphaDensityFunction Lnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_6951;
FIELD field_36586 cachedBlendOffsetDensityFunction Lnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_6951;
FIELD field_36587 lastBlendingColumnPos J
FIELD field_36588 lastBlendingResult Lnet/minecraft/class_6748$class_6956;
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FIELD field_36589 horizontalBiomeEnd I
FIELD field_36590 horizontalCellBlockCount I
FIELD field_36591 verticalCellBlockCount I
FIELD field_36592 isInInterpolationLoop Z
FIELD field_36593 isSamplingForCaches Z
FIELD field_36594 startBlockX I
FIELD field_37113 beardifying Lnet/minecraft/class_6916$class_7050;
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METHOD <init> (ILnet/minecraft/class_7138;IILnet/minecraft/class_5309;Lnet/minecraft/class_6916$class_7050;Lnet/minecraft/class_5284;Lnet/minecraft/class_6350$class_6565;Lnet/minecraft/class_6748;)V
ARG 1 horizontalCellCount
ARG 2 noiseConfig
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ARG 3 startBlockX
ARG 4 startBlockZ
ARG 5 generationShapeConfig
ARG 6 beardifying
ARG 7 chunkGeneratorSettings
ARG 8 fluidLevelSampler
ARG 9 blender
METHOD method_38336 sampleStartDensity ()V
COMMENT Samples the density values for all cells in the chunk with the first X coordinate.
COMMENT This is done for every {@code interpolated} function. The resulting density values
COMMENT will be stored in the interpolator's start density buffer.
METHOD method_38337 interpolateY (ID)V
COMMENT Interpolates density values on the Y axis for every interpolator.
ARG 1 blockY
COMMENT the absolute block Y coordinate
ARG 2 deltaY
COMMENT the cell-local block Y coordinate divided by the number of blocks in a cell vertically
METHOD method_38338 (DLnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_5917;)V
ARG 2 interpolator
METHOD method_38339 sampleEndDensity (I)V
COMMENT Samples the density values for all cells in the chunk with the given X coordinate.
COMMENT This is done for every {@code interpolated} function. The resulting density values
COMMENT will be stored in the interpolator's end density buffer.
ARG 1 cellX
COMMENT the chunk-local cell X coordinate
METHOD method_38342 (IILnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_5917;)V
ARG 2 interpolator
METHOD method_38348 swapBuffers ()V
COMMENT Swaps the start and end density buffers of every interpolator.
METHOD method_38349 interpolateX (ID)V
COMMENT Interpolates density values on the X axis for every interpolator.
ARG 1 blockX
COMMENT the absolute block X coordinate
ARG 2 deltaX
COMMENT the cell-local block X coordinate divided by the number of blocks in a cell horizontally
METHOD method_38350 (DLnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_5917;)V
ARG 2 interpolator
METHOD method_38354 getAquiferSampler ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6350;
METHOD method_38355 interpolateZ (ID)V
COMMENT Interpolates density values on the Z axis for every interpolator.
ARG 1 blockZ
COMMENT the absolute block Z coordinate
ARG 2 deltaZ
COMMENT the cell-local block Z coordinate divided by the number of blocks in a cell vertically
METHOD method_38356 (DLnet/minecraft/class_6568$class_5917;)V
ARG 2 interpolator
METHOD method_38362 onSampledCellCorners (II)V
COMMENT This should be called when the start and end density buffers are
COMMENT correctly filled for the current cell.
COMMENT <p>This starts the interpolators and fills the cell caches.
COMMENT @implNote For filling the cell caches, {@code this} is used as the
COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.world.gen.densityfunction.DensityFunction.EachApplier EachApplier}.
ARG 1 cellY
COMMENT the chunk-local cell Y coordinate
ARG 2 cellZ
COMMENT the chunk-local cell Z coordinate
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METHOD method_39543 create (Lnet/minecraft/class_2791;Lnet/minecraft/class_7138;Lnet/minecraft/class_6916$class_7050;Lnet/minecraft/class_5284;Lnet/minecraft/class_6350$class_6565;Lnet/minecraft/class_6748;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6568;
ARG 0 chunk
ARG 1 noiseConfig
ARG 2 beardifying
ARG 3 chunkGeneratorSettings
ARG 4 fluidLevelSampler
ARG 5 blender
METHOD method_39899 calculateSurfaceHeightEstimate (J)I
ARG 1 columnPos
METHOD method_39900 estimateSurfaceHeight (II)I
ARG 1 blockX
ARG 2 blockZ
METHOD method_40529 getActualDensityFunction (Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
COMMENT {@return the actual density function for a given density function}
COMMENT <p>The classes in {@link DensityFunctionTypes} for caches, interpolators,
COMMENT {@code blend_alpha} and {@code blend_offset} use simple stub implementations
COMMENT that get replaced with their actual implementation by calling this method.
ARG 1 function
COMMENT the density function to get an actual implementation for
METHOD method_40530 (Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;Lnet/minecraft/class_6910$class_6912;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 2 pos
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METHOD method_40531 createMultiNoiseSampler (Lnet/minecraft/class_6953;Ljava/util/List;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6544$class_6552;
ARG 1 noiseRouter
ARG 2 spawnTarget
METHOD method_40532 sampleDensity (ZI)V
COMMENT Samples the density values for all cells in the chunk with the given X coordinate.
COMMENT This is done for every {@code interpolated} function.
ARG 1 start
COMMENT whether to store the results in the start or end density buffer
ARG 2 cellX
COMMENT the current cell X coordinate
METHOD method_40533 getActualDensityFunctionImpl (Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
COMMENT {@return the actual density function for a given density function}
ARG 1 function
METHOD method_40535 calculateBlendResult (II)Lnet/minecraft/class_6748$class_6956;
ARG 1 blockX
ARG 2 blockZ
METHOD method_40536 sampleBlockState ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
METHOD method_40537 stopInterpolation ()V
COMMENT Stops the interpolation loop for this chunk.
METHOD method_42361 getHorizontalCellBlockCount ()I
METHOD method_42362 getVerticalCellBlockCount ()I
CLASS class_5917 DensityInterpolator
FIELD field_29227 startDensityBuffer [[D
FIELD field_29228 endDensityBuffer [[D
FIELD field_29233 x0y0z0 D
FIELD field_29234 x0y0z1 D
FIELD field_29235 x1y0z0 D
FIELD field_29236 x1y0z1 D
FIELD field_29237 x0y1z0 D
FIELD field_29238 x0y1z1 D
FIELD field_29239 x1y1z0 D
FIELD field_29240 x1y1z1 D
FIELD field_29241 x0z0 D
FIELD field_29242 x1z0 D
FIELD field_29243 x0z1 D
FIELD field_29244 x1z1 D
FIELD field_29245 z0 D
FIELD field_29246 z1 D
FIELD field_34623 delegate Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
FIELD field_34624 result D
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METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_6568;Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;)V
ARG 2 delegate
METHOD method_34287 interpolateY (D)V
COMMENT Interpolates the eight densities on the Y axis.
ARG 1 deltaY
METHOD method_34289 onSampledCellCorners (II)V
COMMENT Copies the densities of the eight corners of the current cell into their
COMMENT respective fields.
ARG 1 cellY
COMMENT the cell's Y coordinate
ARG 2 cellZ
COMMENT the cell's chunk-local Z coordinate
METHOD method_34291 swapBuffers ()V
METHOD method_34292 interpolateX (D)V
COMMENT Interpolates the four remaining densities on the X axis.
ARG 1 deltaX
METHOD method_34293 createBuffer (II)[[D
ARG 1 sizeZ
ARG 2 sizeX
METHOD method_38363 interpolateZ (D)V
COMMENT Interpolates the two remaining densities on the Z axis.
ARG 1 deltaZ
CLASS class_6569 BlockStateSampler
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METHOD calculate sample (Lnet/minecraft/class_6910$class_6912;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 1 pos
CLASS class_6946 BlendAlphaDensityFunction
CLASS class_6947 BlendOffsetDensityFunction
CLASS class_6948 Cache2D
FIELD field_36599 delegate Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
FIELD field_36600 lastSamplingColumnPos J
FIELD field_36601 lastSamplingResult D
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;)V
ARG 1 delegate
CLASS class_6949 CellCache
FIELD field_36603 delegate Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
FIELD field_36604 cache [D
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_6568;Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;)V
ARG 2 delegate
CLASS class_6950 CacheOnce
FIELD field_36606 delegate Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
FIELD field_36607 sampleUniqueIndex J
FIELD field_36608 cacheOnceUniqueIndex J
FIELD field_36609 lastSamplingResult D
FIELD field_36610 cache [D
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_6568;Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;)V
ARG 2 delegate
CLASS class_6951 FlatCache
FIELD field_36612 delegate Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;
FIELD field_36613 cache [[D
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_6568;Lnet/minecraft/class_6910;Z)V
ARG 2 delegate
ARG 3 sample
CLASS class_6952 ParentedNoiseType