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CLASS net/minecraft/class_3580 net/minecraft/datafixer/fix/BlockStateFlattening
FIELD field_15831 OLD_STATE_TO_ID Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Object2IntMap;
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_15832 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger;
FIELD field_15833 OLD_BLOCK_TO_ID Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Object2IntMap;
2020-05-20 12:12:58 -04:00
METHOD method_15594 lookupState (I)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;
ARG 0 stateId
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_15596 putStates (ILjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
ARG 0 oldId
ARG 1 newStateStr
ARG 2 oldStateStrings
2020-05-20 12:12:58 -04:00
METHOD method_15597 lookupState (Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;
METHOD method_15598 parseState (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/mojang/serialization/Dynamic;
ARG 0 stateStr
METHOD method_15599 lookupStateBlock (I)Ljava/lang/String;
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
ARG 0 stateId
METHOD method_15600 lookupBlock (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
ARG 0 oldBlockName
METHOD method_22426 fillEmptyStates ()V
METHOD method_31448 putStatesFromBlocks0To15 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 0 and 15 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31449 putStatesFromBlocks16To31 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 16 and 31 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31450 putStatesFromBlocks32To47 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 32 and 47 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31451 putStatesFromBlocks48To63 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 48 and 63 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31452 putStatesFromBlocks64To79 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 64 and 79 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31453 putStatesFromBlocks80To95 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 80 and 95 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31454 putStatesFromBlocks96To111 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 96 and 111 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31455 putStatesFromBlocks112To127 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 112 and 127 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31456 putStatesFromBlocks128To143 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 128 and 143 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31457 putStatesFromBlocks144To159 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 144 and 159 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31458 putStatesFromBlocks160To175 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 160 and 175 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31459 putStatesFromBlocks176To191 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 176 and 191 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31460 putStatesFromBlocks192To207 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 192 and 207 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31461 putStatesFromBlocks208To223 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 208 and 223 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31462 putStatesFromBlocks224To239 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 224 and 239 before 1.13.
METHOD method_31463 putStatesFromBlocks240To255 ()V
COMMENT Adds states to flatten from the blocks which had numeric IDs between 240 and 255 before 1.13.