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CLASS net/minecraft/class_4491 com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderCallStorage
COMMENT A storage of render calls with recording and processing states. It exposes
COMMENT three queues: a recording queue, a processing queue, and a last processed
COMMENT queue. The recording queue is equal to the processing queue during processing
COMMENT and different during recording.
COMMENT <p>This storage appears to be a work in progress, as its processing currently
COMMENT performs no operation.
FIELD field_20453 recordingQueues Ljava/util/List;
FIELD field_20454 recordingIndex I
FIELD field_20455 processingIndex I
FIELD field_20456 lastProcessedIndex I
FIELD field_31899 recording Z
FIELD field_31900 processing Z
METHOD method_35599 canRecord ()Z
METHOD method_35600 record (Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V
ARG 1 call
METHOD method_35601 startRecording ()Z
METHOD method_35602 stopRecording ()V
METHOD method_35603 canProcess ()Z
METHOD method_35604 startProcessing ()Z
METHOD method_35605 process ()V
COMMENT No-op, but it seems like processing by method order and the check in method body.
METHOD method_35606 stopProcessing ()V
METHOD method_35607 getLastProcessedQueue ()Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
METHOD method_35608 getRecordingQueue ()Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
METHOD method_35609 getProcessingQueue ()Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue;