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CLASS net/minecraft/class_2540 net/minecraft/network/PacketByteBuf
COMMENT A packet byte buf is a specialized byte buf with utility methods adapted
COMMENT to Minecraft's protocol. It has serialization and deserialization of
COMMENT custom objects.
COMMENT <div class="fabric"><table border=1>
COMMENT <caption>Custom object handling</caption>
COMMENT <th><b>Object Type</b></th> <th><b>read method</b></th> <th><b>write method</b></th>
COMMENT <td>Codec-based (NBT)</td><td>{@link #decode(DynamicOps, Codec, NbtSizeTracker)}</td><td>{@link #encode(DynamicOps, Codec, Object)}</td>
2023-02-17 02:09:46 -05:00
COMMENT <td>Codec-based (JSON)</td><td>{@link #decodeAsJson(Codec)}</td><td>{@link #encodeAsJson(Codec, Object)}</td>
COMMENT <td>Integer-identified value</td><td>{@link #decode(IntFunction)}</td><td>{@link #encode(ToIntFunction, Object)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Collection}</td><td>{@link #readCollection(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)}</td><td>{@link #writeCollection(Collection, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link IntList}</td><td>{@link #readIntList()}</td><td>{@link #writeIntList(IntList)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Map}</td><td>{@link #readMap(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)}</td><td>{@link #writeMap(Map, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link EnumSet}</td><td>{@link #readEnumSet(Class)}</td><td>{@link #writeEnumSet(EnumSet, Class)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@code byte[]}</td><td>{@link #readByteArray()}</td><td>{@link #writeByteArray(byte[])}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@code int[]}</td><td>{@link #readIntArray()}</td><td>{@link #writeIntArray(int[])}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@code long[]}</td><td>{@link #readLongArray()}</td><td>{@link #writeLongArray(long[])}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link BlockPos}</td><td>{@link #readBlockPos()}</td><td>{@link #writeBlockPos(BlockPos)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link ChunkPos}</td><td>{@link #readChunkPos()}</td><td>{@link #writeChunkPos(ChunkPos)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link ChunkSectionPos}</td><td>{@link #readChunkSectionPos()}</td><td>{@link #writeChunkSectionPos(ChunkSectionPos)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link GlobalPos}</td><td>{@link #readGlobalPos()}</td><td>{@link #writeGlobalPos(GlobalPos)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Vector3f}</td><td>{@link #readVector3f()}</td><td>{@link #writeVector3f(Vector3f)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Vec3d}</td><td>{@link #readVec3d()}</td><td>{@link #writeVec3d(Vec3d)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Quaternionf}</td><td>{@link #readQuaternionf()}</td><td>{@link #writeQuaternionf(Quaternionf)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Enum}</td><td>{@link #readEnumConstant(Class)}</td><td>{@link #writeEnumConstant(Enum)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@index VarInt}</td><td>{@link #readVarInt()}</td><td>{@link #writeVarInt(int)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@index VarLong}</td><td>{@link #readVarLong()}</td><td>{@link #writeVarLong(long)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link UUID}</td><td>{@link #readUuid()}</td><td>{@link #writeUuid(UUID)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link NbtCompound}</td><td>{@link #readNbt()}</td><td>{@link #writeNbt(NbtCompound)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link String}</td><td>{@link #readString()}</td><td>{@link #writeString(String)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Identifier}</td><td>{@link #readIdentifier()}</td><td>{@link #writeIdentifier(Identifier)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link RegistryKey}</td><td>{@link #readRegistryKey(RegistryKey)}</td><td>{@link #writeRegistryKey(RegistryKey)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link RegistryKey} of a registry</td><td>{@link #readRegistryRefKey()}</td><td>{@link #writeRegistryKey(RegistryKey)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Date}</td><td>{@link #readDate()}</td><td>{@link #writeDate(Date)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Instant}</td><td>{@link #readInstant()}</td><td>{@link #writeInstant(Instant)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link PublicKey}</td><td>{@link #readPublicKey()}</td><td>{@link #writePublicKey(PublicKey)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link BlockHitResult}</td><td>{@link #readBlockHitResult()}</td><td>{@link #writeBlockHitResult(BlockHitResult)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link BitSet}</td><td>{@link #readBitSet()}</td><td>{@link #writeBitSet(BitSet)}</td>
COMMENT <td>{@link Optional}</td><td>{@link #readOptional(PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)}</td><td>{@link #writeOptional(Optional, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)}</td>
COMMENT <td>Nullable value</td><td>{@link #readNullable(PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)}</td><td>{@link #writeNullable(Object, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)}</td>
COMMENT </table></div>
COMMENT <p>All {@code read} and {@code write} methods throw {@link
COMMENT IndexOutOfBoundsException} if there is not enough bytes to be read or
COMMENT not enough space to write.
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
FIELD field_11695 parent Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
COMMENT The default max length of strings {@linkplain #readString() read} or {@linkplain
COMMENT #writeString(String) written}. This is also the max length of identifiers
COMMENT {@linkplain #readIdentifier() read} or {@linkplain #writeIdentifier(Identifier)
COMMENT written} in their string form.
COMMENT The maximum size, in terms of JSON string length, allowed for serialized texts.
COMMENT The maximum size, in number of bytes, allowed of the NBT compound read by
COMMENT {@link #readNbt()}.
2023-02-17 02:09:46 -05:00
FIELD field_42966 GSON Lcom/google/gson/Gson;
METHOD <init> (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)V
COMMENT Creates a packet byte buf that delegates its operations to the {@code
COMMENT parent} buf.
ARG 1 parent
COMMENT the parent, or delegate, buf
2021-10-16 08:52:39 -04:00
METHOD bytesBefore (B)I
ARG 1 value
METHOD bytesBefore (IB)I
ARG 1 length
ARG 2 value
METHOD bytesBefore (IIB)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
ARG 3 value
METHOD capacity (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 capacity
METHOD compareTo (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
ARG 1 buf
METHOD copy (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD ensureWritable (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 minBytes
METHOD ensureWritable (IZ)I
ARG 1 minBytes
ARG 2 force
METHOD equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
ARG 1 o
2021-10-16 08:52:39 -04:00
METHOD forEachByte (IILio/netty/util/ByteProcessor;)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
ARG 3 byteProcessor
METHOD forEachByte (Lio/netty/util/ByteProcessor;)I
ARG 1 byteProcessor
METHOD forEachByteDesc (IILio/netty/util/ByteProcessor;)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
ARG 3 byteProcessor
METHOD forEachByteDesc (Lio/netty/util/ByteProcessor;)I
ARG 1 byteProcessor
METHOD getBoolean (I)Z
ARG 1 index
METHOD getByte (I)B
ARG 1 index
METHOD getBytes (ILio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
METHOD getBytes (ILio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
ARG 3 length
METHOD getBytes (ILio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
ARG 3 outputIndex
ARG 4 length
METHOD getBytes (ILjava/io/OutputStream;I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 stream
ARG 3 length
METHOD getBytes (ILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
METHOD getBytes (ILjava/nio/channels/FileChannel;JI)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 channel
ARG 3 pos
ARG 5 length
METHOD getBytes (ILjava/nio/channels/GatheringByteChannel;I)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 channel
ARG 3 length
METHOD getBytes (I[B)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 bytes
METHOD getBytes (I[BII)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 bytes
ARG 3 outputIndex
ARG 4 length
METHOD getChar (I)C
ARG 1 index
METHOD getCharSequence (IILjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
ARG 3 charset
METHOD getDouble (I)D
ARG 1 index
METHOD getFloat (I)F
ARG 1 index
METHOD getInt (I)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 1 index
METHOD getLong (I)J
ARG 1 index
ARG 1 index
METHOD getMedium (I)I
ARG 1 index
METHOD getMediumLE (I)I
ARG 1 index
METHOD getShort (I)S
ARG 1 index
METHOD getShortLE (I)S
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedByte (I)S
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedInt (I)J
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedIntLE (I)J
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedMedium (I)I
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedMediumLE (I)I
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedShort (I)I
ARG 1 index
METHOD getUnsignedShortLE (I)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 1 from
ARG 2 to
ARG 3 value
METHOD internalNioBuffer (II)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD isReadable (I)Z
ARG 1 size
METHOD isWritable (I)Z
ARG 1 size
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10787 readIntArray ()[I
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive ints from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the var int entries. The array
COMMENT does not have a length limit.
COMMENT @implNote An int array has the same format as a list of ints.
COMMENT @see #readIntArray(int)
COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[])
COMMENT @see #readIntList()
COMMENT @return the read byte array
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10788 writeString (Ljava/lang/String;I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a string to this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of
COMMENT its UTF-8 data. That byte array can have a maximum length of
COMMENT {@code maxLength}.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the byte array of the
COMMENT string to write is longer than {@code maxLength}
COMMENT @see #readString()
COMMENT @see #readString(int)
COMMENT @see #writeString(String)
ARG 1 string
ARG 2 maxLength
COMMENT the max length of the byte array
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10789 writeLongArray ([J)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes an array of primitive longs to this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var
COMMENT long) values.
COMMENT @see #readLongArray()
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
ARG 1 array
COMMENT the array to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10790 readUuid ()Ljava/util/UUID;
COMMENT Reads a UUID (universally unique identifier) from this buf. A UUID is
COMMENT represented by two regular longs.
COMMENT @return the read UUID
COMMENT @see #writeUuid(UUID)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10791 writeVarLong (J)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a single var long to this buf.
COMMENT <p>Compared to regular longs, var longs may use less bytes when
COMMENT representing smaller positive numbers.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readVarLong()
COMMENT @see net.minecraft.network.encoding.VarLongs
ARG 1 value
COMMENT the value to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10792 readVarLong ()J
COMMENT Reads a single var long from this buf.
COMMENT @return the value read
COMMENT @see #writeVarLong(long)
2023-08-02 13:18:08 -04:00
METHOD method_10794 writeNbt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT Writes an NBT element to this buf. The binary representation of NBT is
COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If {@code nbt} is {@code
COMMENT null}, it is treated as an NBT null.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be
COMMENT written
COMMENT @see #readNbt()
COMMENT @see #readNbt(NbtSizeTracker)
ARG 1 nbt
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10795 readByteArray ()[B
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive bytes from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the actual bytes. The array
COMMENT does not have a length limit.
COMMENT @see #readByteArray(int)
COMMENT @see #writeByteArray(byte[])
COMMENT @return the read byte array
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10796 writeDate (Ljava/util/Date;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a date to this buf. A date is represented by its time, a regular
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readDate()
ARG 1 date
COMMENT the date to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10797 writeUuid (Ljava/util/UUID;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a UUID (universally unique identifier) to this buf. A UUID is
COMMENT represented by two regular longs.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readUuid()
ARG 1 uuid
COMMENT the UUID to write
METHOD method_10798 readNbt ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT Reads an NBT compound from this buf. The binary representation of NBT is
COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If an NBT null is encountered,
COMMENT this method returns {@code null}. The compound can have a maximum size of
COMMENT {@value #MAX_READ_NBT_SIZE} bytes.
COMMENT <p>Note that unlike {@link #readNbt(NbtSizeTracker)}, this can only
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT read compounds.
COMMENT @return the read compound, may be {@code null}
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be read
COMMENT @throws net.minecraft.nbt.NbtSizeValidationException if the compound exceeds the allowed maximum size
COMMENT @see #writeNbt(NbtCompound)
COMMENT @see #readNbt(NbtSizeTracker)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10799 readIntArray (I)[I
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive ints from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the var int entries. The array
COMMENT has a length limit given by {@code maxSize}.
COMMENT @implNote An int array has the same format as a list of ints.
COMMENT @see #readIntArray()
COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[])
COMMENT @return the read byte array
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the read array has a
COMMENT length over {@code maxSize}
ARG 1 maxSize
COMMENT the max length of the read array
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10800 readString (I)Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT Reads a string from this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of
COMMENT its UTF-8 data. The string can have a maximum length of {@code maxLength}.
COMMENT @return the string read
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the string read
COMMENT is longer than {@code maxLength}
COMMENT @see #readString()
COMMENT @see #writeString(String)
COMMENT @see #writeString(String, int)
ARG 1 maxLength
COMMENT the maximum length of the string read
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10801 readLongArray ([J)[J
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive longs from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var
COMMENT long) values. The array does not have a length limit.
COMMENT <p>Only when {@code toArray} is not {@code null} and {@code
COMMENT toArray.length} equals to the length var int read will the {@code
COMMENT toArray} be reused and returned; otherwise, a new array
COMMENT of proper size is created.
COMMENT @see #writeLongArray(long[])
COMMENT @see #readLongArray()
COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[], int)
COMMENT @return the read long array
ARG 1 toArray
COMMENT the array to reuse
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10802 readDate ()Ljava/util/Date;
COMMENT Reads a date from this buf. A date is represented by its time, a regular
COMMENT @return the read date
COMMENT @see #writeDate(Date)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10803 readByteArray (I)[B
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive bytes from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the actual bytes. The array
COMMENT has a length limit given by {@code maxSize}.
COMMENT @see #readByteArray()
COMMENT @see #writeByteArray(byte[])
COMMENT @return the read byte array
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the read array has a
COMMENT length over {@code maxSize}
ARG 1 maxSize
COMMENT the max length of the read array
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10804 writeVarInt (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a single var int to this buf.
COMMENT <p>Compared to regular ints, var ints may use less bytes (ranging from 1
COMMENT to 5, where regular ints use 4) when representing smaller positive
COMMENT numbers.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readVarInt()
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT @see net.minecraft.network.encoding.VarInts
ARG 1 value
COMMENT the value to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10806 writeIntArray ([I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes an array of primitive ints to this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the var int entries.
COMMENT @implNote An int array has the same format as a list of ints.
COMMENT @see #readIntArray(int)
COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[])
COMMENT @see #writeIntList(IntList)
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
ARG 1 array
COMMENT the array to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10807 writeBlockPos (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a block position to this buf. A block position is represented by
COMMENT a regular long.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readBlockPos()
ARG 1 pos
COMMENT the pos to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10809 readLongArray ([JI)[J
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive longs from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var
COMMENT long) values. The array has a length limit of {@code maxSize}.
COMMENT <p>Only when {@code toArray} is not {@code null} and {@code
COMMENT toArray.length} equals to the length var int read will the {@code
COMMENT toArray} be reused and returned; otherwise, a new array
COMMENT of proper size is created.
COMMENT @see #writeLongArray(long[])
COMMENT @see #readLongArray()
COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[])
COMMENT @return the read long array
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the read array has a
COMMENT length over {@code maxSize}
2018-11-04 07:22:38 -05:00
ARG 1 toArray
COMMENT the array to reuse
ARG 2 maxSize
COMMENT the max length of the read array
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10810 readIdentifier ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;
COMMENT Reads an identifier from this buf. An identifier is represented by its
COMMENT string form. The read identifier's string form can have a max length of
COMMENT @return the read identifier
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the identifier's
COMMENT string form is longer than {@value #DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH}
COMMENT @see #writeIdentifier(Identifier)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10811 readBlockPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
COMMENT Reads a block position from this buf. A block position is represented by
COMMENT a regular long.
COMMENT @return the read block pos
COMMENT @see #writeBlockPos(BlockPos)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10812 writeIdentifier (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes an identifier to this buf. An identifier is represented by its
COMMENT string form. The written identifier's byte array can have a max length of
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code id}'s
COMMENT byte array is longer than {@value #DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH}
COMMENT @see #readIdentifier()
ARG 1 id
COMMENT the identifier to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10813 writeByteArray ([B)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes an array of primitive bytes to this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the actual bytes.
COMMENT @see #readByteArray()
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
ARG 1 array
COMMENT the array to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10814 writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a string to this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of
COMMENT its UTF-8 data. That byte array can have a maximum length of
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the byte array of the
COMMENT string to write is longer than {@value #DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH}
COMMENT @see #readString()
COMMENT @see #readString(int)
COMMENT @see #writeString(String, int)
ARG 1 string
COMMENT the string to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10816 readVarInt ()I
COMMENT Reads a single var int from this buf.
COMMENT @return the value read
COMMENT @see #writeVarInt(int)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10817 writeEnumConstant (Ljava/lang/Enum;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes an enum constant to this buf. An enum constant is represented
COMMENT by a var int indicating its ordinal.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readEnumConstant(Class)
ARG 1 instance
COMMENT the enum constant to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_10818 readEnumConstant (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Enum;
COMMENT Reads an enum constant from this buf. An enum constant is represented
COMMENT by a var int indicating its ordinal.
COMMENT @return the read enum constant
COMMENT @see #writeEnumConstant(Enum)
ARG 1 enumClass
COMMENT the enum class, for constant lookup
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_17813 writeBlockHitResult (Lnet/minecraft/class_3965;)V
COMMENT Writes a block hit result to this buf. A block hit result is represented
COMMENT by a block position, a direction enum constant, 3 floats for the hit
COMMENT offset position, and a boolean for whether the hit was inside a block.
COMMENT @see #readBlockHitResult()
ARG 1 hitResult
COMMENT the block hit result to write
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_17814 readBlockHitResult ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3965;
COMMENT Reads a block hit result from this buf. A block hit result is represented
COMMENT by a block position, a direction enum constant, 3 floats for the hit
COMMENT offset position, and a boolean for whether the hit was inside a block.
COMMENT @return the read block hit result
COMMENT @see #writeBlockHitResult(BlockHitResult)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_19456 readChunkSectionPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;
COMMENT Reads a chunk section position from this buf. A chunk section position is
COMMENT represented by a regular long.
COMMENT @return the read chunk section pos
COMMENT @see #writeChunkSectionPos(ChunkSectionPos)
2019-06-28 17:55:20 -04:00
METHOD method_19772 readString ()Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT Reads a string from this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of
COMMENT its UTF-8 data. The string can have a maximum length of {@value
COMMENT @return the string read
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the string read
COMMENT exceeds the maximum length
COMMENT @see #readString(int)
COMMENT @see #writeString(String)
COMMENT @see #writeString(String, int)
2023-08-02 13:18:08 -04:00
METHOD method_29171 decode (Lcom/mojang/serialization/DynamicOps;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;Lnet/minecraft/class_2505;)Ljava/lang/Object;
COMMENT Reads an object from this buf as a compound NBT with the given codec.
COMMENT @param <T> the decoded object's type
COMMENT @return the read object
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails
COMMENT to decode the compound NBT
2023-01-24 14:05:59 -05:00
COMMENT @see #encode(DynamicOps, Codec, Object)
ARG 1 ops
ARG 2 codec
ARG 3 sizeTracker
2023-08-02 13:18:08 -04:00
METHOD method_29172 encode (Lcom/mojang/serialization/DynamicOps;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes an object to this buf as a compound NBT with the given codec.
COMMENT @param <T> the encoded object's type
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails
COMMENT to encode the compound NBT
COMMENT @see #decode(DynamicOps, Codec, NbtSizeTracker)
2023-01-24 14:05:59 -05:00
ARG 1 ops
ARG 2 codec
ARG 3 value
2023-08-02 13:18:08 -04:00
METHOD method_30616 readNbt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2505;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT Reads an NBT element from this buf. The binary representation of NBT is
COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If an NBT null is encountered,
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT this method returns {@code null}. The element can have a maximum size
COMMENT controlled by the {@code sizeTracker}.
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT @return the read element, may be {@code null}
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be read
COMMENT @throws net.minecraft.nbt.NbtSizeValidationException if the element exceeds the allowed maximum size
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT @see #writeNbt(NbtElement)
COMMENT @see #readNbt()
ARG 1 sizeTracker
METHOD method_33134 readLongArray ()[J
COMMENT Reads an array of primitive longs from this buf. The array first has a
COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var
COMMENT long) values. The array does not have a length limit.
COMMENT @see #writeLongArray(long[])
COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[])
COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[], int)
COMMENT @return the read long array
METHOD method_33557 writeBitSet (Ljava/util/BitSet;)V
COMMENT Writes a bit set to this buf. A bit set is represented by a long array.
COMMENT @see #readBitSet()
ARG 1 bitSet
COMMENT the bit set to write
METHOD method_33558 readBitSet ()Ljava/util/BitSet;
COMMENT Reads a bit set from this buf. A bit set is represented by a long array.
COMMENT @return the read bit set
COMMENT @see #writeBitSet(BitSet)
METHOD method_34059 readIntList ()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;
COMMENT Reads a list of primitive ints from this buf. The ints are stored as var
COMMENT ints, with an extra var int in the beginning indicating the size.
COMMENT @apiNote To limit the length of the list or array read, use
COMMENT {@link #readIntArray(int)}.
COMMENT @implNote A list of ints has the same format as an int array.
COMMENT @return the read list
COMMENT @see #writeIntList(IntList)
COMMENT @see #readIntArray()
METHOD method_34060 writeIntList (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)V
COMMENT Writes a list of primitive ints from this buf. The ints are stored as var
COMMENT ints, with an extra var int in the beginning indicating the size.
COMMENT @implNote A list of ints has the same format as an int array.
COMMENT @see #readIntList()
COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[])
ARG 1 list
COMMENT the list to write
METHOD method_34061 (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException;
ARG 1 error
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METHOD method_34062 writeCollection (Ljava/util/Collection;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;)V
COMMENT Writes a collection to this buf. The collection is stored as a leading
COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by the entries
COMMENT sequentially.
COMMENT @param <T> the list's entry type
COMMENT @see #readCollection(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 collection
COMMENT the collection to write
ARG 2 writer
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_34063 writeMap (Ljava/util/Map;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;)V
COMMENT Writes a map to this buf. The map is stored as a leading
COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by each key and value
COMMENT @param <K> the key type
COMMENT @param <V> the value type
COMMENT @see #readMap(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 map
COMMENT the map to write
ARG 2 keyWriter
ARG 3 valueWriter
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_34064 (Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
ARG 3 key
ARG 4 value
METHOD method_34065 forEachInCollection (Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
COMMENT Iterates a collection from this buf. The collection is stored as a leading
COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} {@code size} followed by the entries
COMMENT sequentially. The {@code consumer} will be called {@code size} times.
COMMENT @see #readCollection(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 consumer
COMMENT the consumer to read entries
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_34066 readList (Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/util/List;
COMMENT Reads a collection from this buf as an array list.
COMMENT @param <T> the list's entry type
COMMENT @return the read list
COMMENT @see #readCollection(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 reader
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_34067 readMap (Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/util/Map;
COMMENT Reads a map from this buf as a hash map.
COMMENT @param <K> the key type
COMMENT @param <V> the value type
COMMENT @return the read map
COMMENT @see #readMap(IntFunction, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 keyReader
ARG 2 valueReader
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_34068 readCollection (Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/util/Collection;
COMMENT Reads a collection from this buf. The collection is stored as a leading
COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by the entries
COMMENT sequentially.
COMMENT @param <T> the collection's entry type
COMMENT @param <C> the collection's type
COMMENT @return the read collection
COMMENT @see #writeCollection(Collection, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)
COMMENT @see #readList(PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 collectionFactory
COMMENT a factory that creates a collection with a given size
ARG 2 reader
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_34069 readMap (Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/util/Map;
COMMENT Reads a map from this buf. The map is stored as a leading
COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by each key and value
COMMENT @param <K> the key type
COMMENT @param <V> the value type
COMMENT @param <M> the map type
COMMENT @return the read map
COMMENT @see #writeMap(Map, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)
COMMENT @see #readMap(PacketByteBuf.PacketReader, PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 mapFactory
COMMENT a factory that creates a map with a given size
2024-01-19 22:06:48 -05:00
ARG 2 keyReader
ARG 3 valueReader
2023-08-02 13:18:08 -04:00
METHOD method_34070 (Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException;
ARG 1 error
METHOD method_36130 writeChunkPos (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a chunk position to this buf. A chunk position is represented by
COMMENT a regular long.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readChunkPos()
ARG 1 pos
COMMENT the chunk position to write
METHOD method_36131 writeChunkSectionPos (Lnet/minecraft/class_4076;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Reads a chunk section position from this buf. A chunk section position is
COMMENT represented by a regular long.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readChunkSectionPos()
ARG 1 pos
COMMENT the section position to write
METHOD method_36133 readChunkPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;
COMMENT Reads a chunk position from this buf. A chunk position is represented by
COMMENT a regular long.
COMMENT @return the read chunk position
COMMENT @see #writeChunkPos(ChunkPos)
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_37435 writeOptional (Ljava/util/Optional;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;)V
COMMENT Writes an optional value to this buf. An optional value is represented by
COMMENT a boolean indicating if the value is present, followed by the value only if
COMMENT the value is present.
COMMENT @see #readOptional(PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 value
ARG 2 writer
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_37436 readOptional (Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/util/Optional;
COMMENT Reads an optional value from this buf. An optional value is represented by
COMMENT a boolean indicating if the value is present, followed by the value only if
COMMENT the value is present.
COMMENT @return the read optional value
COMMENT @see #writeOptional(Optional, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)
ARG 1 reader
METHOD method_37452 (ILjava/util/function/IntFunction;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
ARG 2 value
METHOD method_37453 getMaxValidator (Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;I)Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;
ARG 0 applier
ARG 1 max
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_43826 writeNullable (Ljava/lang/Object;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;)V
COMMENT Writes a nullable value to this buf. A nullable value is represented by
COMMENT a boolean indicating if the value is not null, followed by the value only if
COMMENT the value is not null.
COMMENT @see #readNullable(PacketByteBuf.PacketReader)
ARG 1 value
ARG 2 writer
2024-01-17 11:52:02 -05:00
METHOD method_43827 readNullable (Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/lang/Object;
COMMENT Reads a nullable value from this buf. A nullable value is represented by
COMMENT a boolean indicating if the value is not null, followed by the value only if
COMMENT the value is not null.
COMMENT @return the read nullable value
COMMENT @see #writeNullable(Object, PacketByteBuf.PacketWriter)
ARG 1 reader
METHOD method_44112 readRegistryKey (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;
COMMENT Reads a registry key from this buf. A registry key is represented by its
COMMENT {@linkplain #readIdentifier value as an identifier}.
COMMENT @return the read registry key
COMMENT @see #writeRegistryKey(RegistryKey)
ARG 1 registryRef
COMMENT the registry key of the registry the read registry key belongs to
METHOD method_44113 writeGlobalPos (Lnet/minecraft/class_4208;)V
COMMENT Writes a global position to this buf. A global position is represented by
COMMENT {@linkplain #writeRegistryKey the registry key} of the dimension followed by
COMMENT {@linkplain #writeBlockPos the block position}.
COMMENT @see #readGlobalPos()
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_44114 writePublicKey (Ljava/security/PublicKey;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Writes a public key to this buf. A public key is represented by a {@linkplain
COMMENT #writeByteArray byte array} of X.509-encoded payload.
COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining
COMMENT @see #readPublicKey()
ARG 1 publicKey
METHOD method_44115 writeInstant (Ljava/time/Instant;)V
COMMENT Writes an instant to this buf. An instant is represented by the milliseconds
COMMENT since the epoch.
COMMENT @see #readInstant()
ARG 1 instant
METHOD method_44116 writeRegistryKey (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)V
COMMENT Writes a registry key to this buf. A registry key is represented by its
COMMENT {@linkplain #writeIdentifier value as an identifier}.
COMMENT @see #readRegistryKey(RegistryKey)
ARG 1 key
METHOD method_44117 readGlobalPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_4208;
COMMENT Reads a global position from this buf. A global position is represented by
COMMENT {@linkplain #readRegistryKey the registry key} of the dimension followed by
COMMENT {@linkplain #readBlockPos the block position}.
COMMENT @return the read global pos
COMMENT @see #writeGlobalPos(GlobalPos)
METHOD method_44118 readInstant ()Ljava/time/Instant;
COMMENT Reads an instant from this buf. An instant is represented by the milliseconds
COMMENT since the epoch.
COMMENT @return the read instant
COMMENT @see #writeInstant(Instant)
METHOD method_44119 readPublicKey ()Ljava/security/PublicKey;
COMMENT Reads a public key from this buf. A public key is represented by a {@linkplain
COMMENT #readByteArray byte array} of X.509-encoded payload.
COMMENT @return the read public key
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the public key is malformed
COMMENT @see #writePublicKey(PublicKey)
METHOD method_46251 readEnumSet (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/EnumSet;
COMMENT Reads an enum set from this buf. An enum set is represented by a bit set that indicates
COMMENT whether each element is in the set.
COMMENT @see #writeEnumSet
ARG 1 type
COMMENT the type of the enum
METHOD method_46252 writeBitSet (Ljava/util/BitSet;I)V
COMMENT Writes a bit set to this buf. A bit set is represented using its byte array representation.
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the bit set's length is above {@code size}
COMMENT @see BitSet#toByteArray
COMMENT @see #readBitSet
ARG 1 bitSet
ARG 2 size
COMMENT the maximum size of the bit set
METHOD method_46253 writeEnumSet (Ljava/util/EnumSet;Ljava/lang/Class;)V
COMMENT Writes an enum set to this buf. An enum set is represented by a bit set that indicates
COMMENT whether each element is in the set.
COMMENT @see #readEnumSet
ARG 1 enumSet
ARG 2 type
COMMENT the type of the enum
METHOD method_46254 readBitSet (I)Ljava/util/BitSet;
COMMENT Reads a bit set from this buf. A bit set is represented using its byte array representation.
COMMENT @see BitSet#valueOf
COMMENT @see #writeBitSet
ARG 1 size
COMMENT the maximum size of the bit set
METHOD method_49067 writeQuaternionf (Lorg/joml/Quaternionf;)V
COMMENT Writes a {@link Quaternionf} to this buf. A {@link Quaternionf} is represented
COMMENT by four {@code float}s.
COMMENT @see #readQuaternionf()
ARG 1 quaternionf
METHOD method_49068 writeVector3f (Lorg/joml/Vector3f;)V
COMMENT Writes a {@link Vector3f} to this buf. A {@link Vector3f} is represented by
COMMENT three {@code float}s.
COMMENT @see #readVector3f()
ARG 1 vector3f
METHOD method_49069 readVector3f ()Lorg/joml/Vector3f;
COMMENT Reads a {@link Vector3f} from this buf. A {@link Vector3f} is represented by
COMMENT three {@code float}s.
COMMENT @see #writeVector3f(Vector3f)
METHOD method_49070 readQuaternionf ()Lorg/joml/Quaternionf;
COMMENT Reads a {@link Quaternionf} from this buf. A {@link Quaternionf} is represented
COMMENT by four {@code float}s.
COMMENT @see #writeQuaternionf(Quaternionf)
2023-02-17 02:09:46 -05:00
METHOD method_49394 decodeAsJson (Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;)Ljava/lang/Object;
COMMENT Reads an object from this buf as a JSON element with the given codec.
COMMENT @param <T> the decoded object's type
COMMENT @return the read object
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails
COMMENT to decode the JSON element
COMMENT @see #encodeAsJson(Codec, Object)
2023-02-17 02:09:46 -05:00
ARG 1 codec
METHOD method_49395 encodeAsJson (Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
COMMENT Writes an object to this buf as a JSON element with the given codec.
COMMENT @param <T> the encoded object's type
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails
COMMENT to encode the JSON element
COMMENT @see #decodeAsJson(Codec)
ARG 1 codec
ARG 2 value
METHOD method_49396 (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/EncoderException;
ARG 1 error
METHOD method_49397 (Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/netty/handler/codec/DecoderException;
ARG 0 error
METHOD method_52954 decode (Lcom/mojang/serialization/DynamicOps;Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;)Ljava/lang/Object;
COMMENT Reads an object from this buf as a compound NBT with the given codec.
COMMENT @param <T> the decoded object's type
COMMENT @return the read object
COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails
COMMENT to decode the compound NBT
COMMENT @see #encode(DynamicOps, Codec, Object)
ARG 1 ops
ARG 2 codec
METHOD method_52955 writeVec3d (Lnet/minecraft/class_243;)V
COMMENT Writes a {@link Vec3d} to this buf. A {@link Vec3d} is represented
COMMENT by four {@code double}s.
COMMENT @see #readVec3d()
ARG 1 vec
METHOD method_52962 decode (Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;)Ljava/lang/Object;
COMMENT Reads a {@linkplain #readVarInt var int} representing an ID, then
COMMENT returns the value converted by {@code idToValue}.
COMMENT @see #encode(ToIntFunction, Object)
ARG 1 idToValue
COMMENT a function that gets the value from the integer ID
METHOD method_52963 encode (Ljava/util/function/ToIntFunction;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;
COMMENT Converts {@code value} to an integer representing its ID, then
COMMENT writes a {@linkplain #readVarInt var int} representation of such ID.
2023-08-05 19:18:31 -04:00
COMMENT @see #decode(IntFunction)
ARG 1 valueToId
COMMENT a function that gets the value's integer ID
ARG 2 value
METHOD method_52996 readVec3d ()Lnet/minecraft/class_243;
COMMENT Reads a {@link Vec3d} from this buf. A {@link Vec3d} is represented
COMMENT by four {@code double}s.
COMMENT @see #writeVec3d(Vec3d)
METHOD method_53006 readRegistryRefKey ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;
COMMENT Reads a registry key referencing another registry key from this buf.
COMMENT Such key is represented by its {@linkplain #readIdentifier value as an identifier}.
COMMENT <p>This is the same as {@code readRegistryKey(Registries.ROOT)}.
COMMENT To read a registry key of a registered object (such as biomes),
COMMENT use {@link #readRegistryKey(RegistryKey)}.
COMMENT @return the read registry key
COMMENT @see #readRegistryKey(RegistryKey)
COMMENT @see #writeRegistryKey(RegistryKey)
METHOD method_56335 readBlockPos (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
ARG 0 buf
METHOD method_56336 writeBlockPos (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_56337 writeUuid (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Ljava/util/UUID;)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 uuid
METHOD method_56338 writeQuaternionf (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Lorg/joml/Quaternionf;)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 quaternion
METHOD method_56339 writeVector3f (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Lorg/joml/Vector3f;)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 vector
METHOD method_56340 readNbt (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Lnet/minecraft/class_2505;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 sizeTracker
METHOD method_56341 writeNbt (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 nbt
METHOD method_56342 readVector3f (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lorg/joml/Vector3f;
ARG 0 buf
METHOD method_56343 readQuaternionf (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lorg/joml/Quaternionf;
ARG 0 buf
METHOD method_56344 readUuid (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Ljava/util/UUID;
ARG 0 buf
METHOD method_56345 readNbt (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
ARG 0 buf
METHOD method_56890 readByteArray (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)[B
ARG 0 buf
METHOD method_56891 readByteArray (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;I)[B
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 maxSize
METHOD method_56892 writeNullable (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Ljava/lang/Object;Lnet/minecraft/class_9142;)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 value
ARG 2 writer
METHOD method_56893 readNullable (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;Lnet/minecraft/class_9141;)Ljava/lang/Object;
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 reader
METHOD method_56894 writeByteArray (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;[B)V
ARG 0 buf
ARG 1 array
2021-10-16 08:52:39 -04:00
METHOD nioBuffer (II)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD nioBuffers (II)[Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD order (Ljava/nio/ByteOrder;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 byteOrder
METHOD readBytes (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 length
METHOD readBytes (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
METHOD readBytes (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
ARG 2 length
METHOD readBytes (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
ARG 2 outputIndex
ARG 3 length
METHOD readBytes (Ljava/io/OutputStream;I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 stream
ARG 2 length
METHOD readBytes (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
METHOD readBytes (Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;JI)I
ARG 1 channel
ARG 2 pos
ARG 4 length
METHOD readBytes (Ljava/nio/channels/GatheringByteChannel;I)I
ARG 1 channel
ARG 2 length
METHOD readBytes ([B)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 bytes
METHOD readBytes ([BII)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 bytes
ARG 2 outputIndex
ARG 3 length
METHOD readCharSequence (ILjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
ARG 1 length
ARG 2 charset
METHOD readRetainedSlice (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 length
METHOD readSlice (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 length
METHOD readerIndex (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
METHOD release (I)Z
ARG 1 decrement
METHOD retain (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 increment
2021-10-16 08:52:39 -04:00
METHOD retain (I)Lio/netty/util/ReferenceCounted;
ARG 1 increment
METHOD retainedSlice (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD setBoolean (IZ)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setByte (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setBytes (ILio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
METHOD setBytes (ILio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
ARG 3 length
METHOD setBytes (ILio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
ARG 3 sourceIndex
ARG 4 length
METHOD setBytes (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 stream
ARG 3 length
METHOD setBytes (ILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 buf
METHOD setBytes (ILjava/nio/channels/FileChannel;JI)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 channel
ARG 3 pos
ARG 5 length
METHOD setBytes (ILjava/nio/channels/ScatteringByteChannel;I)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 channel
ARG 3 length
METHOD setBytes (I[B)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 bytes
METHOD setBytes (I[BII)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 bytes
ARG 3 sourceIndex
ARG 4 length
METHOD setChar (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setCharSequence (ILjava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)I
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 sequence
ARG 3 charset
METHOD setDouble (ID)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setFloat (IF)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setIndex (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 readerIndex
ARG 2 writerIndex
METHOD setInt (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setIntLE (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setLong (IJ)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setLongLE (IJ)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setMedium (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setMediumLE (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setShort (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setShortLE (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 value
METHOD setZero (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD skipBytes (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 length
METHOD slice (II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
METHOD toString (IILjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
ARG 1 index
ARG 2 length
ARG 3 charset
METHOD toString (Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
ARG 1 charset
METHOD touch (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lio/netty/util/ReferenceCounted;
ARG 1 object
METHOD writeBoolean (Z)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeByte (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeBytes (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
METHOD writeBytes (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
ARG 2 length
METHOD writeBytes (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
ARG 2 sourceIndex
ARG 3 length
METHOD writeBytes (Ljava/io/InputStream;I)I
ARG 1 stream
ARG 2 length
METHOD writeBytes (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 buf
METHOD writeBytes (Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;JI)I
ARG 1 channel
ARG 2 pos
ARG 4 length
METHOD writeBytes (Ljava/nio/channels/ScatteringByteChannel;I)I
ARG 1 channel
ARG 2 length
METHOD writeBytes ([B)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 bytes
METHOD writeBytes ([BII)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 bytes
ARG 2 sourceIndex
ARG 3 length
METHOD writeChar (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeCharSequence (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)I
ARG 1 sequence
ARG 2 charset
METHOD writeDouble (D)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
2023-08-05 14:52:49 -04:00
METHOD writeFloat (F)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
2021-10-16 08:52:39 -04:00
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeInt (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeIntLE (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeLong (J)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeLongLE (J)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeMedium (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeMediumLE (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeShort (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeShortLE (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 value
METHOD writeZero (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 length
METHOD writerIndex (I)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;
ARG 1 index