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CLASS net/minecraft/class_5838 net/minecraft/server/world/SleepManager
COMMENT A sleep manager allows easy tracking of whether nights should be skipped
COMMENT on a {@linkplain ServerWorld server world}.
FIELD field_28866 total I
COMMENT The total number of players in a server world.
FIELD field_28867 sleeping I
COMMENT The number of players sleeping in a server world.
METHOD method_33811 clearSleeping ()V
COMMENT Resets the number of sleeping players to 0.
METHOD method_33812 canSkipNight (I)Z
COMMENT Returns if the number of sleeping players has reached a {@code percentage}
COMMENT out of all players.
COMMENT <p>This allows initiating the night sleeping process,
COMMENT but still needs players to have slept long enough (checked in {@linkplain
COMMENT #canResetTime(int, List) canResetTime}) to actually skip the night.
ARG 1 percentage
COMMENT the percentage of players required, as obtained from the game rule
METHOD method_33813 canResetTime (ILjava/util/List;)Z
COMMENT Returns if the night can actually be skipped at the tick this is called.
COMMENT <p>This is usually tested after {@linkplain #canSkipNight(int) canSkipNight},
COMMENT which is less performance intensive to check.
ARG 1 percentage
COMMENT the percentage of players required, as obtained from the game rule
ARG 2 players
COMMENT the list of all players in a world where the night would be skipped
METHOD method_33814 update (Ljava/util/List;)Z
COMMENT Updates the sleeping player and total player counts.
COMMENT @return {@code true} if the sleeping players or total players have
COMMENT changed
ARG 1 players
COMMENT the list of all players in a server world
METHOD method_33815 getSleeping ()I
COMMENT Returns the number of sleeping players.
METHOD method_33816 getNightSkippingRequirement (I)I
COMMENT Returns {@linkplain #sleeping the number of sleepers} needed to skip
COMMENT a night with the given {@code percentage}.
ARG 1 percentage
COMMENT the percentage of players required, as obtained from the game rule