diff --git a/mappings/net/minecraft/state/property/Properties.mapping b/mappings/net/minecraft/state/property/Properties.mapping index d99d6dc2a7..8f586f966f 100644 --- a/mappings/net/minecraft/state/property/Properties.mapping +++ b/mappings/net/minecraft/state/property/Properties.mapping @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_2741 net/minecraft/state/property/Properties FIELD field_12494 DELAY Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; COMMENT A property that specifies the delay a repeater will apply. FIELD field_12495 NORTH_WIRE_CONNECTION Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the north.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the north. FIELD field_12496 AXIS Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; COMMENT A property that specifies the axis a block is oriented to. FIELD field_12497 AGE_3 Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_2741 net/minecraft/state/property/Properties FIELD field_12503 STAIR_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; COMMENT A property that specifies the shape of a stair block. FIELD field_12504 WEST_WIRE_CONNECTION Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the west.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the west. FIELD field_12505 BITES Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; COMMENT A property that specifies the bites taken out of a cake. FIELD field_12506 CHEST_TYPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_2741 net/minecraft/state/property/Properties FIELD field_12522 TRIGGERED Lnet/minecraft/class_2746; COMMENT A property that specifies if a dispenser is activated. FIELD field_12523 EAST_WIRE_CONNECTION Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the east.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the east. FIELD field_12524 NOTE Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; COMMENT A property that specifies the pitch of a note block. FIELD field_12525 FACING Lnet/minecraft/class_2753; @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_2741 net/minecraft/state/property/Properties FIELD field_12550 AGE_7 Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; COMMENT A property that specifies the age of a block on a scale of 0 to 7. FIELD field_12551 SOUTH_WIRE_CONNECTION Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the south.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the south. FIELD field_12552 EXTENDED Lnet/minecraft/class_2746; COMMENT A property that specifies if a piston is extended. FIELD field_12553 DISARMED Lnet/minecraft/class_2746; @@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_2741 net/minecraft/state/property/Properties FIELD field_20432 HONEY_LEVEL Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; COMMENT A property that specifies the honey level of a beehive. FIELD field_22174 EAST_WALL_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the east.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the east. FIELD field_22175 NORTH_WALL_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the north.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the north. FIELD field_22176 SOUTH_WALL_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the south.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the south. FIELD field_22177 WEST_WALL_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2754; - COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the west.‌ + COMMENT A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the west. FIELD field_23084 VINE_END Lnet/minecraft/class_2746; FIELD field_23187 CHARGES Lnet/minecraft/class_2758; COMMENT A property that specifies the amount of charges a respawn anchor has.