NativeImage new stuff and refactors, significantly improve consistency (#2528)

Fixes #2527

Signed-off-by: liach <>

Co-authored-by: liach <>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
This commit is contained in:
liach 2021-08-31 14:40:12 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 19070213b2
commit 64b428097f
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 81 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
FIELD field_21684 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger;
COMMENT The bit offset of the alpha data in the {@linkplain Format#RGBA RGBA} format.
COMMENT Is {@value}. Notice the alpha data in {@linkplain Format#LUMINANCE_ALPHA
COMMENT luminance-alpha} format has a different offset of {@code 8}.
COMMENT The bit offset of the blue data in the {@linkplain Format#RGBA RGBA} or the
COMMENT {@linkplain Format#RGB RGB} formats. Is {@value}.
COMMENT The bit offset of the green data in the {@linkplain Format#RGBA RGBA} or the
COMMENT {@linkplain Format#RGB RGB} formats. Is {@value}.
FIELD field_32034 RED_OFFSET I
COMMENT The bit offset of the red data in the {@linkplain Format#RGBA RGBA} or the
COMMENT {@linkplain Format#RGB RGB} formats. Is {@value}.
FIELD field_4986 format Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
FIELD field_4987 sizeBytes J
FIELD field_4988 pointer J
@ -38,13 +51,15 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
ARG 11 close
METHOD method_24030 getAlpha (I)I
ARG 0 color
METHOD method_24031 getAbgrColor (IIII)I
COMMENT The resulting color of this operation is stored as least to most significant bits.
METHOD method_24031 packColor (IIII)I
COMMENT The resulting color of this operation is stored as RGBA from least to most
COMMENT significant bits, or from smallest to biggest bits.
ARG 0 alpha
ARG 1 blue
ARG 2 green
ARG 3 red
METHOD method_24032 write (Ljava/nio/channels/WritableByteChannel;)Z
ARG 1 channel
METHOD method_24033 getRed (I)I
ARG 0 color
METHOD method_24034 getGreen (I)I
@ -52,14 +67,18 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
METHOD method_24035 getBlue (I)I
ARG 0 color
METHOD method_24036 getBytes ()[B
METHOD method_35621 setPixelLuminance (IIB)V
METHOD method_35620 readDepthComponent (F)V
ARG 1 unused
METHOD method_35621 setLuminance (IIB)V
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
ARG 3 luminance
METHOD method_35622 writeTo (Ljava/lang/String;)V
ARG 1 path
METHOD method_35623 getRed (II)B
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
METHOD method_35624 blendPixel (III)V
METHOD method_35624 blend (III)V
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
ARG 3 color
@ -69,6 +88,9 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
METHOD method_35626 getBlue (II)B
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
METHOD method_35627 drawPixels ()V
COMMENT Use {@code upload} to upload this image to GL so it can be used later. This
COMMENT method is not used in vanilla, and its side effects are not yet known.
METHOD method_36559 isOutOfBounds (II)Z
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
@ -86,6 +108,7 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
METHOD method_4302 untrack ()V
METHOD method_4303 read (Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1011;
ARG 0 format
ARG 1 buffer
METHOD method_4304 copyRect (IIIIIIZZ)V
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
@ -95,22 +118,27 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
ARG 6 height
ARG 7 flipX
ARG 8 flipY
METHOD method_4305 setPixelColor (III)V
METHOD method_4305 setColor (III)V
COMMENT Sets the color of a pixel on this native image.
COMMENT The color to be set using this method should be in a ABGR format.
COMMENT The color to be set by this method will be in a big-endian (from biggest
COMMENT to smallest bits) ABGR format, or little-endian RGBA.
COMMENT <p>This is only supported when this native image's format is {@link NativeImage.Format#ABGR ABGR}
COMMENT @throws IllegalArgumentException when this native image's format is not
COMMENT {@linkplain Format#RGBA little-endian RGBA}, or the coordinate is out-of-bounds
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
ARG 3 color
COMMENT the color, with red at smallest and alpha at biggest bits
METHOD method_4307 getWidth ()I
METHOD method_4308 setTextureFilter (ZZ)V
ARG 0 blur
ARG 1 mipmap
METHOD method_4309 read (Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1011;
ARG 0 stream
METHOD method_4310 read (Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1011;
ARG 0 format
METHOD method_4311 getPixelOpacity (II)B
ARG 1 stream
METHOD method_4311 getOpacity (II)B
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
METHOD method_4312 upload (IIIIIIIZZ)V
@ -123,13 +151,16 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
ARG 7 height
ARG 8 mipmap
ARG 9 close
METHOD method_4314 writeFile (Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V
METHOD method_4314 writeTo (Ljava/nio/file/Path;)V
ARG 1 path
METHOD method_4315 getPixelColor (II)I
METHOD method_4315 getColor (II)I
COMMENT Gets the color of a pixel on this native image.
COMMENT The color returned by this method will be in a ABGR format.
COMMENT The color returned by this method will be in a big-endian (from biggest
COMMENT to smallest bits) ABGR format, or little-endian RGBA.
COMMENT <p>This is only supported when this native image's format is {@link NativeImage.Format#ABGR ABGR}.
COMMENT @throws IllegalArgumentException when this native image's format is not
COMMENT {@linkplain Format#RGBA little-endian RGBA}, or the coordinate is out-of-bounds
COMMENT @return the color, with red at smallest and alpha at biggest bits
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
METHOD method_4316 makeGlyphBitmapSubpixel (Lorg/lwjgl/stb/STBTTFontinfo;IIIFFFFII)V
@ -163,7 +194,9 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
METHOD method_4322 makePixelArray ()[I
METHOD method_4323 getHeight ()I
METHOD method_4324 read (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1011;
METHOD method_4325 writeFile (Ljava/io/File;)V
ARG 0 buffer
METHOD method_4325 writeTo (Ljava/io/File;)V
ARG 1 path
METHOD method_4326 fillRect (IIIII)V
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 y
@ -174,23 +207,30 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
ARG 1 level
ARG 2 removeAlpha
CLASS class_1012 Format
FIELD field_4993 pixelDataFormat I
FIELD field_4993 glFormat I
FIELD field_4994 channelCount I
FIELD field_4996 writeable Z
FIELD field_4997 ABGR Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
FIELD field_4997 RGBA Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
COMMENT The format stores RGBA in little endian order, so it's ABGR from the biggest to
COMMENT the smallest bits.
FIELD field_4999 hasAlpha Z
FIELD field_5000 hasLuminance Z
FIELD field_5001 BGR Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
FIELD field_5001 RGB Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
COMMENT The format stores RGB in little endian order, so it's BGR from the biggest to
COMMENT the smallest bits.
FIELD field_5002 LUMINANCE_ALPHA Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
COMMENT The format stores luminance and alpha in little endian order, so it's alpha then
COMMENT luminance from the biggest to the smallest bits.
FIELD field_5003 hasBlue Z
FIELD field_5004 hasGreen Z
FIELD field_5005 hasRed Z
FIELD field_5006 alphaChannelOffset I
FIELD field_5007 luminanceChannelOffset I
FIELD field_5006 alphaOffset I
FIELD field_5007 luminanceOffset I
FIELD field_5008 blueOffset I
FIELD field_5009 greenOffset I
FIELD field_5010 redOffset I
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;IIIZZZZZIIIIIZ)V
ARG 3 channels
ARG 3 channelCount
ARG 4 glFormat
ARG 5 hasRed
ARG 6 hasGreen
@ -210,34 +250,41 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage
METHOD method_35632 getRedOffset ()I
METHOD method_35633 getGreenOffset ()I
METHOD method_35634 getBlueOffset ()I
METHOD method_35635 getLuminanceChannelOffset ()I
METHOD method_35635 getLuminanceOffset ()I
METHOD method_35636 hasRedChannel ()Z
METHOD method_35637 hasGreenChannel ()Z
METHOD method_35638 hasBlueChannel ()Z
METHOD method_35639 getRedOrLuminanceOffset ()I
METHOD method_35640 getGreenOrLuminanceOffset ()I
METHOD method_35641 getBlueOrLuminanceOffset ()I
METHOD method_4329 hasAlphaChannel ()Z
METHOD method_4330 getOpacityOffset ()I
METHOD method_4332 getAlphaChannelOffset ()I
METHOD method_4333 getPixelDataFormat ()I
METHOD method_35639 getRedChannelOffset ()I
METHOD method_35640 getGreenChannelOffset ()I
METHOD method_35641 getBlueChannelOffset ()I
METHOD method_4329 hasAlpha ()Z
METHOD method_4330 getOpacityChannelOffset ()I
COMMENT @apiNote For luminance-alpha format, this would return the luminance offset
COMMENT than the alpha offset.
METHOD method_4332 getAlphaOffset ()I
METHOD method_4333 toGl ()I
METHOD method_4335 getChannelCount ()I
METHOD method_4336 getFormat (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
METHOD method_4336 fromGl (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1012;
ARG 0 glFormat
METHOD method_4337 hasOpacityChannel ()Z
METHOD method_4338 isWriteable ()Z
METHOD method_4339 setPackAlignment ()V
METHOD method_4340 setUnpackAlignment ()V
CLASS class_1013 GLFormat
FIELD field_5011 BGR Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1013;
FIELD field_5012 ABGR Lnet/minecraft/class_1011$class_1013;
FIELD field_5015 glConstant I
CLASS class_1013 InternalFormat
COMMENT Represents the internal formats sent to {@code glTexImage2D}, representing the
COMMENT number of color channels present in an image to prepare.
COMMENT @see <a href="">Base Internal Formats</a>
COMMENT @see com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.TextureUtil#prepareImage(InternalFormat, int, int, int, int)
FIELD field_5015 value I
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;II)V
ARG 3 glConstant
METHOD method_4341 getGlConstant ()I
ARG 3 value
METHOD method_4341 getValue ()I
CLASS class_1014 WriteCallback
FIELD field_5018 channel Ljava/nio/channels/WritableByteChannel;
FIELD field_5019 exception Ljava/io/IOException;
METHOD <init> (Ljava/nio/channels/WritableByteChannel;)V
ARG 1 channel
METHOD invoke (JJI)V
ARG 1 context
ARG 3 data