CLASS net/minecraft/class_3915 net/minecraft/screen/Property COMMENT An integer property that is stored in a {@link ScreenHandler}. COMMENT COMMENT

{@code Property} instances are used for tracking integer properties in property delegates COMMENT and other sources of integer properties, and sending needed content updates to listeners. COMMENT COMMENT @see ScreenHandler#addProperty FIELD field_17307 oldValue I METHOD method_17403 create ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3915; COMMENT Creates a new property that is not attached to any other objects. METHOD method_17404 set (I)V ARG 1 value METHOD method_17405 create (Lnet/minecraft/class_3913;I)Lnet/minecraft/class_3915; COMMENT Creates a new property that accesses the {@code index} of the {@code delegate}. ARG 0 delegate ARG 1 index METHOD method_17406 create ([II)Lnet/minecraft/class_3915; COMMENT Creates a new property that accesses the {@code index} of the {@code array}. ARG 0 array ARG 1 index METHOD method_17407 get ()I METHOD method_17408 hasChanged ()Z COMMENT Returns true if the value of this property has changed since the last call to {@code hasChanged()}. CLASS 3 FIELD field_17312 value I